Monday, November 2, 2020

The Calm Before the Storm; Pre-Election Happy Hour Monday; Media Night at North Beach Restaurant on Election No More; Item Item Items

Washington DC braces for post-election disorder threat - Business Insider

YES, a possible KNBR sale would include all its platforms and radio stations: KNBR AM and FM (104. 5 FM and its KNBR website) and while 50 Mill sounds high, it isn't --remembers, its business relationships and flagship affiliation with the 49ers and Giants.

*Part of that sale would have to involve KNBR spending the more than 2 bucks for a cell phone that doesn't sound like shit and EMBARRASS one of its guys like Duane Kuiper, show sounds like shit every time he talks to Brian Murphy and the teen-aged Grateful Dead jerkoff known as Paulie Mac.

*No, KCBS will not end up in the Tenderloin with their new offices in a month but I'll bet you a diet coke it won't be as cushy as 855 Battery and a lot less sexier than the Embarcaero media gulch.

*Downtown SF on Election Night was a destination place, especially North Beach Restaurant where Willie Brown and Ronn Owens used to sip gin and tonics and tell corny jokes about Mickey Luckoff's toupee. No more.

Now, Lorenzo Petroni is gone, the NB restaurant has lost its buzz and is basically boarded up. 2020 does suck.

*On the other hand, you can get a table in the back at Tadich but you have to really want it badly. I'd try just to score a loaf of the sourdough and butter to go.

*Speaking of KNBR, its celebrated 49ers' "Insider" was so inside that he (again) got scooped by (again) Adam Schefter of ESPN, who broke the news that Jimmy G and Geo Kittle were basically done for the season. 

*KGO's John Rothmann might literally get his wish to spend the night at the studio on Tuesday but there's no place he'd rather be, so, what the hell.

*If Biden wins Florida, it's a landslide and that includes Texas and Arizona. Your 415 Media political prediction.

*Herb Caen at John's Grill was something I'll never forget, circa 1992, Election Night. Pass the Vodka Tonic, neat.


  1. Tadich announced today they will not reopen as planned. Will wait. Not financially sound until restrictions are lifted.

  2. Does KNBR still own a piece of the Giants? That asset might be worth more than everything else combined.

  3. Why did KNBR miss the news on 10 and 85? They were too busy trying to figure out which Giants replays to air. Or could it have been that Greg Poopa was still lamenting over not traveling with the team.

  4. I loved Tadich.....really hoping for their return - even though my Tadich days were long ago.....

  5. Why will there be a protest when the media favor Joe Biden helping him to win? Let say if Biden wins, why will there be protest??? I bet the media already knows the truth and who will win covering up their losses.

  6. Sorry to disappoint, Rich, but Trump will win Texas, Arizona,
    AND Florida. Nevada, Minnesota, and Michigan are still in play,
    but the Pennsylvania result will determine the winner.

  7. Quick, somebody call Lee Hammer and have him pull Pat Thurston fro tonight’s election coverage on KGO. She doesn’t know when polls are closing, what cities are in what time zones or anything useful. Gil Gross just got on the air, and his expertise was obvious. Like how he broke down the different voting groups in Florida. Pat’s about as useful as pulling a homeless person off the street and giving her a microphone. KGO’s coverage tonight is definitely headed in the wrong direction. It’s not too professional either in that everybody is rooting for Biden. At least KCBS is pretending to be neutral, though that’s not easy for somebody like Doug Sovern who might as well be on the Democratic Party payroll. But other than him, KCBS’s coverage is professional and balanced.

  8. Tadich Grill is an old school racist dump.
