Monday, November 2, 2020

Cumulus Ponders Selling KNBR; ABC7's Lauren Martinez Viva Las Vegas

How to Sell Radio Advertising

CUMULUS has been teetering along the road of self-redemption --here at least with two once-legacy stations temporarily in tact: KGO and KNBR, among its best-known assets. One of them might soon be up for ante, like, FOR SALE.

Like, if you believe word on the street: KNBR.


Cumulus is floating, surviving, really, on millions and millions and million of debt; they, so the thinking goes, can off a all-sports radio station in the Bay Area and pay off some of that existing debt --KNBR allows them that opportunity, at least in theory.

KNBR could fetch about $50 million, mostly because of its rightsholder accounts, like the 49ers and SF Giants. Plus, by paying back some of its debt, Cumulus might be trying to play nice to the bankruptcy judge.

To which I say, DUDE!

*Lauren Martinez is heading away from KGO-TV- (ABC7) to Las Vegas; to the 2 of you that care, I hope you can get over this.

Lauren Martinez (@LMartinezNews) | Twitter


  1. $50 Million???
    The NFL is in a giant slump, and the Giants can in NO WAY save KNBR on it's own, no matter what the season is like. Gavin Nuscum has destroyed spectator sports in the BA.

    Some investor from China might offer them $15 million cash...the Koreans would only offer 10mil.

    Is the transmitter site big enough for an Amazon fulfillment warehouse?

    Hit me up...I know a few folks that might want the land.

    1. Or, Newsome's actions have helped California to be better off than much of the country (COVID cases on a pace to double every 5 months as opposed to the US average of every 2 months) by not allowing superspreader events.

      And as for "saving KNBR", the station is doing very well currently, no need for the Giants to save them.

    2. "Newsome's actions have helped California to be better off"

      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. This clown has done nothing but make life more expensive and a bigger pain the ass for tax paying citizens his entire career.

    3. 2:45 Did you read the whole paragraph? I was clearly talking specifically about COVID, and in that area, yes, California is better off currently than most of the country.

  2. Rich, even 50 mil would not Dent Cumulus Debt, which is in the low billions, Sports are also expensive to produce. Why not sell KGO 50K signal...Make a nice Religious or Foreign Language outlet. Also, It is an AM Station, which NO ONE seems to want these days.

  3. When did she ever wear a leather dress?!? I guess I should watch KGO more.

  4. Man, Rich, regarding Lauren Martinez leaving, I honestly don't know what I think about that. I think she would fit in at Las Vegas, since she is young, pretty, and of an ethnic diversity that would fit right in over there. However, that being said, I always have wondered what if anything, was wrong with her, because she is always leaning to her right side in pics, on air, etc. Even in the picture you posted, she is leaning to her right. It bugged me when I would see her on air, and although I do think she is pretty, her constant leaning to the side was annoying.

    1. That's why she is "leaving". This City leans a hard Left!!

  5. Hmmmm Would make a nice repeater station for KSCO!

  6. Who cares about Martinez, but I want to see Luz Pena gone, bad English and not too attractive.

    1. Her Voice!!! Oh man!!! Adios

    2. Another refugee from the Ming Sze reign of terror

  7. KNBR possible sale? That means both 680 and 1050 in a package deal or just 680 by itself? Interesting if KNBR goes for sale...Cumulus will get good top $$$ in return not $50 million
    tho but a good sizeable chunk of $$$

    1. You're forgetting the FM side, 104.5, which is worth the bulk of whatever Cumulus gets for the combo. 680 by itself is no longer worth much, and what it is worth comes from the sports format, the rights to the Giants and Niners, *and* the low-dial-position, 50,000 watt blowtorch. 1050 is worth a fraction of even that.

      If they think they're going to hold onto 104.5 and the sports format, while selling either or both of the AM's for anywhere close to $50 Mil, they are delusional. Here's a comp for anyone who cares: last year, the legendary 77 WABC in New York City, with a similar "clear channel" 50K watt signal in a market with three times the population of the Bay Area, sold for ... wait for it ... $13 Million. And the seller was ... Cumulus.

  8. Speaking of sports, Rich, how about an article on how ridiculous it is that KTVU every morning has guys from 95.7 The Game on air talking sports with Mike or Sal? Are the two stations owned by the same company or something? Seeing Ryan Covay on KTVU this morning came across as so bush league. Can't wait to see Damon Bruce's ugly face next week.

  9. Maybe James Gabbert will buy KNBR!!

  10. Does anyone care about KNBR 680/1050 and FM 104.9?

    1. "Anyone" cares about 104.9 if they appreciate classical music. (It's part of the KDFC "trimulcast".) 104.5 might be a different story; depands on whether you give a rat's petoot about mediocre sports radio.

  11. Here's hoping that whoever buys KNBR upgrades Kuiper's PlaySkool phone
