Thursday, October 29, 2020

Yes, KGO Radio is Vital But Needs a Lot of Reform; Thursday Open

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: The Old, Old, KGO Radio You Loved (and Still Do)


A common question I get:

"Why do you write about KGO {Radio} so much?" --Fair Question.

Because not so long go, KGO mattered. It was more than a mere radio station. As I've told people and written here, KGO was both dominant and the envy of the industry, locally and nationally.

Of course, KGO nowadays isn't another even remotely like that of the old KGO. Its a sliver of itself, but it's trying.

Pat Thurston is a must-listen during the day and John Rothmann at night brings back memories of a combo Art Finley and Jim Dunbar.

KGO, with an election of a lifetime coming up next week, is trying its best to become vital again. It has broadened its talk content, maybe not as talent-laden as I'd like, but it still is trying. That much, I can plug and agree with. It's good they try, but they have to step up and make it better. A lot better.


  1. WOW, what a lineup! You could turn the dial to KGO 810 any time day or night and find something interesting to listen to...even if you didn't agree.

  2. dont know art finley or jim dunbar but rothman has been incessentaly plugging his big election night program with pat thurston for months and months, in between plugging his radios, but why did cal mart drop him?

  3. As long as Medoro and Thompson are there, it's obvious KGO has no interest in improving.

  4. re--"unknown stuntmanOctober 30, 2020 at 12:05 AM"
    "in between plugging his radios, but why did Cal-Mart drop him"

    Look, Cal-Mart is a single medium side SF super-market. They can't be expected to continue to advertise 52 weeks a year. BTW, they are a quality supermarket. Not as cheap as Costco, but nearby and worth it for those who can pay a bit more to save time and to get quality.
    AS for the CCrane radios. They are still with Rothmann and are the top quality products on the market. Again, cost a bit more, but divide that "extra cost" by a thousand hours a year for ten years.
    I'll do it for you. You could probably get a lower quality radio for $100 less. Divide that by 10,000 hours over ten years.
    So you pay ONE CENT per hour more for the finest quality radio you can buy. (CCRadio 2E Enhanced AM/FM, NOAA Weather, 2-Meter Ham Band Portable Radio at $169).
    Rothman advertises quality stuff.
    Thank God he never allows his voice to be used to promote products that scam seniors... like the thousands of "Balance of Nature" testimonial ads for that fraudulent product... that fleeces seniors out of $70 a month for a daily 4.8 grams of so-called veggie and fruit powder. A total rip-off.
    Kudos for Rothmann sticking to quality products.

  5. Thanks, John for reaffirming your advertisers here with us. You make good points about the CCrane radio investment. I'm sure there is no place you'd rather be...

  6. Stop plugging/writing about terrestrial radio. That medium died a while back. Just ask that PD/Ops mgr. who died behind his desk at that station. He knew it all along!

  7. Pat Thurston has grown into a superstar in her own right. If I miss her shows (she's on when I work), then I look for her podcasts and download those.
