Pat Thurston (pictured) --KGO Radio M-F, Noon 3 PM) has made PG&E bashing part of her talk radio repertoire; thank goodness for all of us in the Bay Area because NO ONE, no one, has broadcast the kind of legit criticism that PG&E not only deserves but should receive every day, every moment, especially now in October when PG&E commits crimes and misdemeanors against its slaves, eh, customers.
If you live in hilly areas like I do (and Thurston does in Marin) then you're now accustomed to PG&E turning off power in homes to ward off wild fires. Only that's utter BS, total crap. Even in third-world countries they don't turn off the power when the wind howls. They don't because, for one, people would yell and scream, and two, there'd be a revolution. And a revolution would mess things up. I have a feeling.
But here in the tech-heavy Bay Area and US, we are now accustomed to power being cut off. It's pathetic. It has NO BASIS. It is an insult to the people that live here and expect their power to remain on even if the wind howls.
Apparently, PG&E didn't get the memo.
The bastards.
Which is why I commend Thurston for her calling out PG&E as she does. It is especially welcome here because no one else has the balls to rail on this PU monstrosity that continually screws us over and over. PGE (pricks grabbing everything) should be taken to task; its CEO should be jailed but I'm asking for too much, I know)
Thurston won't let go. Good. She's the only one who cares.
Here in West Sonoma County, off at 7:05 Sunday night and back on this morning (Tuesday) at 10:30.
ReplyDeleteStuff like this will keep occurring until the Legislature passes a bill to limit PG&E's liability from fires. Get used to it.
I totally agree with PG&E's position.
DeleteThat sounds like a rant from those two rubes in Sacramento, Armstrong and Getty
ReplyDeleteThe ultra liberal progressive I-know-whats-good-for-you scumbags you clowns keep electing are all in PG&E's pocket, so they can do as they please. Just learn to love it as much as you love paying 10+% sales tax and putting shitty 91 octane gas in your car...and you'll need a real car because you won't be able to charge your golf cart when the power gets cut off.
Delete2:05 I tried typing this earlier but the website wasn't taking comments. PUC bought and paid for by the only party that has led California the past 30+ years....
DeleteIt most certainly does have a "basis". We have above ground power lines. Winds and dry brush and trees are the perfect setting for fires to get out of control. You chose and Pat presumably chose to live in hilly areas where fires can run unimpeded. You can't on the one hand preach that global climate change is making the world more dangerous, and on the other pretend it isn't. Until and when powerlines are underground, this will continue. Imagine the expense of putting all powerlines underground.Are you willing to pay double or triple your electric power bills for the next ten years to make it stop?
ReplyDeleteBaloney...Ms. Craft
DeleteIf the governor had any balls they would stop frivolous projects such as the bullet train to nowhere.
Divert all that wasted money into utilities & infrastructure upgrades.
Lines underground...
Problem solved...
Thank the idiot gov. Brown for wasting your taxpayer dollars and his re-tread replacement dummy Newsom.
This PG&E problem has no date for correction and your idiot elected officials have NO plans to fix it.
Thank god Biden, Kamala and all of your friends in the Democratic party are banning gasoline powered cars soon. Oh boy, all of that reliable solar and wind will surely power all of our cars and homes and neverrrrr be turned off. Oh boy, I can't wait! *rolls eyes*
Delete> Thank god Biden, Kamala and all of your
Delete> friends in the Democratic party are
> banning gasoline powered cars soon.
I know! Of course electric cars need batteries, whose raw materials require extensive brutal mining of the earth, even more so than petroleum: A single electric car battery weighing one thousand pounds requires extracting and processing some *500,000 pounds* of materials. Averaged over a battery's life, each mile of driving an electric car “consumes” five pounds of earth. Then there's the trouble of disposing of all the lead and acid once the batteries—which must be changed out several times in the average life of a car—are toast. And of course the deterioration of the cars themselves are still impacting the environment. They're not made of green tea, after all. They're made of rubber, metal, paints, glass, and all sorts of chemicals, just like gasoline cars.
The whole enterprise is tailored for PR. It's the sort of thing that impresses liberals and Millennials who are passionate, but not very analytical or intellectual.
dear 7:24, so you believe that PG&E is responsible for the bullet train, do you?
DeleteYes hold PG&E responsible for lining their pockets, neglecting maintenance, and eventually going Scott free.
ReplyDeleteBUT, stop your cry baby ways about power PSPS's. I live in Boulder Creek, fire was stopped one and a half blocks from my home. At this time, PSPS is the only solution. I would rather suffer a little inconvenience rather than see mine or my neighbors houses burn.
Stop your whining
Where I'm at the power company is a for-profit like PGE, but unlike them the system is better maintained and the rates are on par of some of the city owned power like Santa Clara or Roseville.
ReplyDeletePG&E: Worst service, worst safety record, highest rates, highest paid, perked, and bonused executives, most spent on a failed ballot initiative to guarantee its monopoly status indefinitely, topped with costly feel-good advertising in areas it doesn't even serve. And huge monetary contributions to the very politicians who could hold it accountable.
ReplyDeleteI live in the rugged Sierra Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe where the power rarely if ever goes out, and certainly never due to the weather forecasts. Our winds reach 150 mph and occasionally true blizzard conditions. Lower electric rates here too with a much smaller customer base over which to spread fixed costs.
Incomprehensible why PG&E's abysmal performance and sketchy record are tolerated in the Bay Area.
> Incomprehensible why PG&E's abysmal performance
Delete> and sketchy record are tolerated in the Bay Area.
Bay Area residents are pushovers. They think they live in the best place on earth, and as such they put up with decaying infrastructure, horrible transportation systems, ridiculous crime, incompetent leaders, and scandals and spending fiascos galore (Jeff Adachi, subway to nowhere, Anne Kirkpatrick firing, Libby Schaaf mismanagement). They find it incredible that other people would want to live anywhere else, even though those people can buy four or five houses for what a bungalow in a sketchy neighborhood costs here. They've had their heads down admiring their overpriced Napa wine for so long they don't realize that so many places in the country now have great restaurants, diverse nightlife, excellent shopping and great neighborhoods. When my friends from elsewhere have visited, they were astonished...It's nicer where they're from, it's safer, its infrastructure is in better shape, the commutes are shorter, the people are less stressed, and all for 1/4 the costs of here. Unless you're in tech, the Bay Area is a shithole, and frankly, little by little the techs are uprooting and moving away too.
PGE went to pot when they did the deregulation thing. They tried up here in Nevada in 2018 but the measure failed. We do have a lot lower prices when PGE or even SMUD in Sack-A-Tomato.
DeleteIs this a gag? Greasy Gavin called for the black out.
ReplyDeleteAgreed 6:48 and 9:53 PMs--- Where else in the country does a 50 mph wind cause the power to be shut off. PG&E is disgusting and obviously is being rewarded with a bonus in their bankruptcy. Their safe delivery of power occurs only when they do not supply any!
ReplyDelete>>Their safe delivery of power occurs only when they do not supply any!<<
DeleteThe same could probably be said for their delivery of natural gas. Just ask the folks in San Bruno.
It's too bad the Lane County Electric didn't shut things down during a severe wind storm where I live in Oregon. A downed line burned the nearby town to the ground and destroyed 175,000 acres of forest. Better safe than sorry - but yeah, PGE sucks.