GARBAGE. Pure crap. An audio TRAVESTRY. And it gets worse. And worse.
I don't have to tell you how brutally terrible the Nikki Medoro morning train wreck is; every day less and less of you listen to this Melba Toast on the Titanic offering spouts --this morning was a topper as prime yenta, Medoro and her boring, doofus alleged sidekick, Bret Burkhart, spent an hour on, yet again, her kids Internet travails at school, as if another BORING acco8nt about her personal goings-on would be cause for interest.
It wasn't/isn't.
Medoros has now been corn-flaking on KGO Radio since March. She hasn't done anything original or creative. Her whiny voice, once potentially an asset, is now more irritable than a triple root canal. She has ZERO help. A producer? Hell no. He's more interested in crossword puzzles. An alleged newsman? Burkhart has a want for saying, "wow!" every two minutes and is about as appetizing as a week-old kumquat. Burkard gets paid by Cumulus to sound less interesting than a retarded canary. Wonderful, wait a minute, "wow."
Meanwhile, KGO's ratings, still flatlining, are better but not what they should be in an election year. More to the point, they SUCK in the all-important MORNING DRIVE. News rival, KCBS is KILLING KGO in the AM. Medoro has zero buzz, zero traction. Her Q rating is non-existent which means, outside of a few PTA mothers in Lodi, NO ONE LISTENS!
Medoro can't carry a show if her life depended on it--she needs HELP only KGO has no interest in helping her. Why should they--Medoro isn't interested. Her ego is bigger than the baggage terminal at SFO.
*SPEAKING of train wrecks, there is the DAILY DRIVEL that is "Foodie Chap", aka, Liam Mayclem, a pretentious, pedantic, middle-aged MORON that whores food issues on his KCBS platform in the interest of of getting FREE FOOD from desperate SF restaurants who should know better.
It would be OK if Food boy's reports were decent to listen to only Mayclem's whore shows have all the appeal of a one-legged, blind, Tenderloin hooker. It's REVOLTING and both DISGUSTING and MASS IRRITATING to listen to this PATHETIC nincompoop spout his TRIVIAL garbage day after day.
Yes, you got it, a TOTAL ABOMINATION.

A several years back The Foodie Chap was on Check Please Bay Area. He was the first up and he waxed on about his choice. The other gentleman did not like his restaurant. It was on from there. The Foodie Chap just got his panties in a bunch. So when the other guy introduced his spot good ole Liam had to get revenge. It was unbelievable. How this pretentious ass wipe gets a spot on any medis is beyond me