KGO Radio, I talk about KGO a lot. Why? I used to try to ask myself the same question. Just why, blogger, why? True, what a schmuck I am. Exult and raise your coffee cup but I digress.

I COULD WAX POETICALLY ….on and on and on, but I'll save you the hassle; besides which it's Monday Morning and it's early and I haven't had my coffee yet so I'll try to get to the point.
KGO is still in the wildness --after eight months of trying to reinvent itself, (and boy, how's; that working?Not so good) --, I have a suggestion and I think it would work. At the very least, I know it would shake things up and gees, do things need to be shaken up at the KGO corral--seriously now.
Gumby from 6 until 10 AM, but don't stop there. Gumby doesn't take a break at 10, Gumby is only getting started and gets even more charged up from 10 AM until noon. He's cranky and angry and he's got quite a bit on his mind but SCREAMS OUT! --Great Radio!
Gumby is a natural force. He brings passion and vigor to the plate. have you seen his mental fortitude, you stinking shmuck? Of course you have! He's quite the natural and even if he's a bit cynical and jaded, so fucking what? You want positivity and boring, listen to the Ronn Owen Report , you want reinforcement and gusto, I give you Gumby.
Gumby is instant energy. Gumby provides a wining atmosphere and environment that screams out winners. I WANT WINNERS! Gumby is a winner. Always has been and always will be; KGO needs winners.

Gumby brings in success and productivity--all important elements and guess what? It costs NOTHING! Something Cumulus will especially love and admire. Gumby doesn't have to be coddled and given constant bogues reinforcement --that would be totally fraudulent and phony. Gumby doesn't go there.
Sure, initially, there would probably be some egos to be checked. Although not on Gumby's watch. Gumby would work well and work passionate and compelling and give KGO the shot it needs.
Now, there are some hills to climb. Gumby is sort of old school and tends to be blatant. He will speak his mind and not be beholden to powers that be but that's OK and would be exciting for the audience. This is gonna be great!
I can't wait.
Apparently,Rich tested positive for...something.
ReplyDeleteDon't be a Blockhead.
ReplyDeletePutting aside how unfunny this take is I want to add that other than bashing the morning show you’ve claimed most of KGO is good. You claim Chip Franklin is good. You claim Pat is good. You claim Rothman is good. And yet the station is bad. Doesn’t add up. Maybe it’s all just really not very good?
ReplyDeleteYou are right, Rich has written several positive posts about Pat Thurston, and John Rothmann, those 2 are his favorite, and I agree they are the best. He have also written about Chip and how his show has improved, I like Chip, I often don't have time to listen when he is on, but I agree he is 3rd after John (my favorite) and Pat. I think Rich can only go so long without writing something negative, I have no problem with Rich being negative, but try to be consistent.
DeleteSomedays, the things you usually like just hit you the wrong way.
DeleteKGO has bad management that has no interest in bringing back "talk" radio. An exchange of ideas is no longer wanted. Only Thurston and Rothman take calls. Why is it so difficult to dump Chatter box Medoro and self absorbed shouting Thompson?
ReplyDeleteI usually have another station on the radio in the morning but somehow left it on KGO overnight. I woke to what's her name talking about her kids. I sure won't make that mistake again!
ReplyDeletewhen medoro seems to be stumped or out of topics, she always reverts back to some lame story about her kids or husband..
DeleteI think 4 hours for an early morning show for one host is a lot. She did fine with Chip Franklin. I know that Armstrong and Getty do 4 hours, but they are 2, and even so, when I use to listen to them I found 4 hours too much.
DeleteGumby doesn't have a great radio voice
ReplyDeleteI saw Nikki Medoro's picture on your blog. Don't they already have Gum-by?
ReplyDeleteHeh. Good one. I was gonna say her teeth and gums give her more of a Pokey look.
DeleteMaking fun of someone's looks is not cool. Critic her radio show that is fair. Do you care to post a picture of you. Are you a Robert Redford or Paul Newman, I have a feeling you are male. If not even more shame on you.
DeleteNikki and her old partner Chimp criticized and mocked people daily on their radio show. Turnabout is fair play.
DeleteMedero has kids
ReplyDeleteI'm Gumby Damn It!!!!
ReplyDeleteA big part of the problem with KGO 810 is that most people have abandoned radio to "connect" for the internet. I must say, the callers to Rothman's post-debate show probably would have never made it to the air 20 years ago. See also, sports talk radio.