Friday, October 2, 2020

Game Changer

Coronavirus: Trump's rift with White House health advisor Fauci widens as  cases hit new records

10: 06 PT,  Thursday Night...POTUS Donald Trump news from White House: Trump and First Lady have tested positive for Coronavirus --earlier in evening, news breaks aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive.


  1. Let us hope for the best. You hope for your best and I'll hope for mine.

  2. And you believe it?
    Do you really think we would be told if there really was a problem?
    national security say's NO WAY!

    Trump completly OWNS the nes cycly over the next 2 weeks while the world waits....and waits.

    How will the media "confirm" this story?
    They can't!
    It's the word of the White House vs the word of ???

    The RNC owns the media for the next 2 weeks. No matter what dems toss into the mix...the Trumop folks will "update".
    The world is now completely focused on the leader of the free world...while Hollywood stews and "celebrates".

    You just got played by the master.

  3. So if in your wet dream Trump dies...
    You get Pence...
    AND Trump's "dying wish" to confirm ACB before Trump is buried.


  4. I bet he's just making this that in a couple of weeks, he'll declare themselves "cured"--and say, "See? It's no big deal--it's just another flu!"

    He'll also attribute his "cure" to that damn drug manufactured by the company which he owns/has a lot of stock in.

  5. The positive diagnosis likely helps the President.
    1. It gains him and his wife sympathy.
    2. If Trump and Melania come out of this relatively unscathed, it simply reinforces his position: this is no big deal, there is no need to totally shut down our society and destroy our economy, and let's get back to enjoying our lives.

    1. 1. Some express sympathy, but many are expressing karmic justice.
      2. POTUS’ post infection reaction will determine the the public’s reaction to whatever position he takes. We’ll find out in November.

      Note: It’s now 12 hours since a Trump tweet broke this news. Not ONE tweet from POTUS since.

  6. So do they FINALLY believe it's NOT a hoax??

  7. The SCUS nominee came in close contact with Hope Hicks, the trumps, and Utah senator Mike Lee, who has just tested positive for covid-19.

  8. Trump just BF'd the media for next two weeks!LOL! Genius!

    1. I don't see how this is a win for Trump, he will not be able to campaign for at least 2 weeks. He is now in the hospital and there are no twitter's from him. Getting media attention because you and many your inner circle tests positive for covid 19 is not a plus, especially when you have been very nonchalant about same virus.

  9. Brian Williams of MSNBC stayed on past midnight EST and discussed the fact that Trump and his wife had the covid virus.

    In my opinion, Trump deserves this as he never wore a mask any where.....also, he is a liar about his income taxes...

    1. Masks do very little to protect you from other people's germs, they "help" to protect other people by capturing and containing your germs. A surgical team wears masks for the benefit of their patient, not the other way around. Didn't lying Brian explain this fundamental stuff?

      And you wonder why nobody want's to hear your opinions....

  10. In regards to Lester Holt not coming in. Technically Brian Williams is NBC's "Chief Anchor" so he is the go to for events like this. On ABC, they had their below average "World News Now" overnight anchors leading their special report. Would have been nice to see Muir or Stephanopoulos in early, but then again, who cares. CBS didn't even break in to a special report, which says a lot about the network. CNN had Lemon and Cooper with very good coverage; and props to Kaitlan Collins too.

  11. Am I overjoyed that our POTUS is in the hospital with Covid-19? No, I am not. Do I wish ill will or ill health on him? No I don't. Do I want to see him die? No, I don't. Do I think he has been a lousy president? Yes, I do. Did his administration drop the ball in regards to effectively dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic? Yes, I think they did. Do I want him to lose the November 3rd election? Yes, I do. Will our republic survive? In my opinion, yes it will.
    And if anyone reading this is offended by what I wrote, I don't know what to tell you. Sue me.
