Friday, October 30, 2020

Dat Dat Dat; Halloween 2020; This and That

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Year End Developments and Major Decisions  Affecting Bay Area Media; 2019 Ripe With Intrigue; 2020 Could Spell Doom  For TV/Radio Playors

THE NBC CUTS don't just affect the Sports Cable outlet but the O and O's too which is why in San Jose the NBC Bay Area folks are not having such a fun Halloween weekend...By the way, over/under on Halloween costumed news people showing the holiday spirit: as of now, 5. Take the over...I remember when Halloween was a live shot in the Castro --now, all the various SF pols tell everyone to stay away. Yeah, good luck --Halloween--1975 --I was 13 and the place to be? The Cow Palace. Hookers Ball and among the thousands? None other than SF Police chief, Charlie Gain. Herb Caen had a field day. The rank and file cops not so much..1975 sounds pretty damn good now as opposed to living terror, 2020. 45 years ago, wow, time travels and it sucks too. Jerry Ford was a pretty dang cool POTUS when you consider today's bizarre man; a WIN button beat a "I Voted" cartoon. Oh, and some man named Jimmy Carter entered the presidential fray. Carter: Good man. Mediocre president...A frightening Downtown SF: Ford attempted murder outside the St. Francis hotel and Sara Jane Moore the shooter...If what I hear is correct, a Covid-19 scare at a local TV station turned out to be OK because the woman who is a star reporter, had a false positive. That's our lives today: positives are scary, negatives are great..

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