Friday, October 30, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: ABC Hires Mental Health Workers To Take Care of Its O and O TV Station Staffers on Election Night if Trump Were To Win

How to cope with anxiety over the 2020 US election | Metro News

ABC STATIONS, including SF's own KGO-TV, have taken into the account the idea that there could be major unrest the night and day after the election come next Tuesday--how so?

I'VE LEARNED that the alphabet network is hiring mental health professionals for its staff who might be fraught with anxiety and pain after the results of the election come in- put more bluntly, if Trump were to win. That's not my policy, but Disney's way of looking to care for its staffers, most notably its Bay Area staffers at KGO-TV.

At first I thought this was funny but now, I don't think it's a joke. After all, the mouse cares.


  1. Can they also get help with Ming Sze bullying them into signing petitions?

  2. People are stark raving crazy...

    1. Well sure, something about the death knell for American democracy is upsetting to some, especially those who've actually read the constitution and know a grifter when they see one. What the hell could a shrink even say to help in that situation?

  3. Figures, just look at the Googl CEO last time Trump won, speaking to staffers.

  4. If Trump wins? That's optimistic.

    Thanks for being candid about the media bias though.

  5. From the Greatest Generation to the biggest bunch of useless pussies in less than 100 years. Might as well just give Russia and/or China the keys now...following this trend future generations will not be able to function outside of their safe spaces.

    1. Most registered Democrats need the help of mental health professionals so this is nothing new.

  6. 3:28..... Couldn't agree more....I'm sure mommy will wipe their noses

    1. Adding on to this, I agree as well. Grow up and be an adult for sake.

    2. 3:28...Here, here. In the words of the Stones, "You can't always get what you want." I can see them asking, "Wait? A magazine sings songs?"

  7. It's gonna snow on Tuesday night in the bay area...snow real hard.
    Grow the eff up KGO!

  8. ABC7 is Building a Better Bay Area....that's why THEY need a SHRINK. They think they are such personalities, they're FAKE. They need to watch David Muir. David is a pro and he isn't "Building a Better Bay Area". They need to just read the news and quit being La La's.

  9. Of course, China!!! Glad Mulan bomb to the sink hole around the world.

  10. Is that guy on the right "the big guy"? Better give him his 10%!

  11. Is this the same ABC who lets Trixie run unchecked over workers, causing one to have a stroke, all the while supporting her for tactics that make Trump look like a pussy? What hypocrites.

  12. I wonder if they'll set aside a room filled with puppy videos and Play Do for those snowflakes who can't handle a Trump victory. Seriously, that's what Oberlin College did when Christina Hoff Sommers came to give a speech that wasn't "woke".

    1. "Play Do"?? Clearly you didn't go to Oberlin.

  13. Day after the election, Conservatives will get up and go to work regardless of outcome. Biden loses, whimp liberal socialists will continue to burn and destroy shit.Dunb shits
    are handing Trump the election with all of the violence in useless DEM run cities. LOL!

    Get a job you pussies and actually work like everyone else! The world doesn't owe you shit!

  14. This is a smart idea. You'll recall that Martha Raddatz started crying on camera on Election Night in 2016. Diane Sawyer was drunk on Election Night 2012 and was pulled off the air because she was slurring her words. Elections are emotional times for Democrat operations like ABC, so it's smart that the bosses are preparing for emotional breakdowns.

  15. Can't wait to see the lib media meltdown.

  16. 11/4. Wood chippers will be hard to find for ANTIFA/BLM.
    It's hunting season.
