Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Pictures Speak Louder Than Words

Kristen Sze - I got into the fun on our segment today on... | Facebook


  1. Man, Rich! Keep 'em coming! Go get 'em, Rich! LOVE IT!

  2. I see that everywhere in the Cupertino area.

  3. Rich you complain about talk show host that are superficial and not deep enough. Although you write some very and serious blogs, you could be accused of same, when you constantly write about women's clothing, hair styles, etc. Won't even say that it is sexist, but I don't see the same attention paid men's clothing, hair, or lack thereof from you.

  4. ...what, Asian girl hairstyles? I'm all for that, ANYTHING with Asian broadcasters ... I'll have to ask VDLC if she's submit .. (to me, and...) to having her hairstyle done on camera...

  5. A bitch who never invite and unwelcome her news crew to set up cameras inside her home.

  6. In the Circle Seven main studio, all the anchors see BOTH program AND preview monitors. This is so the anchors can adjust their appearances in the preview monitor when not on program(am I losing anybody here?) ALL the anchors preen themselves in preview pretty much constantly, it’s an obsession. It’s not only Kristen.

    1. Your a person reading lines on a teleprompter. Its not a fashion show. How many of the guys do you see preen?
