Thursday, September 24, 2020

KGO's Rothmann Too Optimistic; CNN Fucks with Real Breaking News; KRON has a New Set but still KRON; Thursday Coffee

West Portal classic Manor Coffee Shop is being sold - Inside Scoop SF

DON'T GET ME WRONG, I ENJOY KGO political talk host, John Rothmann, you read me, you know.

But I'm at odds with him over the latest Trump news--his telling us he's not gonna concede the 2020 election results --he is hellbent on polluting the entire election no matter what. Unless he wins and then all is well.

For months now, I told Rothmann this is a scary proposition. That the night of Nov. 3 promises to be an anxious night and morning. Bill Maher on HBO said flat out "what if Trump doesn't leave the White House if he loses?" And if he doesn't concede if he loses, even via a landslide, a real possibility.

Rothmann thinks everything will be OK and points to the Electoral College as a guiding force. "Once they meet on December 16 and vote (assuming he's lost) that is it." Hold it, John, this is 2020. Rothmann is assuming this is a natural, civilized transition. We all know Trump is a different animal.

Do we call in the military? You think I'm nuts. Nothing is that crazy in this year. Or don't you already know.

*Supposedly, Larry Ellison listens quite a bit to KCSM, the jazz radio oasis that lives on public donations so I ask Larry to quietly give 600 grand to the station which would buy them a year and make all our lives, jazz lovers too, much easier.

*Duane Kuiper sounds so bored and angry which making a million bucks I know, Kuip, it's a rough life.

*CNN marginalizes real "Breaking News" with its shameless, Breaking News sounders every five minutes. Even a liberal like me can't condone this abject failure.

*Wolf Blitzer: a young-looking Henry Kissinger.

*ABC7 female weather guesser: I can just imagine if I wrote anything bad about you.

*KRON could place gold toilets in the building and have diamond-studded monitors, they're still KRON and that's the problem; no new set will change anything.

*Still, NO sighting of PIX's Veronica De La Cruz which means the buyout offer suddenly got a little smaller.

*I really did like KCBS' James Taylor until Taylor had an ego rush and thought the world revolves around him. 

*Greg Papa and John Lund: when the shit hit the fan. Literally.


  1. If I had to shovel that brain-washing dribble the Giants want their voices to shrill, I'd be bored too. Also, baseball is boring. Games that should last about two-and-a-half hours go for three hours. Endless commercials. Pitchers who take their sweet time on the mound. I'll watch "Dancing With the Stars" before I watch a baseball game.

  2. Rothmann doesn't understand how the Electoral College works. Trump can and supposedly behind the scenes *is* trying to replace the electors in many contentious states to people who will vote for him no matter who wins the popular vote. He has the people to do it, and I wouldn't put it past him, even though it's a coup in all but name.

    1. Rothman fully understands how the electoral college works. Get a grip.

  3. Calling in the military to physically extract Trump and company from the White House on Live primetime TV would net yuuuuge ratings.

  4. > Do we call in the military? You think I'm nuts.
    > Nothing is that crazy in this year. Or don't
    > you already know.

    Trump would likely try to control the military to his own ends. It's an interesting wild card: on the one hand the military typically sides with a conservative president, although they should be apolitical and will claim they are. (They'll find a bullshit way to rationalize the fact that they're doing Trump's bidding if they do.) On the other hand, Trump has gone out of his way to alienate this military. Will be interesting to see how they lean.

  5. John Rothmann knows precisely how the electoral college works. The fear here is that donnie refuses to go and triggers a SCUS review of mail in ballots which he claims wrongly are sent out in the millions "to just anybody"...In most states they are sent out to those who apply. IN California and a few other states, they are sent out only to registered voters. With the demise of RBG, and the installation of the handmaiden, Ms. Barret who believes pimping religion is the proper role of judges and that hubbies are the deciders( does he tell her how to rule?), you'd have a immutable right wing court, in debt to Donnie.If you thought Bush v.Gore was bad, this could spell the end of democracy. Donnie doesn't want you to vote by mail because the russkies can only flip votes on voting machines at polling places. Today when FLOTITS and Donnie, both masked, fearing the contagion of the dead,no doubt, the crowd honoring RBG spoke for her, with massive jeers and "vote him outs". He claimed he didn't hear it. Adderall negatively affects hearing. You have great reason to be alarmed.

    1. Oh please. The kool aid is strong with this one.

      I think I'll go have a good cry over Justice Scalia real fast.

    2. "Today when FLOTITS and Donnie...the crowd honoring RBG spoke for her, with massive jeers and "vote him outs". He claimed he didn't hear it."

      Oh, he surely heard it, evidenced by the pain in his furrowed brow the moment the jeers began.

  6. No one asks Joe Biden if he'll accept the results. Hillary she hasn't accepted the 2016 results!

    1. No one needs to ask Biden an absurd question like that, only a crazy person like Trump would threaten this.

    2. 3:54 WTF are you talking about? Hillary conceded the election on Election Eve...and has moved on. It's your beloved republiKKKan party that still can't quite let go of its favorite "Whipping Gal." Honestly--I'm a liberal, and I've moved on from Hillary. She is a non-player in today's (meaning, 2020) Democrat party. But for some reason, the republiKKKan party still operates as if she is a threat...a "player."

      Let it go, republiKKKans....let it go. Us Liberals have let it go.

    3. You are so right. Jus listen to Hannity, he just cannot let it go. It is possible Hilary has regrets, it is possible she feels it was unfair, but she conceded. Now republican's love to say that she said Biden shouldn't concede. I think was she actually said was do not concede until we know the results, or counting the ballots is accurate. However, with Trump complaining everyday the election is rigged, many of his supporter thinks if he does not win it is an rigged election.

    4. @2:28 Rich always posts this jackasses comments but censors 50% of the good ones. Joke.

    5. @2:28 is a perfect example of an ignorant liberal. Who started the KKK he likes to throw around in every comment?

      *checks notes*...oh that's right...Democrats.

      Learn a little history. You'll look less like a jackass...fitting symbol for your party now that I think about it.

    6. You are the jack ass. The democrats that started the KKK is not the same democrats of today. Just as the Lincoln republicans or even the Eisenhower republicans are not the same, could say the same of Reagan republicans. The south became democratic because the Lincoln freed the slaves, which the south was against. However, then when Lyndon Johnson passed the voting rights bill, the south turned republican. You are the one that needs to read up on history.

  7. Kuiper "bored and angry"? I get the distinct feeling he knows how lucky he is and doesn't look to goose his natural delivery up for the's normally a very long season, how would he sustain some ginned-up affect? SEE: Tim Ryan and the 49ers

    Look, I'm no Kuip stan but the guy is from rural Wisconsin where slight curmudgeonaility is the norm (I lived there for four years that felt like ten) has always been laid back in his delivery, so maybe I get the "bored" part even if I disagree, but "angry"?

    ...and I must say, reading this blog and you calling someone "angry"? Oh brother

  8. Sorry, Rich. You are not a wealth of political knowledge. Far from it. Just opinion. I know you, as all of us, have our opinions but they are just that, opinions. Stop with your predictions as they have no base in facts. Stick with your opinions on the bay area media which you know about. Not politics.

  9. Is PIX's Veronica De La Cruz single? Three years ago I saw her profile on Bumble. She has a great rack! Anybody know her type?

    1. Her type = $$$$$

      Rich, someone needs to tell James Taylor to tone it down. With these "Zoom" appearances, especially ever since the riots, etc., he sounds like an angry dude yelling his lungs out in the middle of the ghetto!!

    2. Veronica has sex appeal. I am employeed at Google, earn approx $250k per year, Asian-American male. With this pedigree do I stand a chance with Veronica De la Cruz??

    3. @933 no chance, 250k salary is poverty for VDLC. Also White men only, no Asian. Better have executive job title too.

    4. @10:21 AM I heard she once dated Asian man, he drove leased Honda.

    5. Can't believe there are men out there who want to chase her...SMH. Have you never heard the old saying, "Never stick your dick in crazy?"

  10. I'd rather have a root canal than watch any dance show, including DWTS. Having no fans allowed at games doesn't help baseball this season.

  11. "KRON could place gold toilets in the building...they're still KRON and that's the problem"

    Their relentless COVID fear-mongering is cringeworthy. While other local stations offer great variety, KRON spends most of its time engaged in COVID hysteria, replete with death counts and horror stories dominating every newscast.

  12. "Death counts and horror stories"?? Seriously? Did you think death was a breeze? Should you acquire a serious case of covid, you'll have a vent shoved down your throat. You'll be flipped on your tum tum so that your beleaguered lungs can better fill. Your ass will be exposed for all to see, as a nurse literally glues a plastic bag on your anus to capture the copious amounts of tainted diarrhea exiting thereof. You won't be able to see the tv. Current death stats for US? 203,000 dead Americans, 24,000 more predicted by thanksgiving.

  13. @10:54
    Spare us your daft ravings.
