Friday, August 21, 2020

Fox News' Pundit Chris Wallace Tells It Like It Is on Joe Biden Speech Without Grandstanding Bullshit; Like Father, Like Son

THE CONSENSUS --and that includes responsible, legitimate news media spanning newspapers, networks, cable and even the Internet, have concluded that Joe Biden hit it out of the park

Notable, but not so much in this corner, Chris Wallace of Fox News, said Biden's address (and it was more an address, not a traditional speech) was forceful and effective. More than that, Wallace even suggested that Biden was able to mock Donald Trump.

HuffPost on Flipboard: Fox News' Chris Wallace Explains Why ...

Really? Fox News? And Chris Wallace? Yes, yes, and yes.

Wallace is the antitheses of Fox News Channel. Meaning, Wallace, like his father, doesn't toe the company line and is as independent as all get go. Sure, he's generally conservative on the political domain but he's also an objective thinker that doesn't cater to ultra right-wing talking points, day after day.

Like this guy. But even this guy is beginning to distance himself from crazy guy Donald Trump.

As much a GOP media conduit Fox News is, it's remarkably objective on various political stories and figures. Which is most evident from its pundits like Wallace and most recently,  Shepard Smith, who left the network to join CNBC.

It's refreshing to watch Wallace talk; not because I agree with his non-FNC takes; more because I eel like he's being straight-forward and level-headed. It's called being real and honest and Wallace doesn't go ass-kisser mode because he has to; he's simply calling it dead on, as others have.

Either way, I'm on board the Chris Wallace train.

FBI releases files on late "60 Minutes" correspondent Mike Wallace ...


  1. If you eel that must be quite electrifying. Shocking even.

  2. Stark contrast to pretty much every anchor on CNN and MSNBC. Toe the company line. Bias all day, every day.

  3. Rich, your observations of Wallace conversely indict the overwhelming leftist bias of monopoly media. There are few real journalists left. Fake news rules.

    1. Media has gotten so good at pandering, they rival politicians.

  4. Chris Wallace is not objective at all. He really goes after anybody that is not left of center. I think he is auditioning for a job at CNN or MSNBC. Not a guy to watch if you want to hear both sides of a story.

    1. What a load of shit. Outside of Neil Cavuto and sometimes Bret Baer, Wallace is the only person on FOX who makes any sense. The rest of them at that network are nothing more than mouthpieces for Trump and / or the GOP.

    2. Like Father like son? You're kidding right? Mike would never let his bias (if any) show, he's the last of the "real and honest" journalists.. chris shows his bias toward the right every chance he gets, Cnn calling chris....

    3. Geez, quit cryin' like a little bitch, 11:53. You have your beloved foKKKs news spewing out right-wing propaganda.

    4. Fox News Sunday is the only Fox program that I watch. Except when there is special news like this past week. My curiosity of Fox is to what spin will they put on the news. I appreciate Fox News Sunday when Juan Williams is a part of the panel. That being said; I enjoy CNN and MSNBC as my daily cable news programs. Trump is an obvious big time liar and Fox will not call time out. Wallace doesn't take Trump's bull to be gospel as the other Fox host do. Wallace has a long future at Fox.

    5. During the Obama years, Wallace blasted Obama as much as he now blasts Trump. Perhaps more.

  5. 11:53 AM - you're ridiculous, are you one of the idiots who sent money to Bannon?

  6. Spot on, Rich. I adored Mike all these years (I'm a few years older than Rick so..) and he was The Man. Period. Chris is credible, with both the left and the right, and the middle and the ... you get my point, you dull-sensed GOP rabbits ...

  7. I believe Rich has hit on the only possible explanation for the enormous surprise among the Democrats at the results of the last Presidential election: the main-stream media is completely out of touch with the American people.

  8. Chris is one of the few honest people on Fox or CNN. He does not brown nose like many of the others do. His interview of Trump pulled no punches. I'd also like to see Chris interview Joe Biden.

  9. Agree that Chris is the best on Fox, however during his Trump interview he never asked the President about the Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan. His father Mike would have skewered Trump and roasted him.

    Jonathan Swan’s Axios interview of Trump while different in tone is more in the confrontational style of Mike Wallace. He peeled back Trump’s veneer to expose the crackpot that this President is.

  10. The Mike Wallace documentary is a must watch.
