Monday, August 31, 2020

Down to the Wire for VDLC and KPIX --UPDATE: Officially De La Cruz: MIA

Veronica De La Cruz Named Co-Anchor For KPIX 5 News – CBS San Francisco


SHE (Veronica De La Cruz) is absent from work, KPIX. The lead anchor, at least one of them; they paid her (CBS did) good money to migrate from NY to 855 Battery and her presence didn't do much to move the needle.

Her latest act of drama is medical -related but because she's been so out of whack with enough issues to satisfy a Nancy Drew mystery addict, her goodwill no longer is accepted, mostly from staff but more importantly, in Veronica's case, the bosses.

This is getting serious now.

*UPDATE --12: 39 PM PT...

I'm told by a few higher-ups she's (De La Cruz) MIA --a semi AWOL (they contend) --she's been using the hippa ( privacy, medical) law for protection --that would be a reasonable excuse under most circumstances but remember, we're dealing with a woman who has had these various "issues" more than a handful of times and has worn out all goodwill. Which sucks, because if she's having a legitimate medical/emotional ailment, then all this speculation would be brutal, on both ends, but especially hers.

De La Cruz has now missed almost a month. No matter a positive outcome, and that's less likely by the day, her status at KPIX seems to be more murkier. They could make matters easier if they (CBS) just gave her a bye-bye check and told her nice to meet you, see you later. But that would cost a lot. They may make it hard on her. As always, I'm watching.


  1. how much longer is her contract, Rich?

  2. In other words, nothing new to report.

    Very KCBS.

  3. Can they just let the contract run out and be done with it?

    How much longer left on that contract?

    Are you not allowed to just let people go?

    1. Buy out her contract and move on!!

    2. > Are you not allowed to just let people go?

      Not when they're people of color. They get lawyers and file lawsuits that, if you were white and filed them, would be laughed out of the courts. PoC Privilege.

  4. The 2nd Natasha except she did fell and I bet VDLC is using her son and bad love relationship causing her to have PTSD, woman issues, anger management, drinking, smoking blah blah blah as any reasonable excuse to get her off the hook. Just hired a private investigator or report her as a missing person case, go to her home late night and see any VDLC including man dress or partial undress, then it proves one thing and please bring other reporters as well.

    1. 2:02 PM?? I would solve, INSTANTANIOUSLY resolve her "bad love relationship" problem. Veronica, BABEE??? Come to Sacramento, for you shall want for NOTHING and be adored forever ...

  5. What a train wreck of a story she has been. And it looks like her career is now in the category of "has been."

    1. No. She's exotic, a "P of C." She'll get work.

  6. Cut her a large check as a buyout. Just do it and end the problem. A drama queen is bad for morale and management knows it. The sooner done the better. Then move on.

  7. Perhaps she's got the "goods" on some KPIX (or CBS) executive, that's always good amunition to have in any employment squabble. Maybe the executive is married, or maybe not (or maybe not for long).The threat of exposure of an executive could give VDLC a lot of time. I'm not saying that's the case, I'm saying I wouldn't be surprised, VDLC is not dumb.

    1. You better believe she is not dumb! She is going to play this out for as long as she can. Given HIPPA she can milk the cow for a very long time. As i have mentioned before, change her role in the newsroom. Give her the worst shifts, relegate her to a desk job or do field reporting North Korea.

    2. It may be in her contract that she abhors anchors the 5pm news.

  8. Wanna bet the person they hire to replace her will also be Latina? You can't get a job as a Bay Area reporter today unless you're "Latinx."

    1. She's Asian you idiot.

    2. Half Jewish and half flipino chinese

      She looks 100% Asian mother side

  9. Me thinks Martin told PIX management he has had enough of VDLC, which would make it an 0-for-2 in Allen's case, adding to what RL has stated over and over and the facial language is clear, that Martin is no fan of Cook. Meanwhile, Cook doesn't mind the extra newscasts.
    When your most supportive colleague runs out of patience, you know you're in trouble. VDLC is fortunate to have the HIPPA.

  10. I also wonder when exactly, her contract is up, and so they can just say, sorry, we aren't renewing your contract. Case closed. But regarding VDLC, no matter about HIPAA rules, she should at least have the courtesy to contact her employer and tell them what is going on. I have never heard of something like this, where someone can be gone for a month, and not tell anyone where she works what is going on. Crazy! VDLC is pretty much ruining her career. Employers nowadays check social media, etc, and when they search for her, they will see all this crap she has been doing. She is done.

    1. Can't one of these brain doctors just contact her agent?

      She say's publicly she suffers from PTSD, broken heart and all kinds of other crap.

      Send her to Manilla...and the internet cafe she came from.

  11. I always thought VDC was Filipino or Mixed Filipino.

    1. who cares what she is or isnt.... she's just a plain old train wreck 2.0

  12. And yet all the stations keep falling all over themselves to hire minorities...

    1. @11:06 AM - What does being a minority have to do with it!?? She happens to be a minority but she's a mess all by her own doing not because she's a minority, you stupid idiot!

  13. VDLC is in control. Why else is she still employed?

  14. asian broads are all crazy
