Thursday, June 18, 2020

KGO Radio Under-Performance in 2020; The Morning Needs Tweaking; 415 Media Playbook

Sky Racing - The Playbook Catch Up


To wit, the KGO numbers Not a really good May, but more ominously, a gut-wrenching trend. And not a very good trend at that, which is puzzling because even though KGO has been battling not-so-spectacular numbers of late, they should be a helluva lot better then their current trajectory.

My theory is simple: among other things which I'll get to in a second, KGO should be performing far more superior, especially in an election year and especially now when the country is caught up in a life-altering pandemic that has been on the nation's people radar for the better part of six months now. It's a situation now that is red herring for talk-show radio and KGO is in the middle of the action, (so to speak)

So why is KGO struggling? They shouldn't be. They should be striving and while they are top-to-bottom a whole lot better than KGO of years past (but of course not the pre, 2011 version) KGO should be in relative paradise in terrestrial radio because the times dictate as such but it's simply not the case and that's puzzling.

I offer reasons.

KGO, for one, has a under-performing morning show. Try as she might, Nikki Medoro is not the answer from 6-10 AM. It's drive time that deserves a strong awakening and so far, Medoros has been asleep at the wheel. I would have loved for her to take off but she hasn't. Hasn't by any means. True, her new show launched just last March, but it has lacked any strong identity and it has lacked in a direction. Her ability to attract an audience hasn't met the threshold. It's not even a matter of opinion, it's the  facts. She can't deliver any key demo and that hurts not only her, but KGO too because she's not a strong lead-in.

Mark Thompson has been a total disaster. He's all over the map and he's been, so far, a total dud, not only substance wise, but ratings wise. His style of show? I can't stand it but for real strength of ID, Thompson has yet to deliver on numbers and that's the only thing that counts. If Thompson were to gauge his lack of presence then he'd make changes --try to reshuffle the deck but his ego won't allow. He can't tweak a spec if his life depended on it. So you have an ongoing Titanic.

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Rating the KGO Radio Hosts on ...
Left to right: Mark Thompson, Pat Thurston and John Rothmann
I don't have access (most of the time) to the real, tangent hourly breakdowns that are the life and essence of radio; it's what the advertisers use to buy time and right now, advertising is down on all of broadcasting, including radio and most notably, local TV News. I do know trends though.

KGO is hampered by a lack of drive in the morning. Its shows are under-performing and they more or less, bring down the rest of the day. While a Pat Thurston and/or a John Rothmann have dlivered a fairy decent performance --Thurston, midday, Rothmann at night--talk-radio, all radio for that matter makes its money in the drive times and even though Chip Franklin is strong from 3-6 PM, he isn't able to help KGO's overall performance.

I HAVE CONFIDENCE in KGO--its managers and big suits to get where they have to be and make sure the ship iss off the rocks and headed through to the right direction. They need to look at the morning and they need to do so immediately.


  1. I know I am not the norm here as I get my news and weather on the internet and have not heard of most of these people.Since working at home since Covid, I do watch some local news with wife before she goes to work and find it pretty mundane. When I was driving to work and back home I would listen to the Game but with no sports why even bother to listen them at home.

  2. I felt you were too hard on Niki, but now I'm not so sure. She does say "you know" an awful lot. However, what really got me was the other morning when she was discussing the shooting by police in Atlanta, and she suggested the police called a cab, to take the drunk guy home!! I think the shooting was unjustified, and am glad the officers are being charged, but it is not up to the police to call a cab for someone over the limit. Kim McAllister agreed and her and Nike bantered back and forth for a few minutes. I agreed with Kim, I feel there are friction between Niki and Kim, I like Kim, perhaps she should have her own show??

    1. Whenever I hear Nikki or Chimp Franklin on KGO I'm reminded of Les Nessman at the old WKRP in Cincinnati.

  3. Once again, news people should NOT move into editorializing as a talk show host. Except for Pete (RIP).
    But the point about Nikki overly saying "you know" is spot on. It demonstrates her shear lack of polish and ability. She has no real credibility. Now, I know it is wrong to be inconsistent, because I know other talk show hosts do the same but give it a break about the husband and the kids. Just something about the way she does is is really a turn off. Annoying. She has a whiny voice to begin with. Not enough substance and the bantering with the "news sidekick" either Bret or Kim is just wrong.

    1. one time she started talking about her kids poop or something when they didnt flush the toilet..what an airhead, tries to be edgy, her voice is almost as bad as heather the penguin with her useless traffic reports

    2. Other annoying phrases used too frequently by Nikki Medoro: "Exactly" and "I get it". Not drive-time major market material.

    3. "Except for Pete"?? There are no exceptions. Pete, he of the contrived, endless audible sigh, doesn't get a pass, even though he has passed, strangly terrified in advance of a routine hip replacement surgery, where his heart failed. You can do both news and opinion in your lifetime, just not at the same time.

  4. coldhandswarmheartJune 19, 2020 at 1:59 AM

    KGO Radio is owned by the dreaded Cumulus Media which history has shown recovering from bankruptcy protection, debt reduction and wage cuts. Bottom line is they can't/won't afford quality talent and it shows!!! Expect KGO Radio and other Cumulus stations to be in ratings sh*tter from now on.

  5. wonder if they have given any thought to putting on rothman on in the morning and his usual evening shift or he could do part of it from cal mart....he lives at the station, and has openly pined he could do 12-16 hour shows if they let him..all kidding aside, niki medoro deserves to gripe and complain about her kids and husband all day on the air

  6. The answer is simple. But, you will hate it. Do news 6-9. Owens 9-12, news, Thurston, 1-4, news, rothman, 7-10, Chip, 10-1. Then put on the idiot Trumper, conspiracy nut for the night.

    1. I like Thurston at 1-4pm. Her audience, the unemployed and public sector workers who aren't accountable, could call in w/o any problem during that time period. God knows, productive (translation: those paying taxes) private folks won't have the time. Perfect fit, Pat T from 1-4pm

  7. Maybe KGO's lefty point of view is no longer selling.

    1. There are enough liberals, (I disliked the term lefty) that it should. Certainly if you don't want the liberal point of view, in case you don't know, here are a few host to listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Armstrong and Getty (who I kind of like at times) Michael Savage, or Tom Sullivan, who I actually like a lot. There really is no reason you should torture yourself listening to a left point of view, there are plenty of right wing host, but please let us liberals at least have a few hosts we can listen to that we agree with.

    2. A&G were far better in the morning compared to Nikki Medoro. And they provided a little balance to all the others who are Left wing. Nikki Medoro and her constant whining are not good for the morning drive. A&G were happy to leave that sinking ship.

  8. They never should have moved A&G, it provided balance. Nikki comes off as a whiner. Since KSFO goes to Rush at 9, I don't listen to KSFO at all, I stream KSTE (Sacto). Regarding Mark Thompson, if I wanted a Game Show Host at 10am I'd watch The Price is Right. Pat and John ... constant Trump bashing is tiresome. Chippy is a complete idiot and his stuttering style is grating. A&G mentioned an unnamed talk show host they could not stand who switched politically 180 degrees once he switched markets, must be Chippy when he moved here from SD.

    1. Sometimes people have a revelation, Chip himself has talked about it, I don't like second guessing someone when they say they have changed their mind. I take them at their word, I have changed my mind about issues as I got older, it happens. I agree the Mark Thompson show is not great, but it is not bad, certainly I prefer him to Rush Limbaugh preaching. He seems like a nice guy, and he does have some good interviews. Besides there is not much else on at that time of the day.

  9. Mark Thompson, Pat Thurston and John Rothmann.
    Three White hosts.
    No hosts of color.
    The KGO way.

    1. For years and years and years, KGO had two black hosts, Ray T and Brian C. I know Ray had great overnight numbers, but did Brian C ever up the charts? Do we know? Doesn't look like any of these current folks are doing very well. KGO in a few months has gone from 1.8, to 1.5, to 1.3.

    2. Find a qualified host of color that would draw an audience and then we can talk.

      Nice attempt at trolling tho.

    3. You're right, they should put Copeland back on even though he sucks just for the sake of having a black guy. Idiot.

    4. 11:58 says "Ray had great overnight numbers" ... Really, how would you know? Nielsen (formerly Aribtron) didn't do overnight numbers during his era.

      Taliaferro had one purpose for KGO and only one purpose: To keep the FCC and the EEO cops off of management's back. Mickey Luckoff and ABC Cap Cities didn't care what Ray's ratings were. They wanted him on the schedule so they could tell the FCC that 21% of their weekday on-air shifts were held down by a black person. In a market like SF, where you constantly face license challenges, Ray was solid gold. It didn't matter that his show sucked and never attracted any advertising. That wasn't the point. He was their insurance policy.

    5. I know, because they were posted in the lunch room at 900 Front Street.

  10. Copeland wasn’t a host he was a joke!

    1. I liked Copeland..was sorry ti see him go. Knowledgeable, funny, entertaining, good with callers, including ignorant callers,

  11. Not to worry, with all the White guilt going around, in a short period of time all will change.
