Saturday, May 2, 2020

Scrambled Eggs Saturday; Lee Hammer Props; Insufferable Gil Gross; Your 'Pal', Ronn Owens; KGO Recipes

Lee Hammer Takes KGO/KSFO PD Reins, Swanson To Consult. | Story ...
Lee Hammer says yes


Lee Hammer is the single person behind the KGO Radio renaissance --both its weekday line-up and weekend live affair.

It's Hammer, despite internal pressure from Cumulus suits, that has pushed for the installment of live programming on Saturday and Sunday --programming centered on the Coronavirus pandemic and justifiably so. KGO doesn't make any money, in reality, on the programs, but they register on the Bay Area news domain because being a news-talk giant, allows callers to vent and talk it out.

Hammer, who just celebrated his 40th year in broadcasting (as a reporter, news and sports, and management too) could have just left the proceedings as is and wandered into the sunset but it was he that worked Cumulus to take on the expense(s) of getting John Rothmann, (on Saturday,tonight, from 5-8 PM) and both a producer and engineer, into KGO and present live programming. That's not only smart, it's basic common sense. I'm glad and delighted that Hammer took the initiative and rolled with it.

Gil Gross Joins District Productive Podcast Network |
Gil Gross
*Then there's Gil Gross, who will do an hour tonight --from 8-9 PM, who I don't understand as to why this retread, overbearing, windbag is able to carry on despite being an eternal sleep inducement --always and forever. Gross is insufferable and nauseating. His monologues are boring and scratchy. I'm being harsh, yes and I'm being honest.

*"Thanks Pal?" --The albatross at KGO, Ronn Owens, finally scored some time with Guv Gavin Newsom.

Owens' kiss-ass interview was really more a statement and comment. When Ronnn quizzes his guests, he's more schmoozing, not an interview at all.

And his schmooze with Newsom was sort of nauseous at the end when he called Newsom, "pal."

Here's the audio.

Ronn Owens - Home | Facebook
Ronnnnnnn Owens
Excuse me while I gag.


  1. Ronnn and "no beach 4 u" Newsom...two of the most despicable people in the state together on one nauseating broadcast. You can hear Ronn's disgusting self satisfied grin over the radio and go make coffee while Newsom pauses every fourth word which is either "uh" or some stupid shit like "synergy" or "incentivize". Excuse me while I drive an icepick into my ear.

    Don't get your Gil hate...he's a little goofy but 10X more politically astute and adept at interesting observations and analysis than your goddess, the excrutiating harpy Pat Thurston.

  2. When Gil use to fill in for Ronn, and later got his own show, I usually liked him. He certainly knows politics, and when he talks about a subject he has done his homework. Then he got a show on 910, after he was fired (along with the hosts) from KGO. That show became unbearable, he didn't take calls, which that station discouraged, that's when I got tired of listening to him, all his stories, having his wife on, dumb criminals etc. He has filled in a few times on KGO and was okay, not great. I think him doing 1 hour on the virus might be an okay listen, he does his homework, so let's wait and listen and then judge. As for Pat Thurston I like her, she is not my favorite and I don't always listen to her show, but she does a good job. Calling her harpy I assume you are a male.

    Hanna in Concord.

  3. Got to second what 10:52 said ... Gil beats any local hosts on the KGO schedule right now. Pat, Chippy and the guy who always says "President of the United States" rather than "president" are all preachy, tedious and self-righteous. I don't like Trump either, but their never-ending harangues make me feel sympathetic for the guy. Gil can talk about many more topics than any of them. And unlike Pat, I think Gil knows Russia was never part of NATO.

    1. Thank you, John Rothman should be bagging groceries at Cal-Mart. He is no longer objective and is trying to move the broken needle. All his catch phrases are tiring.

    2. Agree 110%.

    3. Why does that nerd Rothmann repeatedly say, "President of the United States"? Once a show is tolerable, but Jesus Christ, he does it several times.
      I am sure it is annoying to every listener and nobody wants to hear that.

    4. Rothman probably uses the full title out of respect for the office of The President, respect which is seriously lacking by the current office holder, who seems to respect no one other than himself and other dictators.

    5. NO it does not annoy every listener John Rotmann has many fans, he is the only one that gets a 3 hour show every Saturday, the other hosts gets 2 hours on Sundays and they are rotating between Pat, Chip and Mark. John wouldn't get 3 hours extra every week if he didn't have ratings. As for being objective, perhaps not, but how much objectiveness do you get from Hannity, Rush and Mark Levin. I think what you mean is to you he not objective because you disagree with him.

    6. Honestly I used to love Rothmann. Now it's hate Trump 24/7. Just vote him out if you wish, I do. Just stop the hate.

    7. John is a talk show host, he is not a journalist, he is not suppose to be objective. Just like Rush, Hannity and others are not objective. Listen to Hannity or Rush if you want a Trump lovefest.

  4. Lamont and Toneli on 107.7 The Bone have not been affected at all by any of budget cuts!!


    1. That's not how Chasta spells her name.

  5. Don't get the hate for Gross. Great voice and much better than most on KGO now.

  6. To recap: Lee Hammer is great but the people who puts on the radio aren't great. Got it!

  7. Gil is the smartest kid in the special ed class is what you're saying. These hots weren't good 15-20 years ago let alone now.

  8. Bring back Bob Brinker and "Money Talk" on the weekends or someone as knowledgeable. Everyone no matter your persuasion needs advice on investing.

    1. Bob Brinker retired after a long and successful run. It was time. He was getting very old and the show mechanics were getting creaky. His voice was often drowned by the screaming of the paid financial quacks on either side of him. He made the right choice by quitting when he did. He was one of the good ones.

    2. Brinker was so knowledgeable he was telling people it was a great time to buy stocks right before the '87 market crash.

    3. And who did Brinker use for a fill-in when going on vacation? None other than the current Director of The Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, as far right as they come.

  9. What are you smoking? You write that Lee Hammer is behind the "KGO Radio renaissance"
    On Nielsen March ratings, they come in at number 20, BEHIND
    KSFO. You call that a renaissance? I tried in years past getting to like Pat, who can be nasty, and John, who can be pompous and hectoring, both playing slavishly to SF politics.
    The only thing I like about KGO is John Bachelor on at 9 pm. Love his form of journalist and non-hysterical commentary.
    Most informative!
    As for the sorry Ron, how amusing it would be were he to interview Joe Biden.

    1. Batchelor non-hysteria is only masked in that. Dude is completely hysterical. And the rest of these hosts are god awful. Lee Hammer has not a clue. We knew he sucked at KNBR and now he's just irrelevant.
