Friday, May 8, 2020

If I were Herb Caen

1971: Dirty Harry - Clint Eastwood: 60 years in film | Clint ...


*WHY does the prime moron at KNBR in the alleged morning "show" try to mimic a Black man's voice when he should try to just stick with a natural voice? He's irritating enough in his normal, "Murph" voice as it is.

*I don't care if ABC7's Kate Larsen puts up a front and has one of her chief lieutenants tell me she's just a grand dame, I'm knowing full well she's a diva in the newsroom --I'll stick with the assessment, but thanks everyone.

*I could make up countess times the lunatic ND working at KRON, who thinks making people squirm and uncomfortable is a bit overhyped, but I'm not going to say so; the guy's a creep and I'd tell it to his face in a minute.

*As much as I try to be objective regarding KTVU, and I am for the most part, it is they and one of their amen corner, that keeps trying en masse, to screw with me only I'm not going to take the bait but good try and keep trying.

*I don't want to come off holier-than-thou but I'm beginning to think you all think of me as sort of an cheap ombudsman here and that's all well and good but I'm not. I'm just trying to make an honest buck or two and have a hotdog and diet coke every once and a while at a clean Costco.

*BEST bargain in the world: the 2 buck Costco hot dog.

*Raj Mathai used to tell people (me included) that he was very, very upset when I didn't mention him in this blog but I'll bet you a turkey on rye he's more happy I don't write about him now. Maybe Raj had a flashback to the old days.

*Speaking of Raj, yo, Madame Jessica Aguirre? If working without a contract was the major impetus to finding a new husband, than damn!, I thought I could be cold.

*Frank Somerville is the highest-paid anchor in the Bay Area at roughly $625K a-year but that will soon be numero Number Two --trust me.

*An endangered species: KTVU interns that speak Persian.

*Nikki Medoro should be honored that I write about her and KGO as much as I do because I don't see the Chronicle being that much interested.

Lisa Argen on Twitter: "Good Saturday morning 🌤 it's a foggy ...*The Chronicle is getting so thin, Weight Watchers passed on an ad.

*"Hey Rich, (says an e-mail) 'do you ever read the Examiner'"? Yeah, when it was a newspaper and not the shitty tabloid paper it wastes.

*Phil Matier, bigger ego than a Willie Brown hat in the old days at Le Colonial.

*The Chronicle was last relevant when Stanton Deleplane wrote a column. Ouch.

*Jack Culp on FM radio here, 98.1 FM "the Breeze" -- Good man. Good listen.

*KCBS, fake traffic reports, more women reporters and anchors than at a NOW convention, and Stan Bunger's wretched pious act. Stan needs a double colonoscopy worth of mental re-imaging. I know first hand.

*The alleged "all-sports" station on FM has all the originality of a Walnut Creek Shell station.

*It was Gary Radnich that could have taken a small gig at Channel 7 hat I wrote about here not to long ago but Raddy wanted prime time money and not the bagels that ABC was offering. OK, fine, just so you know.

*Lisa Argen at KGO suddenly developed an ego, sorry Lisa  but I checked mine at the dor. (When we had civilization way back when)

*"The morbid sports-talk radio losers here who are delusional because they're still thinking of "god, we need sports back." Yeah, as they step over the dead (metaphorically speaking) bodies on Broadway and Battery.

*I'm no Herb Can, yep, check my checking account at Wells Fargo.

*Ray Ratto, yeah he looks like John Feinstein but that's where it ends. Feinstein can write better and dissed cheeseburgers long time ago.

*KRON did a story the other night about old movies; showed a "Howard the Duck" scene. Talk about misery loves company.

*JR Stone at KGO. Pete Giddings is watching your every move.

*I would be a billionaire if ALL THE SCHMENDRICKS who READ ME (free) and send e-mils and comments lecturing me that I'm too busy asking for donations. Good god, check the "chutzpah" box today, will you.

*Brett Burkhart must have real good pictures.

*In the middle of a world-wide pandemic, Tom Tolbert still yelling "What ISSSSSS SHaking?" Great Tom, have another 4 more beers with Krueger's dog.

*Jerimiah Crowe: all the warmth of a Fremont underground whorehouse.

*Alan Martin is telling the folks at KPIX that he's good for one more contract which is sort of like trying to exhume Manson's body from the grave site in Chatsworth. Only Chuck has more life.

*I was going to talk about my sex life with Connie Chung but I instead chose to embellish Juliette Goodrich.

*I hear Ronn doing River Islands ads so I know he's dating again.

*Remember, you're reading this because we all need a break, right? And we're all in this together.

*Alex Bennett was an asshole, still is, but he's our asshole.

*Darin Peck didn't get the fulltime PIX weather gig because Ron Barr was watching over from the planet, Uranus.

*Ron Lowenstein: makes Mickey Luckoff look like Captain Kangaroo.

*The people that know the business real well tell me board ops, the folks that make the radio stations literally run on fumes, are being hunted down like sharks on blood, only you all big suits are going to have to pay 'em. That's the problem.

*Michelle Griego: Neiman Marcus fantasy, JC Penny tactics.

NBC Bay Area Anchor Raj Mathai to Cover Tokyo Olympics – NBC Bay Area


  1. Best bargain in the world: the 2 buck Costco Hot Dog. Worst bargain in the world: the consequential 32,000 buck angioplasty.

    1. In Democrat run California that's easily 80,000 minimum.

    2. Big Medicine's greed thrives in all 50 states.

  2. Lisa Argen has always had an ego.

    I don't get why Bay Area weatherblabbers seem to have giant egos, and most of them them. They have the least important job in the newsroom. Seventy-five percent of the time or more it's "today will be warm and sunny; tomorrow will be warm and sunny." Lather, rinse, repeat. You could get a hamster to do their job.

  3. Don't suppose they could talk Bunger in to retiring? And take the sports guy with you. You know, the infinty guy. Put Bristow in.

  4. A little Herb Caen history:he made $11 a week as a sports reporter for the Sacramento Union; 4 years later the Chronicle picks him up as a radio reporter; 2 years later he writes a column on city nightlife; he was making $10k in 1950; the Examiner steals him and pays him $30k. He goes back to the Chronicle in 1958. My wife worked in HR for the Chronicle in the late 80's and looked up his salary, a solid $250k. He had no expense account so that money covered all the fancy dinners at the city's hotspots, picking up tidbits and gossip for his three-dot lounge column. When he died in 1997, a bit of San Francisco died with him.

    1. That will never happen again. Now newspapers hire bloggers who get paid $100 a story, and it shows.

  5. - Haven't heard a single minute of Knibber mornings since Frank & Mike
    - Glad most of Larsen's reporting is during mornings and midday
    - I guess the KRON ND has intimidated the station owner's wallets
    - The Firm will strike again
    - The only Costco food I've had were pizza and swirled dessert
    - Man biting "hot dog" is a concept I've never subscribed to
    - Mathai bothered by the sports world shutting down?
    - Pre-pandemic, Aguirre should have had a new contract. Now? Uh....
    - Eventually, Ashley will overtake Somerville and rightfully so
    - Even with Fremont's Little Kabul, Mideast talk is Firmly endangered
    - Medoro continues to fall fast
    - Maybe Oprah should buy the Chron. Bye, EIC and others then.
    - Last time I read the Examiner, the Niners were 5-0 in Super Bowls
    - Matier's Rolodex explains the growing ego, plus pal His Willieness
    - Please, No Soft Music labeling. Culp is cool, but no thanks.
    - The KCBS Mess? Credit the ousted CBS CEO & his Big Bro wife
    - Haven't heard FM Sports since the Warriors' repeat in 2018
    - Thank You, Disney, for passing on the wretched Bentley
    - I remember when the best KGO weather anchor had an ego, too.
    - Remember the "Letter from Home", Rich? Kids not alone strutting
    - Health first; why I don't listen to sports talk; my Wells is OK
    - Too big to put out of misery?
    - Even Lea Thompson can't save this KRON Klown albatross
    - Please don't say JR Stone is trying meteorology
    - Add an alternative payment system to PayPal, which is not trusted
    - PayPal is a viral hack waiting to happen; like Burkhart?
    - Planet Tolbert still has life. Sorry, Kerr, had enough of TT.
    - Tolbert or Rodman? Who's crazier, Kerr? Fremont has whorehouses?
    - Martin must put his future aside until the pandemic is done
    - Povich once admitted to "firing blanks" with Chung.
    - Too shaky to put out of his misery?
    - I've been cutting back on news, including "together" ads
    - Son of Bennett, may Alex continue to blast the Administration impeding frontline health care workers
    - Refresh me on Ron Barr's retirement or other predicament
    - At least Luckoff put himself out of his own misery
    - Media owners make Mr. Burns' Homer crew seem functional
    - JC Penney was planning bankruptcy pre-pandemic; Griego ego same?
    - 2:46 is spot on
    - Argen being stuck with the same hours for decades irks her
    - KCBS went the opposite regarding Bunger-Bristow
    - Herb Caen wrote about SF highs and lows like no other. Saw all Niner Super Bowl wins, but never saw the Giants' World Series glory

  6. I am surprised to learn Lisa Argen has a ‘tude. She is part time and mediocre on her best day. I have never been able to understand why she allows her legs to be seen on TV. Her pins are not up to snuff. She is kind of a horse face and her hogans aren’t getting to job done either.

    1. I wonder what your legs look like. I know Lisa and she is a good person. BTW, what is the job of her "hogans" are supposed to be doing?

  7. Have worked with dozens of TV weather people. The vast majority are very nice even keeled folks - including Lisa and Brian Hackey. The one notorious exception was Pete Giddings, and to a lesser degree Steve Raleigh. Although personally never had an issue with either. The two nicest, out of many, Mark Tamayo and Jack Hanson.

  8. *Michelle Griego: Neiman Marcus fantasy, JC Penny tactics....That was worth a $20 donation...

    1. Update: Neiman Marcus file for bankruptcy 2 days ago.
