Saturday, May 30, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: KTVU Hard Burn Behind the Scenes: Where were Somerville and Haener Friday Night During Oakland/San Jose Floyd Demonstrations?

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: KTVU Mystery at 10 PM: Somerville and ...


Where were Summerville and Haener Friday night?

While every major anchor talent were working the desk at their respective station on Friday night broadcasting the protests in San Jose, Oakland, and their increasing violent tone, KTVU anchors, Frank Somerville and Julie were nowhere to be seen.

Both Somerville and Haener are normally off Friday night and work a Sunday-Thursday schedule. However, given the magnitude and dynamics of the situations at hand, and in KTVU's case, quite literally up the street on Broadway in Oakland, the fact Somerville and Haener were not present speaks concern about the Fox2 Bay Area news giant.

Questions and observations:

*A number of sources at KTVU told me there was no attempt to get Summerville on the desk. He's dealing with a number of personal issues (not health-related) but even at that, your #1-anchor, the face of Channel 2, not working, was met with considerable strain within newsroom circles.

*Was there any attempt at all? I called Amber Eikel, the VP and ND at KTVU and didn't get a requested e-mail and/or phone call. Mums the word, I guess.

*Did Eikel, herself, try to get Somerville to come I Friday? No one knows.

*A veteran staffer who works the assignment desk said there was "considerable shock" that both Somerville and Haener were not working Friday night given the news taking place and the enormity of the demonstrations.

*Andre Senior and Cristina Rendon were on the KTVU anchor desk Friday evening.

*Developing story...



  1. Ask KPIX the same question, how come Veronica is the only leading and female reporter unable to show her face on television, at home or at the office during any crisis situation? No need for any leader reporter to show up on a protest.

  2. "*Was there any attempt at all? I called Amber Eikel, the VP and ND at KTVU and didn't get a requested e-mail and/or phone call. Mums the word, I guess".

    Perhaps there was no response because it would be the same if I were to call for a response. Read into that as you will.

    When it was covered by others on site why would it be be urgent to call in major anchors to cover the same BS as on all of these "protests" that only need a slap in the face to set it off?

    Sorry, I have no sympathy for these police officers and complete sympathy and empathy for the victim and his family. This should not happen in our society. Not ever.

    But that does not give excuse to riot, loot, burn and destroy private property of whom had nothing to do with the acts of the police. They are destroying their own community.

    The human animal is the only one that shits in it's own nest...

  3. You have to realize that KTVU is a FOX station. The same station that was still running an episode of "the Simpsons" (8pm) on the Sunday of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting (which started before 6pm).

    1. So you're saying they're not sheeple looking for the quick gotcha moment to trigger public outrage like your favorite stations? Fair enough.

  4. Just for info, I noticed Julie H. had also taken off an extra day, Thursday, working only Sunday through Wednesday last week. We'll see if she's back tonight (Friday 5/31/2020).

    I did see Kenny Choi on the streets, reporting for KPIX. He's looking and reporting very well; not wearing eyeglasses, btw.

  5. Julie had a nail appointment.

  6. It's always a pleasure to watch KTVU's "The 10 O'Clock News" when Sommerville is off for the night. I didn't miss him one bit. And I'm sure I'm not alone.

  7. Sad that KTVU couldn't get one reporter on the ground in Oakland.

    1. Your absolutely right--not only did KTVU not have one reporter live on the ground in Oakland Friday night the same thing happened on Saturday night in nearby Emeryville where for several hours roving bands of Predominately African-American Looters (NOT Legitimate Protesters) joyfully Stole Numerous Flat Screen TV's, Laptops & other items from Best Buy along with happily pilfering clothing from a large Asian owned Bay Area Retailer right nearby. Again Channel 2 shamefully missing in action despite having several weekend evening GA Reporters such as Leigh Martinez & Greg Liggins who could have easily covered this wanton criminal pandemonium. Shame on Amber Eikel!! Rich: I absolutely Love your Blog! Keep up Your Great Work! Regards, Cary SF

  8. I actually prefer KTVU's weekend anchors. I get so tired of the way Sommerville adds his own personal observations to the end of so many stories.

  9. Frank is way overpaid and his salary should be reduced for such MIA tactics.

  10. 5/31 - Someone has to tell that idiot Bill Martin that when he comes on camera after stories about people being shot, looters destroying property and hundreds being arrested it's a good idea not to be smiling and laughing.

    1. I think he got the message...he made a better transition and acknowledged the gravity of the rest of the news on his second hit.
