Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Wednesday Wash --KTVU HR Chick Doesn't Stop; KCBS-Entercon Evil; Assorted Takes; Kim Wonderley Endless 'Chester' References; Furlougs En Fuego; KQED and 'Check Please' Cheapness

Is it safe to come out? SF Bay Area may provide clues for the ...KTVU STAFFERS? Those of you reading me while on the clock in Jack London Square --(few as you are) --pay attention to the evil doer in HR who loves to look at cameras and thinks she'll always get away with spying on employees --maybe she figures with this virus commotion, who will notice. I will, as always.

*KRON's relatively worthwhile reporters, outnumbered with their dreck staff, should finally get together and call out the angry man ND for his latest temper tantrum --the guy is such a pathetic lunatic, he's an abject asshole of mass proportions.

*Disneyland will more than likely well closed until at least 2021 --Reggie Aqui is so bummed, man.

*You hear a KGO host, now you don't? You hear a KNBR host? Now you don't? You love listening to "The Bone" until your DJ magically disappears? Furloughs are happening --en fuego.

*KQED is playing endless reruns of "Check Please" and the union is very annoyed, why? Because no one, nobody is getting any payment, and it's all on KQED. Fun facts: KQED is well worth around $500 million, give or take a few million. They run PLEDEGE BREAKS EVERY DAY! And you're gonna rip me for asking for 415 Media contributions? I'm 20x better than KQED just less cash flow.

*Yeah, DONATE to 415 Media because you're reading this and I'm working hard to bring you live content. Go to the "Pay Pal" "Donate" button on the right side of the blog. It's fast and easy, but no coffee cups or Leonard Bernstein CDs. Just me and my toilet paper.

*KCBS ran 3 clusters of 3-minute-plus ads this (Wednesday) morning on its AM drive; it's a new world constant. I don't have an issue because I believe in capitalism, but during a pandemic? And get this: KCBS and its parent company, Entercom , has laid off more than 20 traffic and sports anchors while they run FAKE traffic "reports" and re-run old sports updates designed as "live" reports, talk about bastards.

*Stan Bunger behind the mask: a very mean guy with a bicycle that he says gives him, "fresh air." If only  Bunger checked his ego at the Park Street bridge. What a complete jerk. Quote me.

*I've heard more about Kim Wonderley's dog, "Chester", than I have about Dr. Fauci's updates. Only good thing is at least it mutes out Jason Brooks' sleepfests.

*Damon Bruce is a legend, how do I know? He told me.

*Entercom loves Chester--they don't have to pay him.

*Jim Gabbert loves Entercom.

*Yeah, about time weather was ignored --FINALLY! Who gives a shit now? I rest my case.

*ONCE AGIAN: if you have to use promos from your staff saying how great you are in this crisis, then chances are you're really not that great---same thing for TV News here, OK, fine, you're doing the social distancing and your anchors are home, WE SEE IT! QUIT telling us the obvious! For gods sake, GET A GRIP!

*And hey media, do we have to see that symbolic face of the virus? Every fucking minute? Hear, hear, Bill Maher.

*By the way, not every "liberal" thinks Bill Maher is a genius.

*Tim Kawakami: the visual Titanic. Ditto Ray Ratto.

*Ann Killion, every time we see her, N.O.W. membership declines.

*If the Chronicle gets any thinner, they should consider a "Karen Carpenter edition." --hey, you're an adult, you can laugh. The password is "context."

*Now waiting on first e-mal saying "you know, Rich,  I was going to contribute to your site, but that Carpenter comment made me say, no." Thanks Mother Teresa.

*By the way, Mother Teresa would have laughed.

*"We're all in this together." --the hell we are.

*Love the mental midgets on sports-talk radio having a collective hard on over an NFL draft --college millionaires about to NOT PLAY in 2020. If Disneyland ain't opening till '21, we ain't having any sports, even on TV.

*Coffee time.


  1. Bill Maher is a smug prick who thinks he's a genius maybe.

  2. Rich, why do you worry do much about the "HR Chick" at KTVU. The anchors and staff aren't elites, tell them to get to work on-time and not play "hide the hot dog (or Vienna sausage as the case may be)" at lunch with interns or otherwise.

  3. Here's something you can write about, Rich: Jessica Aguirre, whom I always thought was okay, and who still might be, has been "updating" us on her FB page over the coronavirus pandemic with pictures of her and hers relaxing outside the backyard mansion pool, being "holed up" in her gorgeous house/broadcasting studio, and now taking her luxury sports car to the dealer for servicing. Naturally she has to take a picture of the building that prominently shows the logo of the car dealership, lest you think she tinkers around in a Ford or Toyota. It's very jarring to be reading FB feeds and see "My uncle is in the hospital, thoughts and prayers" and "My wife is a nurse and she is close to burnout with all these cases" and then come across Jessica sipping cocktails outside her mansion with her new millionaire beau and making all these humble brags about how it's so great to be together with family. PUKE!

    1. I am waiting for Jessica to show off her chocolate and ice cream collection like Nancy Pelosi.

    2. Typical short-sighted, ego-centric and cocooned elite perspective on a crisis. Pelosi would be proud. Scrawled on a wall in Berkeley, "Eat the rich."

  4. What is KQED supposed to do with a show that reviews the experience of dining at restaurants when all restaurants in the Bay Area (and the rest of the state) are closed except for limited take-out menus? How is that KQED's fault?

  5. Is there any particular reason Sara Stinson has become the morning KRON go-to girl? Did she tell mngmt she would be willing to do all or most of the morning field reporting just so that she keeps a paycheck coming her way? I hardly see anyone else on with Empress Darya & Fletch. Keith in SSF

    1. What annoys me about KRON reporters (other too but KRON is the worst) is that most of them look like college sophomores.

    2. Yes, Keith, it does seem odd that Sara is getting all this air time. Do you think she is paying KRON?

    3. Will Tran is out there

    4. Since when is being the "morning KRON go-to girl" a positive thing? In my opinion, she is not one of their better reporters. So it seem natural that she ends up on the morning shift and not the later shows.

  6. Speaking of Check Please, why is it now recorded @ Intrepid Studios in San Rafael? Are the KQED Studios no longer "good enough" and your pledge donations are necessary to (1) pay another studio, and (2) pay to make the KQED studios even more glorious? Or maybe there's a less logical and less obvious explanation.

    1. Remodeling, I think.

    2. Intrepid? I thought it said Insipid.

    3. KQED gotten to big. I still remember when they had the annual auction way back when...

  7. Chester Wonderley is a magnificent Dalmatian with significant skills to go airborne. Like many bay area doggies , he is keeping his humans amused and enjoying life through this apocalypse. Shelters have been emptying because people realize the joy of having a fur bearing pal . Have you never had a dog, Rich? Why are you so anti-dog?

  8. Oh Rich ...
    Karen Carpenter jokes???
    Way too soon!

  9. Maybe Wonderley loves listening to The Band's The Weight, and its line "if you take Jack my dog...I said Wait a minute, Chester...."

    I think I shall try to unsee Titanic and Ratto in the same sentence.

  10. I worked with Little Aaron Pero both in Sacramento, when he was just a boy, and later when he first came to KRON before NBC sold it and it became KORN. He always had an underlying seething nature, but he used to be a jolly young lad. Wonder what changed in him to make him a monster? Sorry to hear he's now an asshole.

    1. I worked with Pero when he was a producer at KRON. As for my experience, he has always been an ass.

  11. I don't mind Jessica (or other celebrities/rich folk) showing off their wealth. Hell, if I had that lifestyle, I'd sure as hell let everyone know it, too. (alas, I live in a dumpy "rancher" in Sunnyvale). People who complain about this are just too damn sensitive. It's not like she's ACTUALLY saying "You're suffering from COVID-19? F-U!" If in your own mind you THINK she's saying this, then you are one sad, pathetic little person. DEAL WITH IT. PS--I don't have a pool...but I do have a bathtub)
