Thursday, April 23, 2020

SF Bay Area Media: An Abomination

Five ways to flip frustration into kindness - ABC Life

A large pack of nonsensical POSERS with an eternal amateur-hour pedigree on your sleeve --ALL of you. Men, women, an utter lack of talent and tact. The few of you that possess half a brain are headed to Akron on a one-week ticket. Good luck. Hurry up before the dreck hits you.

I AM DISGUSTED with virtually all Bay Area-SF MEDIA. They are a collective pack of idiots trying to look and sound serious. Are you kidding me? More like blowhards kidnapped reality and that is your SF Media, a certifiable whack central with jovial assholes running the insane asylum.

Should I name names? All of you. You couldn't handle a crisis if your life depended on it. What an ABOMINATION! What a travesty of mass proportions. The inmates are running the asylum. Congratulations on your mediocrity meets-the-day persona. A diseased yak would perform better than you moronic masses. Get your head out of your ass and smell the roses, or are you even not capable of doing that? The idea that you are the chosen ones is a complete farce. Call the zoo and ask for pick-up.

An embarrassment.

And yes, again, an abomination.


  1. What about Janelle Wang? She's been good. Every time I open a fortune cookie i hope it tells me my future is with her.

  2. You can trace it all back to when they started importing all kinds of nationalities to fit the Democrat narrative. Prior to that, when it was mainly black and white anchors, we reigned supreme with quality reporting and journalism. Now it's equivalent to a Chinese wet market.

    1. The "Indian tribes" los indios and the Spanish were here
      before los gringos. Chinese were here since the gold rush. The gold rush brought the other white Europeans to California and "blacks" from the South came later.
      You only had black anchors originally, as tokens to make some people feel good about their fake open mindedness.
      Other races or nationalities are not the problem, it is economics and poor management. Rich discusses this all the time.

    2. Should you find yourself in extremis in a hospital ICU and that nice Hispanic or Asian American nurse who keeps that ventilator working happens to drop by, be sure to tell him or her that you don't want help from anyone who fits your definition of a "democrat narrative".

    3. Um, yeah, Vic Lee, Linda Yee, Ysabel Duron, Thuy Vu, Wendy Hanamura, Don Sanchez, Shsron Hu, Marty Gonzalez, Janelle Wang, and Jessica Aguirre all agree with you.

    4. Spanish and Chinese weren't "anchoring" back in the Goldrush. Whites have had the most experience, followed by blacks.

    5. In the words of the immortal Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along"

    6. Personally, I really don't care what the color of the anchor is! I worry more about TRUTH, INTEGERTY, HONESTEY AND ABOVE ALL TRUE JOURNALISM. That's whats missing from today narratives. News people are now more worried about the feelings or personalities

  3. Why is that the audio on Mornings On Two doesn't match up with the mouth movements of the anchors?

    1. Because it's Channel 2. Their supers don't match their teases either and their anchors are frequently caught like a deer in the headlights waiting for their cues. Bill Martin just rambles on like an old man who forgot his meds, ice queen Julie Haenar pretends she cares about what happens to some poor people in Vallejo, Sportin' Life seems more enamored with his bachelor pad and his vinyl record collection on his walls (he probably has a water bed in there too), and Mr. Compassion only gets off his high horse to bang interns. And most of their news is fluff, far more than any other station. They have almost no investigative reporting ability and they're basically the closest thing Faux News has to a mouthpiece in the Bay Area, which is why they go *very easy* on President Dumbass and never report all the dumb things he says every day. For that you have to go to the other stations, or to RT or the BBC or some real news organization.

    2. The batteries in the anchors' heads were inserted backwards and need to be reversed.

    3. 12:39...That's some good gossipy writing there! Lovin' it.
      I was ready to get some popcorn and find out what name or face pic matched the descriptions! You outta work for Page Six,
      not that I ever read garbage like that!

    4. 12:39 is that shill that doesn't turn off the Constipated News Network, CNN to the rest of us.

  4. Don't hold back, Rich. Tell us how you really feel...

  5. A Good ‘Ol Darkie in FremontApril 23, 2020 at 11:37 AM

    My man. What about this lady Maria Medina on channel 5. Seen her instigram page? She ain’t no sista but her ass be black! You heard me. She belong on King magazine!

    1. Predictably crude and trashy.

  6. Rich... you're cycling again. Time to refill the prescriptions and TAKE your meds. My God you come across like a petulant 4th grader. This is what it is - Van Amberg et al are not coming back.

  7. This also applies perfectly to Sacramento, except the Akron part...if only.

  8. There's no bigger abomination than you buddy. Have some self realization.

  9. Maria Medinas posing pics are disgraceful and unprofessional. Not sure why management allows it . I don’t take her seriously at all !

    1. I'd bang the bejusus out of her!!

    2. > Not sure why management allows it...

      Clicks. Traffic. If the reporters were willing, I'm sure they'd let them pose with pasties on their nipples.

    3. MM is so hot! Try also Rosemary...O

    4. >> Medinas posing pics are disgraceful
      >> and unprofessional. Not sure why
      >> management allows it .

      > I'd bang the bejusus out of her!!

      Question answered... No one's too proud to be a whore today. Attention is currency.

    5. Hey 4/23 @ 5:22pm you should probably learn how to spell bejesus before you get an erection. That's why you're anonymous, right? Because you're such a lowlife. You'd be lucky if she'd even look at your sorry ass. Grow the fuck up!!

    6. Want something more classy, but just as sexy as Maria Medina, try Marla Tellez on Instagram... she was a former anchor at KNTV 11..NBC.

  10. Remember last summer when you wrote "The Raiders will play not only their 2019 season in Oakland, but 2020 too and probably 2021. Their Vegas stadium is nowhere nearly done and you didn't see this in the Chronicle."

    Good call, Kreskin. But tell me again how others are morons.

  11. A couple of items ...

    1. How did Stephanie Sierra jump from the 91st market to the 8th market and KGO-TV? Turns out her mom is left-wing Congresswoman Jackie Speier of San Mateo.

    2. Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez, the muck-raking columnist for the Examiner, is leaving for KQED.

    1. That doesn't smell a bit, TV station hires local congresswoman's daughter who is barely out of college. Just keep her away from politics or any project mom gets her hands on.

    2. Actually, a very bright daughter of a very bright mother who happens to be a congresswoman, likely means that the daughter would have been exposed to all things political forever, thus a plus. Knowledge matters.

  12. So, I'm guessing Brent Cannon will not be Anchoring News anywhere soon.

    San Jose

  13. Media is one glaring example of the real problem in the country. White people ( men) need to take it back.

    1. Absolutely. I've been saying this all along. Put a strong, white guy at the head of everything, and look for things in every segment of society to return to normal. No monkeys screwing publicly on West Oakland BART, a kinder, gentler Oakland, a San Francisco resolved to reclaim its dignity, a functioning police force not hampered by feel good motives, fewer emasculated gay and transgender men, fewer frustrated lesbians, less crime, hard work as its own reward, honesty, sincerity and integrity restored. White men, the pinnacle of society. There is a very good reason they have led us for centuries.

    2. Hear hear!Tell all those black and brown Americans they should no longer pay taxes. or serve as police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses or soldiers. Tell that gay or trans man or woman to leave their post monitoring missile launches from North Korea.They clearly don't know what they are doing. That lesbian scientist who just developed a vaccine for Covid-19? Tell her to toss it in the trash, Anon at 5:04 says it has no value. Oh, yeah, tell scientist Angela Merkel that her work in protecting Germans from covid-19 is not appreciated, while you are at it.

    3. Thank you for you post, 5:04 is obviously deranged.

  14. It’s nice to hear Claudine Wong referring to the 1918 pandemic as “Spanish Flu” but refusing to call the current pandemic what it is “Chinese Flu”. This is the problem in the nutshell.
