Friday, April 17, 2020

Pandemic Crisis hits SF Chronicle

Local Newspapers Are Dying — Here And Around The NationNewspapers--especially the print editions--were having a tough time. Before the Coronavirus pandemic hit.

And now,  the major newspapers are dying fast

Industry people tell me the Chronicle is losing close to $52  a million a week--do the math: that's over 50 million a year. All you need to know about the Chronicle and its fortunes is to take a look and feel its print edition: thinner and thinner by the day.

Tough situation.


  1. I did the math like you said and, well, I get a different answer.

    1. That's why he went into journalism rather than theoretical physics :)

  2. I would validate that math. My understanding is that the Chronicle (like the NY Times and a few others) is a doing fine financially...primarily because they have a large number of subscribers (like me) who still like to get a hard copy newspaper delivered to their driveway everyday. The old advertising model has been replaced by a pay (very expensive for home delivery) subscription model, which is how the Chronicle now generates revenue. Unfortunately, there are not many papers that can survive this way.

  3. Yeah maybe the Chronicle is losing money but between the Chronicle, The Wall St Journal and the New York Times (Sunday only) I'm paying around $1,500/year for my papers. My bad for not liking e-subscriptions but I'm getting tired of eating macaroni and cheese to support print media.

  4. The EIC just okayed TV ads for the Chronicle. One aired during Circle 7's newscasts this afternoon. Okayyy.

  5. Newspapers are dinosaurs. Very shortly they will all go the way of the buffalo. The SF Comical is one of the worst fish wraps in the country and always has been.

  6. Physical papers are money losers, but their online versions are much cheaper to produce and get much wider distribution. Don’t count out “the papers”. Why would someone like Jeff Bezos purchase the Washington Post? The dude didn’t get rich by playing politics.

  7. The SF Chronicle will be bought out by McClatchy Newspapers.
    Can you say San Francisco Bee ?

  8. The SF Chronicle was losing a million a week or 52 million a year when they closed their SF printing plant. Our local paper is laid out and set up in India.

  9. Good, it's a terrible biased "Rag" I'm looking forward to it going under and it will.

  10. I enjoy reading the on line editions on my Commodore 64!! I archive some of them on to my floppy disk!!!

  11. Some of the Chronicle's sports writers are lucky to still be getting a check instead of collecting unemployment
