Saturday, April 4, 2020

John Rothmann on KGO Radio from 5-8 PM Tonight

John Rothmann Guest | KGO-AM

 John Rothmann will be in the KGO Radio studios tonight (Saturday) from 5- 8PM, discussing the virus and other news-talk subjects, because, well, there's no place he'd rather be.


  1. I'd be really curious on the March ratings for KGO, which haven't come out yet. I think it will soar past the previous months of an anemic 1.8 share. They need a doctor program like Dean Edell's. Maybe squeeze an hour show after Mark and before Pat or before Chip. So many possibilities. Add a movie talk program on weekends with Tim Sika maybe, when the theaters reopen. Try to find the best local talent from medical, entertainment, real estate, business, sports, etc.. . No more syndicated crap!

    1. I was thinking the same thing about KGO's ratings, if they've improved any. The lawyer Len Tillam would be good to bring back to the lineup. Midoro should be replaced with a better host. Franklin has improved a lot and I think his show is better without Midoro.

    2. Bringing back Tillem would be great. KFI down in LA has a guy name Bill Handel who's Handel on the Law show is real popular. He's kind of goofy but still an entertaining show. I think it's syndicated in some other markets, but I prefer local like Tillem.

    3. 8:13, you are absolutely right about both.Tillem's advice on how to get out of dui prosecutions was particularly offensive to his profession. In any event, isn't he pretty ancient by now?

  2. Tillem's show was essentially a couple hour advertisement for his law firm. He should have been paying KGO for the airtime.

    Bill Handel never solicits for his business and only rarely tells people to go to his website for people to get referrals to other lawyers.

  3. As a British Columbian up near Victoria, I’m elated love that KGO has returned to largely in-house talk shows. And am especially elated that John Rothmann is back.

    What is the email address to send comments while John is on the air? If someone knows, email me at:

    Again, great to discover KGO has pretty well gone back to the future.
