Monday, March 9, 2020

You Won't Believe This But of All Outlets, KGO's Chip Franklin Most Comprehensive on Coronavirus Status

Image result for Chip Franklin KGO

OF ALL THE VARIOUS BAY AREA MEDIA OUTLETS keeping one covered on the Coronavirus status --and believe me, I've been reading and listening a lot,  and Chip Franklin on KGO Radio  has become the most comprehensive source on the ongoing epidemic.

YES, Chip Franklin.

I'm not saying Franklin is the ultimate nirvana but he knows his audience. He's said to his listeners as much, "I'm reading about this every day. I read a lot. I'm trying to figure this (the virus) out."

And he has and it's a go-to for all of us who want a steady diet of information because everyone else is all over the map including our fearless leader.

Just today, Franklin had on Rick Heller, an infectious disease specialist, who answered questions clearly and concisely and the show was both lucid and informative. There's so much misinformation and outright cluelessness on all this that it's good to hear someone who provides valuable basic information that resonates with the public. Kudos to Franklin for giving airspace to Heller.

I know for many of you its anathema to plug Franklin and yes, there's times when his shtick wears thin, but this subject matter isn't one of those. He's been on target for many weeks now and he deserves credit.

Credit be due.


  1. He was always better, so much better without the sidekicks who had no last names and either monotone or nasally voices, and wanted to talk about bs "lifestyle" crap and dating tips and baby vomit. good to hear

  2. BREAKING NEWS: Virus infects those that don't wash their hands and touch their faces. Virus will recede come warmer weather.

    Thanks for the REAL insightful information there, "comedian".

  3. I had held off on doing it, but since you decided to blog about Chip I shall now be the 31st person to click "Funny" on your blog post asking for donations.

    I didn't want to man. I really didn't. I held off, I was trying to turn over a new leaf.

    But then you went and did it. You publicized that dumbass.

    Sorry man. It hurts me as much as it hurts you.

  4. I know this sounds completely ridiculous, but it is what I heard from someone else listening today (didn't hear this myself) -- was there a host on today saying you could get this disease from dogs?

    1. There are umpteen types of corona viruses. You can't get the one you are scared of from doggies.

  5. I agree about Chip and his improving format. And I also heard his show today and it was excellent coverage of this bad virus. Keep up the good work. KGO is starting to gain some momentum, hope it turns into better rating for their station.

    1. Who's the real comedian here, you or Chip?

  6. Charlie Franklin's Wikipedia page says he is a Democratic strategist. That tells you everything you need to know about old "Chip".

    1. Are you suggesting that there should only be Republican strategist, or are you against strategist all together?

  7. I have an easier time understanding Old Joe Biden than this stuttering & stammering nincompoop!

    1. The kids today call what you wrote a "truth bomb".

      And you're 110% true!

  8. Well, its nice to hear Chip talking about something other than how much he hates being a white male.
