Monday, March 9, 2020

The End of the World? Not So Fast --Ronnnn's Cruise Ad on KGO is Eternal

Image result for The Earth


*EARLY THIS MORNING --as the world was coming to an end; the coronavirus spreading; new cases; panic; the stock market crashing, etc, on KGO Radio, they ran another Ronn Owens cruise ad which I know at this time, the very first thing I wanna do is take a cruise.

*Hurry up someone, please hire a new board op at KGO

*The only person I know of that might be interested in Ronnnnnn's cruise: Mayor Libby Schaaf.

*Nikki Medoro is getting worse by the minute maybe mornings and solo are not her repertoire? Her new show is only a week old but it sounds forced and out of whack --my opinion which is why you come here.

*YES, it takes time and money to do this everyday so yes, I'm asking for dough to keep it going because, like you, when ever I get the urge, I too like to eat, sleep, and be merry --if that's a problem with you? Then go take a cruise with Ronn.

*KCBS was responsive with the virus news on Sunday even if everything they reported was broadcast 22,000 times, is there such a thing as "re-write" in KCBS's vocabulary? No, I guess.

*Tim Ryan, live and direct from the Port of Oakland on that cruise ship coming eventually, some day, some year.

*The Dow lost over 2000 points earlier this Monday which means Pat Vitucci must have really been pissed.

*I've washed my hands more times this past week than a lifetime which is good news for hookers.

*Last I checked without humans there is no Wall Street so is this stick market thinghie a bit overrated.

*On KNBR there is panic the Giants might have to cancel/postpone the Home opener. Damn, there goes my Buster Posey coronavirus bobblehead.

*If you become a paid subscriber to 415 Media I'll buy you a disinfected Peets coffee and sing any song you want.


  1. Saw JR Stone on KGO news yesterday evening.

  2. Yup. Back to KCBS in the AM. Niki way to hyper for that time slot.

  3. That Nikki always seems like she's running on 18 cups of coffee. Worthless radio KGO. Rothmann is a progressive hack. He jumped the shark a long time ago.
