Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Karen Reid, Audio Engineer at KGO Radio Don't Let The Smile Fool You: A Powerful Lady at Cumulus SF

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 Karen Reid; you probably heard her name mentioned by various hosts and for good reason: the KGO Radio audio engineer is one of the most POWERFUL people in the building at Cumulus SF central on Broadway and Battery.
In addition to being a beautiful rounded lady, Reid is a chosen one who knows where all the bodies are buried.

Oh, don't ever try to cross her. You'd be snuffed out like an old, black, alley cat.

Reid has contacts throughout the KGO building. She's a vet from the old KGO and is respected by all. A few guys who saw her obvious sex appeal tried to play misty for her and were quickly reminded who' the boss. A smile on Reid isn't a message for "Come over here," just the contrary.

And when she plays Sting, any Sting song? WATCH OUT!


  1. Karen Reid knows everything and has for years. She would never harm an "old , black alley cat" or any animal in need. She has rescued many a pup and puss over the years, including pitty bulls and sheps. She is fearless and smart and not easily intimidated. YOu can tell her something in great confidence and know that she won't blab. That's why so many folks love her. She's an ace swimmer and ice skater as well, and definitely a force to reckon with. I knew her from 1995 to 2016 when I worked there. I always looked forward to working with her! Who wouldn't?

  2. I met her once on a station visit, introduced by the Chief Engineer of that era. She impressed me as solid and non-ostentatious. The talent mentions her name on the air out of respect for her board-operating talent, not because she's looking for a little reflected glory on the mighty wurlitzer. Can't understand why you have the urge to demean her. It reflects more on your pathological need to act like the jerk.

  3. I bet Ms. Reid has attended Sting's play The Last Ship a few times. Don't Stand So Close To Reid?

    1. hardly anyone attending this cool play...why? something about a virus...friend went the other night...only a few peeps

  4. She looks like Melanie Morgan's slightly younger sister. Don't you think? Same expression of a thinly veiled warning not to BS her.

  5. I'm sure someone at KGO who reads your blog probably showed her this piece and she is finding it amusing and complimentary at the same time.

  6. this post is hilarious to everyone who works at KGO on so many levels.

  7. It's hilarious to everyone who USED to work at KGO too. I'm sure even Karen laughed.
