Monday, March 2, 2020

Disjointed in the Morning: KGO Radio's Nikki Medoro Begins Drive Time Show on Uneven Note

Image result for nikki medoro kgo
Nikki Medoro

I'LL SAY THIS about KGO Radio's new show in the morning: Host Nikki Nikki Medoro likes to use the phrase, "Freak Out." Quite a bit. A lot in fact.

I'll give Medoro some benefit of the doubt. She's been around the market for a while despite being a woman in her mid 40's. She's quite adequate as a news anchor, but talk show host? Early on, I'm skeptical.

Medoro began her new morning drive gig this (Monday) 6- 10 AM on KGO. It was disjointed from the start but that's to be expected. It's a new show and like restaurants, an initial review is probably not fair to Medoro or the show but this isn't restaurants, it's radio in the Bay Area.

I listened for about an hour. In that time frame (from about 6: 30 to quarter to 8) Medoro talked politics (Mayor Pete dropping out) and the Coronavirus ("don't freak out!") was Medoro lecturing listeners not to make hay of the growing virus concern gripping the country and people are, Nikki, freaking out.

Being that most people are talking about the Coronavirus and not politics, I'd have started with the virus and ditched politics but that's my deal. And even if nobody knows the dangers of this health malady, it's the fear of the unknown that has people on the panic button. Medoro and her annoying sidekick, newsguy, Bret Burkhart, spent several minutes laughing at the current mini-hysteria. That was the wrong go-to because it's more frightening and nerve-racking than the two make it out to be.

In addition, Medoro's preaching of don't worry was contradicted by her guest, a Westwood One reporter back east who said what we all know now: people have died and the virus is spreading. A serious comical moment: Medoro asked out loud: "Should I, [Nicki Medoro}| get the virus, should I not go to work?"

What kind of dumb question is that, Nik? Of course, NO, stay home! How bizarre. Was Medoro trying to be funny, sarcastic, whatever, it was out of place and well over the top. Maybe she was looking for a different angle because it's morning radio but it flopped here and was astonishing out of touch.

Yeah, Nicki, we're sort of freaked out. Sue us.

Morning radio is a tough gig. Pacing is essential and calls can be difficult. I'm happy KGO is trying something different. Medoro is a Bay Area (San Jose) native. She's informed. She's local. She has a cool voice. She can obviously carry a program but she needs, from the early outset, help from a producer. Burkhart loves to hear the sound of his voice. He needs to mind the store and let his maestro conduct the orchestra.

I'll try to listen more and give the show a chance to nuance and mix it up. I'm not that impressed early on but there's time on the horizon for it to be a vital, interesting local Bay Area-centric radio program. We need more.


  1. Rich, I heard the same thing and though how many times is she going to say "freak out." What I listened to this morning had no new or different perspectives on the topics. Bland as the prepackaged melba toast from the Concord 7-11.

    I too will continue to listen for a fair evaluation. But what I heard today met my low expectations. It is what I thought it would be. Blah....

  2. Awwww poor little Rosie Perez. I have to laugh if it's that bad. This is the same woman that mocked and ridiculed 50% of the population pretty much daily with Chip. Low IQ radio for low IQ listeners.

    1. The same can be said for listeners to Limbaugh and Hannity, same old, democrats bad, republicans good, no independent analysis. Everything Trump does is great, everything Democrats do is evil. Also to 11 a.m. you most be the same person always complaining Pat is whiny, seem you have a problem with female voices. Stick to bombastic Limbaugh, seem more up your alley.

    2. What is with the name Rosie Perez, her name is Niki Medoro, even if you don't care for her why not use her real name. Perez is Hispanic, Niki is of Indian descent I believe, like the country India, perhaps you don't know the difference?

    3. I believe Nikki has stated a few times on KGO that she is Puerto Rican. If ignorance is bliss this is Eden.

    4. Her and Chip were insufferable. Every other sentence was "Orange Man Bad". A & G brought some much needed diversity of opinion to the station. Now that they're gone, KGO is back to 1 opinion from sunrise to sunset. I guess that's what the simpletons demand.

  3. "She's informed. She's local. She has a cool voice."

    She's not informed. Local..sure if a flaca from East San Jose is local. And no, she doesn't have a "cool voice". Think whiney as another person here has pointed out over and over.

  4. Is that a cast photo from Hee Haw?

  5. Nikki Medoro is preaching ?
    It is called alarmist radio.
    Typical of liberal talk show hosts.

  6. NO New Ideas, Nothing Vaguely Creative and NO improve it. SO, lets just RECYCLE OLD Staff and see if this "MIGHT" work. Nicki and Bret "The OLD afternoon news team/BUT NOW... Because it's in the morning...IT'S NEW!"

  7. I'm saddened by the state of media today. I stopped following radio,tv,and print (web). Everything now is filler and not informative. It's not even entertaining.

  8. I only heard a little bit, but will try to listen more and give her the benefit of the doubt. No matter what, she has to be better than the idiots that proceeded her. As far as Bert is concerned, I like Bert and always have, as a newsman. I don't think he ever signed up to be a "sidekick" . Speaking of sidekicks, amazed to hear Jon Bristow doing the news on Pat's show. Maybe the person that used to do it is joining Chip hoping to make him relevant .

    1. "proceeded"? Who's the idiot here, and who the fuck is Bert?!?

  9. It looks like KSFO is turning the 9AM hour to Rush, so we now get only 3 hours of A&G. Since I can't stand Limbaugh, I checked out KGO for about 10 minutes and couldn't take it anymore. Ended up listening to the sports guys on KNBR talk about David Byrne and Talking Heads

    1. A&G is on 650 am Sacramento to 10 a.m. I have been able to get Sacramento station in Concord, Pleasant Hill, Benicia and Peninsula San MateoMateo/Palo Alto. Certain areas come in better on my car radio than portable house radio. You can always stream whatever host you like best.

  10. Fuck Nikki and fuck her little bald bitch Chip.

    1. What a stupid dimwitted comment. You must have very low IQ if you can't express yourself better than that. So you don't like Chip or Niki, that is okay, but why be so crude, just turn the dial.

  11. One thing is certain, I wouldn't have heard an informative q & a with the NY Times expert from the prior hard right duo. I only had a chance to listen for 10-15 minutes, but I'd say she's off to a good start. The critical question is whether she'll be able to interact with the callers in an educated, informative, and entertaining manner or not. That's not something that comes easily. I guess one thing she's got going for her, might give her some time to learn, that time slot tends to focus on news reports more than callers.

  12. Thank you, I like Niki, we need to give her a chance, I don't know why everyone is so ready to be so negative before she hardly gets started.
    I would listen to A&G also, although I'm liberal, they could be entertaining and funny, there wasn't much else on at that time, now I have a choice and I will definitely turn in to Niki's show. I do think 4 hours is a lot especially at that time, perhaps give Mark Thompson another hour, he by the way has gotten a lot better since he started.

    1. I think it's because of the way they mocked and ridiculed people on the show with Chip over the past few years. You reap what you sow.
