Friday, March 20, 2020

Bay Area Media Coverage of Coronavirus Crisis; Salutations (Little) and Admonishments (Many) Friday Open

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*KGO-TV--namely, Dan Ashley and Michael Finney, for outstanding solo interviews and reassuring, calm anchoring in the heat of battle. Old pros don't have to be told how to perform, they just do it, crisis or not.

*When said anchor and his/her partner sit a few extra feet apart, we see it now, we don't have to be told. Further embellishment by the players means you're really trying very hard to impress us. Stop!

*KCBS has begun to use promos a la Coronavirus-style to highlight their "continuing" coverage--gees, thanks for letting us know that, I thought otherwise.

*Speaking of which, yes, Doug Sovern, has it tight with Gov. Gav Newsom, now if only he used his clout to ask a decent question to his buddy.

*I'll give Newsom credit though he's escaped the possibility of doing the "Ronn Owens Report."

*Yo, Ken Bastida, for all your name and face, can you 86 the constant-dread face? It gives off a phony persona --as if you really are concerned about our welfare, knock it off, Bastida, please, for all of us.

'*At KTVU, they're trying to catch the idiot (probably an intern) who mistakenly allowed the song, "American Pie" to get past the morning dolts--not bad, only the part, "This will be the day that I'll die" made it on the air. Sum Ting Wong, again.

*Ronnnnn doing his report from a closet at home in Seacliff. Actually called the Pres, "pal." God, what a total schmuck.

*Then again, I hear you can get a phenomenal deal on Ronnnnnnn's latest cruise in November.

*The incessant giggling from some of the KNBR crew is enough to make you want to lick your fingers. Especially the morning misfits with the screaming guy with the fake New Jersey accent. His soundboard at least mutes out traffic chick with mouth still wide open who does absolutely nothing.

*KGO Radio has become KGO retro and that's great, especially John Rothmann and Chip Franklin. Nikki Medoro has promise but so, so, many rookie gaffes with amateur small talk and a poor sidekick and terrible producer. Sorry, not ready for prime time.

*The dreaded, fake rally cry, "we're all gonna get thru this." from the local media is complete rubbish. I even fell for it. The truth is every day it's (the virus) it gets more pervasive, so yeah, eventually, we will get through it just not now, so please, just shut up and move on.

*Don't the weather people seem a little out of place now?

*And isn't "traffic on the 8's" just a little more ludicrous? KCBS and Kim Wonderley, in particular, growling with a straight face every day now,"there's just NO traffic out here." Well, then, dammit, how about lessening the traffic reports and allowing some more air time for doctors, am I missing something?

*THIS JUST IN: Stan Bunger drinks beer!

*Susan Leigh Taylor still reports mist on her windshield driving in to the city.

*Kenny Choi in the field for PIX which is sort of like putting Jan Wahl out to Marin for a cheesecake party.

*You know what I want? I want a local doctor to give us analysis after each Trump presser --real, informative stuff, but guess what? There is none. KCBS and KQED would rather do traffic on the 8's.

*If Mark Thompson were to stop his stupid cackling every five minutes, then I'd give him credit because his show isn't that bad lately, but his uber-mouth and dim wits from ANNOYING Bret Burkhart make that impossible.

*Burkhart thinks he's some funny, irreverent news guy who is about as funny and sanguine as a Milpitas Arby's.

*Medoro is still hellbent on being, "freaked out.:" Just talk Nik and lose the OMG's and freak outs.

*John Batchelor? Yikes.

*KRON needs a whole lot of disinfectant and I'm not talking about the virus.

*I'm going stir-crazy watching CNN and its false, every-two-minutes, "Breaking News." What an abomination.

*Sean Hannity proving every day and night on TV and radio, Darwin was wrong.

*What happens to sports anchors on TV when there's no sports to report?

*And when the advertisers stop advertising on radio here (and elsewhere) do the radio guys suddenly disappear? Yes, they do. Eventually.

*When do they all call it a depression?

*I'm not a stock market guy but when all my friends tell me the stock market is nothing more than a glorified ponzi scheme I'm not so saddened.

*Here's something you can steal: Bulls get rich. Bears get rich. Pigs get slaughtered.

*Marcus Thompson from The Athletic gets on all the sports radio shows because he's ...Never mind



  1. It was funny to hear the future democratic candidate for president call out Doug by name last night in his presser. Watch KCBS use that sound bite for some kind of self-serving promo...Interesting to see that Sal Castaneda was doing his AM traffic reports from his makeshift home studio. He's going to become as useful as a broken umbrella on a rainy day soon...Funny to see KRON4's graphics tag on its coronavirus coverage. Reminds one of how Fox News Channel promotes itself. What does that tell you? Keep up the good work. Keep the media zombies honest. Viewers/listeners aren't dummies. We all have brains and can smell a phony a mile away. Don't kid yourselves.

  2. I like John Batchelor-he covers the world news and sometimes has a great long-form interview with and author(granted, some of those are quite old)

  3. "John Batchelor? Yikes."

    Not sure what that means but agree with him or not, he's probably smarter than everyone else on KGO combined, and a far better interviewer.

    1. way too far up Trump's ass! Smart? voice smart but not brain smart.

    2. Wish he was on more and longer, best thing about KGO radio.

  4. Yep,Saw Sal. Why?,I missed. Does he have it or because he met a living breathing person,it's got him doing the Andromeda strain over reaction?
    Not one person in lovely Hayward has as much as tested positive.

  5. - Shall we call him Petri Dish Lowenstein?
    - Spot on about Waaannity. Evil as Murdoch and the other extremists.

  6. Your post makes no sense. I understand you don't like Ronn, same with Rich, but for years Ronn has taken a lot of critic for being too middle of the road, and now you are calling him an extremists!
    Not a fan of Murdoch or Fox news, but I don't know that the word evil applies. He sees the world different than you and I, and he choose to communicate that through the Fox network and other outlet, he might not be the most compassionate and caring person in the world, but I think the term evil should be used carefully to certain individuals such as: Hitler, Stalin, Osama Bin Laden who were truly evil..

    1. There is physical evil, and there is rhetorical evil. Some of these pro-Hairpiece pastors would look good in devil's horns, especially Kenneth Copland, who has gone way off the rails this past week. It is not a matter of seeing the world different, it is matter of the damage that it has caused to both the American psyche and believe it or not, the Australian environment. Murdoch has way too much power over politicians, not just in the States and among the Mates, but all over Europe and pockets of Asia, Europe, even South America. Somebody needs to hold the extremist people at FOX (and to an extent, Sinclair) accountable for their unhealthy impact toward basic social discourse. Until they are pressured to the extreme for the damage they have caused, this COVID-19 pandemic will take longer than needed to overcome and a lot of lives will be impacted for worse. Hateful rhetoric is as damaging as hateful regimes, if not more so because of the increasing suicide rates.

    2. I don't like hateful rhetoric, but it depends who you talk to, conservatives will say liberals are full of hateful rhetoric towards Trump, Christians, Israel. I have compassion for those that gets so depressed (having suffered from depression in the past), but if hateful rhetoric makes them commit suicide they have other problems and issues to deal with.

  7. TMZ says that two dogs in socal have tested positive for the virus. One died.
    That's what they reported.

  8. *What happens to sports anchors on TV when there's no sports to report?

    It gives Dennis O'Donnell on KPIX 5 more time for his "catch of the day" fish story.

  9. I guess you missed this, but yesterday KTVU cut to a live announcement from Newsom (I think it was on the Four O'clock) and let him speak for about ten minutes, only to come on at the top of the next newscast and breathlessly apologize...they had accidentally played a tape of Newsom talking from two days ago!

    Sum Ting Wong yet again...

  10. Here's another observation. Where's Melania? No place to be seen. She's giving me the "I don't care ,do you"..frigidity. Some first lady. Or is it she looks out for number one?

    1. @ 7:52pm: Stan's right; where the hell is Melania in all of this? I think she did a hand washing PSA, and...?

    2. I have shied away from being critical of Melania Trump, most first ladies for that matter, they were not on the ballot, and being under that continued scrutiny must be very difficult.

      However, she is married to a narcissist, so it would stand to reason to keep her sanity, she would look out for herself. She might be a bit of a narcissist as well, don't really know, she had done a good job of being mysterious, even more so than Jackie Kennedy, I think. However, I think the world was more enamored of Jackie, and of course with the passing of time we have learned more about Jackie than we did when she was First Lady.

  11. Is it me, or are Somerville and Haener sitting even further apart than before? Just give each of them their own studio...

  12. Newsome said "In two months 53% of Californians will have been infected.
    I hope I heard wrong.

  13. For those of you who remember Evelyn Taft, she is still pretty as ever, but broadcasting from her home in this CV crisis on KCAL9.

  14. "*You know what I want? I want a local doctor to give us analysis after each Trump presser --real, informative stuff, but guess what? There is none. KCBS and KQED would rather do traffic on the 8's."

    Not only that but Trump goes off the rails at almost every presser, yet on KTVU they never cover this. Funny about that.
