Monday, February 24, 2020

Robin Winston on KRON: A Star is Born

Image result for Robin Winston KRON
 Robin Winston: a star is born. Actually, she's been doing a lot on local TV News reporting the traffic, only it's KRON and that doesn't count.

Robin should be on KTVU; people would instantly forget about minor nuisances like this.

PIX? Talk about a station on life support that would instantly garner buzz and ratings but CBS here has no creativity other than one of their worker bees constantly throwing everyone under the bus.

Winston has star power and visual inertia up the ying yang. Her personality could use a spike and she knows it. But that's teachable. I could work with her and I'll only demand a tuna sandwich from Grumpy's for my services.


  1. At one point, PIX was strongly considering hiring Robin full-time. She wowed at her interview but management knew that she was a rising star and the cost would eventually be too much. They also thought she was a bit off-brand and not initially a great fit for PIX. As a result, she ended up at KRON and the rest is history.

    1. That's America today: If you're not mediocre, they don't want you. The best way to get ahead is to be below par in a world where everyone else is and is proud of it.

    2. All these comments about how hot she is.

      Sorry, she's more "Cosby Show" than she is "Real Housewives" or Wendy Williams. Basically, white bread. She'd do well in Kansas City.

  2. you can practically see her yin/yang in that picture.

    1. I think you meant her Cardi Minaj.

  3. I think she's the one that KRON's camera caught walking on set at the end of Darya's newscast this morning. You talk about women dressing for the club? She was dressed to club with stripper boots that went up to her thighs. Looked kind of ridiculous.

    1. In this business it's how you get ahead. This is why I vomit when they suddenly start saying "Oh, ME TOO! Boo-hoo!" They don't cry when it's getting them somewhere, only when it stops working.

  4. What net worth would I need to have Robin and her Ying & Yang look my way? Keith from Pacifica

    1. Much much cheaper than you think.

    2. To Keith from Pacifica:
      I am not sure how much money you would need to get next to her. But; for starts your money should be as long as train smoke.

    3. Rich, why are you censoring any comments that say it would take mayyybe a $5 gift card? What are you trying to hide?

  5. She's the main reason I watch KRON in the morning.

    1. Thank you! A point I have been trying to make. They have to give us a reason to watch their News programs. She certainly is a reason, a pleasure to watch. If I described how pleasurable to watch she is I would violate the oath I was forced to recite in order to successfully pass my Sensitivity training class...can't do that.

      She has that unstoppable power, it'd called sexual attraction, look at the picture.

      Her picture beautifully indicates what I know and she knows...The Women Are The News.

  6. A Good ‘Ol Darkie from RichmondFebruary 24, 2020 at 9:18 PM

    You only like her because she’s a sista.

  7. She anchors the News from 4am - 5am, too

  8. She is so freaking HOT!!!!

  9. I think you can see her ying yang in that picture. Never saw a woman post her own upskirt pic before. Alrighty then.

    1. "I could work with her"

      I bet that both you and Gary Radnich would LOVE to "work with her".

  10. Gary Radnich will asking Robin Winston out for a date soon.
    That Radnich is quite a ladies man.

  11. You first covered her as being a horrible person, during her catfights with the weather reporter Anny Hong, and now she's kind of "classy" in your eyes? Make up your mind!

  12. Nick Gerz in the TenderloinFebruary 25, 2020 at 8:53 PM

    In the words of the great GRad- I bet she could Get Down! YES!

  13. Robin Winston is absolutely the BEST thing KRON has for it. Besides her obvious model looks, she is actually refreshing to see a Woman of a darker complexion on a local newscast. I'm Team Robin all day.

    1. If someone asked me to describe Robin Winston using only two words, I would say, visually delicious!

      The Women Are The News.
