Monday, February 24, 2020

Bet on Peck Getting Full Time Weather Gig at KPIX

Image result for Darrin Peck KPIX
Darren Peck
 Darren Peck or Brian Hackney? Seems one of these two will get the fulltime weather gig on PIX-- my money is on Peck.

Not that I'm greatly impressed with Peck, he's just not the innately boring and ego maniacal Hackney who thinks he's larger than life.

Peck has a lot of melba toast but delivers a passable weather broadcast and isn't set to rock the boat.

He'll be adequate and that's what the suits like at CBS.


  1. Here you go Rich. Article topic:

  2. They don't like Hackney, because intelligence frightens most Americans, including you, Rich.

    1. Hackney is scary at times, and it's not because of his intelligence level.

    2. > Hackney is scary at times, and it's not
      > because of his intelligence level.

      Go on. Don't pretend you have something to say and then don't say it.

    3. No, 4 PM. I'd rather leave you hanging with the implication.

  3. Seems to me that keeping Hackney in his weekend/spot weekday anchor gig, and having Peck as the full-time weatherman, would be a good move.

    1. Hackney does well in the anchor role, and he works well with fellow anchor/PIX longtimer Juliette Goodrich on the weekend telecasts. And with the limited weekend schedule, Hackney will still have time to continue fill-in anchoring, weather forecasting, and perhaps even special reporting (given his science background/expertise) during the weekdays.

      Peck has done well, and worked hard (covering a wide range of shifts), enough to earn the full time weather position. And I haven't noticed any on-air problems between Peck and the anchors and other reporters.

  4. Bring back Professor Leon Hunsaker, Bob Lobertini or Joel Bartlett. Hell, even have Milt Kahn do the weather. Anybody but this putz.

  5. What is the feud with Brian and Darren??? Did Darren pissed off the executives at KPIX demoted to the weekends???

    I prefer Brian

    1. Who said there's a feud and learn your verb tenses.

  6. Hey, what’s with Hackney’s hair? Does he wear a piece, or does he just comb it over and spray it down weird?

    1. It's natural. Ask the many women who've run their fingers through it.

  7. Does this mean we will hear less of Mary Lee screeching at us?
