Sunday, February 23, 2020

I'll Give KGO Radio/Cumulus a Little Credit on New Schedule Tweaking

Image result for KGO RadioEVEN as their  latest ratings (the beauty contest numbers 12+) tend to flatline, I'll give KGO credit: their hierarchy, who I've had issues with what seems like an eternity, is trying their best to bring back portions of the old KGO.

Underline portions because there's no bringing back a vintage KGO simply because it's impossible. The times are different, people are different, the whole world is different, but I gotta give the powers that be their do: at least they try.

The weekday line-up I have good and bad points. I think it's better than average. They, the bosses, have a limited budget so they're dealing with a house of cards. I'm sure they'd love to do more tweaking and scheduling but with little money, you can't maneuver and operate, I get it and you guys should know that.

I'll elaborate later in the week.


  1. When your lineup consists of the most unlistenable irritating people in the history of the station, tweaking the schedule is just rearranging garbage. "Hmmmmm, Chip and Nikki together is just way to awful, let's spread it out a little."

    I notice Brett Burkhart's new thing is to note how sad it is the forecast doesn't include rain. Uh, speak for yourself Brett...I'll take a drought over being at the mercy of shitty Bay Area drivers who start flying off the road and into eachother every time it drizzles a little.

    1. dear 8:18...Perhaps, unlike Brett Burkhart, you didn't have to cover any of our historically recent and devastating big fires.

  2. Christine, with wit like this, no wonder your still on KGO.

    1. 2:15 just what does that mean. Christine is right on, who would want drought after all the fires the Bay Area has had? Very callous comment.

    2. 2:15, "your"? your what? Commenting about the Northern California fires, is not an exercise in wit. Did you think drought was a good thing? I haven't done any radio at KGO for years and years.Why would you think I had?

    3. I wrote the comment at 5:35, whoever 2:15 and 8:18 are the obviously not too bright I could use stronger language, but I'll leave at that.

      I especially like John and Pat, also like other hosts, but wish you were on as well, always listened when I could.

  3. Get em Christine....

  4. Armstrong and Getty are moving to to another SF station, good riddance to the Rush Limbaugh want to bees.

  5. i thought that chip and nikky were sounding better the last several months, seems kinda odd they would break them up..wonder if the chipster is going to have another partner or just go solo now..just hope they don't bring the dreadfull traffic woman back, whats left of their ratings would tank big time if that happened..
