Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

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ANSWERING YOUR TV/RADIO QUESTIONS--Please, name and town gets priority.


  1. Buenos Dias, Rich--
    Thanks for all that you do on this Blog:

    I remember when the next "thing" in Bay Area local TV news was the supposed demise of two-person news crews (reporter & photog/videographer) favor of one-man-band journalists. KRON jumped aboard this train--citing cost efficiency, technological advances, and the incoming wave of a new generation of these "backpack journalists" trained to do this in college and in smaller markets.

    But, here in 2020, this concept doesn't appear to have taken hold. What's your "take" on this? Is this still an inevitability...or was this just a fad which has died down.

    1. The MMJ (multi-media journalist) is really a pretty phrase for "cheap" because it makes reporter do camera guy's job and looking at KRON like I do sometimes it really makes them look even worse than they are. That said, it's a sign of the times I guess.

    2. Rich, I agree with you here that it makes reporter look worse and a sign of the times for sure. Ben Dejo- your a sharp fella!

  2. Rich,

    a little surprised you didn't have a comment on the passing of Don Imus. I know he wasn't a "local" bay area broadcaster, but he was syndicated on 94.5 in San Jose for a few years in the mid-to-late 90's and he was significant as the first "shock jock" to really make it big. Whether you liked his shtick or not, Imus was a significant air talent in the radio business for a number of years

    1. Mark--
      Never was an Imus fan. Thought he was sorry on-air --couldn't figure out all the buzz. I only was a late observer to his shtick b/c of Howard Stern, who hated him and vice-versa.

  3. What's become of john Bristow? Was hoping he'd take the morning spot from tedious Bunger. And, why the sports every 30 minutes with annoying replays? Caroline Burns being the worse voice and replay fanatic?
    David, San Jose

    1. Bristow was do98ng some fill-in on KGO a couple weeks ago and actually was good. I was surprised--maybe he can resurrect his career as a talk-show host.

  4. I was going to ask why Chip Franklin has a show, but that mystery is probably unsolvable. I will ask, however, if you find any value in tv traffic reporters (notably...Sal Casteneda) referring to the "commute" as light, moderate, or heavy? I only care about my specific route. Why do I care about general traffic conditions for the whole Bay Area??

    1. Pebaylay, it's because you care. And as for Chip, he moves the needle.

    2. I bet I could randomly walk down any street in the Bay Area and poll 10 people on Chip and maaaaybe 1 out of 10 on every other street would know the name and not much else.

      He isn't moving shit bro.

  5. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 8, 2020 at 9:37 AM

    Bonnie Jill Laflin- Are they real?

    1. Probably not, but she keeps the economy brewing for plastic surgeons.

    2. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 8, 2020 at 11:54 AM

      So true! What does KNBR see in her? Spinner?!

  6. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 8, 2020 at 9:39 AM

    Marc Ibanez loves the Iranian interns...even after the recent bombings?

    1. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 8, 2020 at 11:55 AM

      Got it. Speaking of, what ethnicity is Mark Ibanez? Hes a mystery to me!

    2. Yosef..he's Chinese.

    3. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM

      If hes Chinese so is Donna Changstein. He's not Chinese!

    4. Like Ronn Owens, Mark Ibanez, can't embrace his heritage.
      Very sad for the tolerant Bay Area.
      Maybe he doesn't want to be confused with Rigo Chacon.

  7. Nick Gerz in the TenderloinJanuary 8, 2020 at 10:01 AM

    How do you feel about the lack of African American weather man or woman on Bay Area news channels?

  8. The same as I feel about the lack of Black news anchors and reporters. It's especially prominent in the land of so-called Bay Area diversity.

    1. Nick Gerz in the TenderloinJanuary 8, 2020 at 10:20 AM

      Agreed. Its a dam shame that there is not a board that reviews these things for the large corporate mongers. I hate to use the the NFL's The Rooney Rule as a example as it really just bastardizes the hiring process of hiring coaches, but we need representation on the air! Stand up for us Rich! Black News-caster's Matter!

    2. The 13% is over-represented. If anything, we need more Latinos, Asians and Indians. Better representation of the Bay Area populace.

    3. Do you think Darya is au-natural or lasered down there?

    4. Is disagree based he on the air personality I doubt she could set still for the process

    5. The world according to Darya has had more work than Bay Bridge East Bay span!

    6. Have you not noticed Kari Hall on NBC Bay Area?

    7. As a woman, I find Darya's act to be pathetic. How does she keep her job?

    8. I think she has daily tea meetings with the News Director.

    9. I'd guess Darya prob. lase. Srame with Heather. Gasia.. au naturel baby! (and I'm loving every minute of it).

  9. John Gullbunny hiding in Hunter PointJanuary 8, 2020 at 10:51 AM

    Hey Rich, Good morning! Thanks for hosting this Q&A. Love your unfiltered takes on News and really our ever changing San Francisco.

    My question is about Hunters Point. With the Warriors moving in down the street, im seeing so many changes in our neighborhood. What is your take on gentrification of Hunters Point and where will we all end up?

    1. It's called the power of tech and SF real estate. As long as the techies are still prosperous then real estate in the Bay Area will be at a high price, even in places like Hunters Point.

    2. Stan who's not ObservingJanuary 8, 2020 at 12:10 PM

      "John, Yosef, Nick" you don't have to leave.

      2 words...squatters rights.

      It's like finders keepers...but for other peoples property!

  10. Did you ever write about Brian Copeland lawsuit settling?

  11. Many times, actually.
    My latest take is that I think Cumulus is at advantage, C.

  12. Hi Rich: Six months ago Channel 7 discontinued their 9 pm newscast on KOFY TV 13. So Why does Channel 5 still persist in having a 10 pm half hour newscast on KBCW TV 12? Even though Maria Medina & Emily Turner are much better than Screeching "GAME ON" Veronica De la Cruz Channel Two's 10 pm newscast still dominates rating-wise in that time slot. Isn't it about time KPIX finally cancel for good its 10 pm newscast on TV 12. Rich: I absolutely love your blog. Cary SF

    1. Thanks Cary--I think PIX looks at it as marketing for their 11 PM newscast. They never once expected to beat the TEN O'clock News on KTVU-- that's all it.

    2. They dumped Night Beat, now it's CBSN Bay Area for one hour

    3. Will KNBR ever, highly promote that they're on FM 104.5?? They could really so much more damage to 95.7!

    4. @5:07- Even though KNBR is now simulcasted in FM on 104.5, I think everyone will know KNBR to be KNBR 680.

  13. My point was I think it already settled!

    1. For a real laugh, if you are in the know...see a 2006 NYT piece by Erica Milvy about Brian Copeland's little playlet, "not a genuine black man". He claims that he didn't "deal drugs"and thus disappointed those who wanted him to be more genuinely black. this is pretty funny , when you know the truth of the matter.

    2. What was Brian Copeland's financial settlement ?
      This should make him a very wealthy man.

  14. Your Karl Malden and Michael Douglas photo had me thinking: Does anyone know if the series "San Francisco Beat" is available? A movie was made called "The Line Up" with some of the same characters.

    1. Yes. It's called LinuUp. San Francisco Beat was a name used later. The movie is available but not the TV show

  15. Mr. Robinson's NeighborhoodJanuary 8, 2020 at 12:14 PM

    I really like the cans on that one bitch at NBC, Laura something hyphenated something that's now just Laura something.

    What local news lady outside of Lisa Argen makes Rich take a 2nd look?

  16. Any word on what happened with Drew Hoffar @ KNBR?

    The only mention I can find on it is an article by Steve Berman at the Athletic but it requires a subscription to read. He was on multiple shows as a fill-in and hosted the late night slot for a couple of years. He disappeared a month or 2 ago and some Raiders beat writer and at times the Giants beat writer now host that time slot every night.

    1. He's apparently gone. Good news? More Uber drivers.

  17. Why do you dislike Tim Kawakami. He seems like a jerk but have you met him personally?

    1. Yes, countless times. He's an arrogant jerk. Thinks he's God. I thought I was a pain.

    2. He comes across that way. Apparently he blocks anyone that disagrees as well.

    3. Rich Lieberman has a good reason for disliking
      Tim (the midget) Kawakami.
      Kawakami is universally despised in the sports writing community.
      Kawakami has brought all this wrath upon himself.
      Say shorty Kawakami, look in the mirror.

  18. Rich, I grew up with Tim and his brothers in Burlingame. He was an arrogant kid back then. He really thought his s...t didn't sink.

  19. Emily Chang is on maternity leave at present for Bloomberg Business TV. When is she coming back? I really miss her in the morning, actually I miss her all day long, she doesn't even know who I am.

  20. Do you have any plans to get married?

    1. Yeah, sure, always looking and getting snubbed repeatedly which is shocking. Know any women?

    2. Rich, have a you tried online dating?

    3. Yeah, I met this broad at a Motel 6 and she tried to kill me.

    4. Oh man. Sorry to hear about that.... Even though there are some cool women online, there are tons of crazy women online too.

    5. "I met this broad"? Rich...what are you, a Trump supporter?

  21. "San Francisco Beat" was the post network run of a CBS show called
    "The Lineup" which actually began as a CBS radio program of the same name.
    The show was a police procedural to go against NBC's Dragnet radio show.
    The Lineup on radio was based in an anonymous big city. It was ok but not as popular as Dragnet. When Dragnet went to TV so did The Lineup. I believe it lasted a couple of years. They chose San Francisco as their local and seemingly cornered the market on 1951/52 black Ford 4 door sedans. It went into syndication in the mid to late '50s where I saw it on either channel 2 or 5
    I think if you google it you could find TV shows. You can get the radio shows online from a number of vendors

  22. Rich, out of curiosity did the authorities ever find the cause of Ray Taliaferro's death? What ever became of that.

    Oh, and btw...Alex Bennett was diagnosed with prostate cancer....fortunately the dr. caught it pre-stage 1 (whatever that means) and he is currently undergoing treatment in New York. He prognosis at this point is that he will Make a complete recovery. And he will continue to do his weekly pod / webcast show out of his home in NY via Gabnet.

    1. Ray T death still a mystery. If we had any decent investigative reporters out there, I'd love for some insight into the Taliaferro death, but we don't --yeah, I heard about Alex Bennet, wish him a speedy recovery, thanks LRon.

  23. Rich ... Is anyone considering producing a vdo or cinema version of a Beach Blanket Babylon show for those of us who never had the chance to see it live?

    George/San Jose

    1. I'd bet, George, by now, someone is writing a screenplay.

  24. I heard the name Chip Franklin, just because of this blog, I think he has a radio show, but that is all I can say

    1. Oh Neal, I read you on Lowell Cohn's blog, you have a lot to say and I like what you write.

    2. Andre Hankins from East Palo AltoJanuary 8, 2020 at 7:15 PM

      Lowell Cohn is the greatest sports writer of all time and a real mensch. Who do you recommend as a sports writer since he retired? And please don’t say Grant Cohn because I’m not a fan of nepotism.

    3. I like Scott Ostler quite a bit, especially his Sunday column. On occasion, Bruce Jenkins' NBA writing is terrific if you love pro basketball like I do, good question, Andre.

    4. Good morning, Rich how you doin. These Q&A's are great. Scott Ostler is great, same with Bruce Jenkins. I agree with Andre on this too, nepotism runs rampant in sports media. Just look at Greg's son Derek Papa...hes a useless turd.

    5. Glad to hear you love hoops. What team do you follow?

    6. I do miss Lowell Cohn.

  25. How is Glenn Dickey doing?

  26. I was wondering what Glenn Dickey is up too lately too. Any word Rich?

    1. Glenn is enjoying the last sunset of his life, I'm told.

    2. Blessed be the days in Glenn's final days. God be with him.

  27. I disagree with your thoughts about Bruce Jenkins basketball articles. Anything V Slater is great and so is Tim Kawakami, although apparently he’s been a jerk since he was a kid.

    1. Is this THE Coach Stogner from Carlmont?! Agreed on Slater and TK does seem like a jerk. Rich have you ever had a chance to meet Anthony Slater?

  28. Rich, how often do you do these Q&A's? I really enjoyed it, looking forward to your next one.
