Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Poignant Vic Lee Moment

Normally, I wouldn't post some obscure video like the above but it's this gem of a few seconds that highlight the passion of a great reporter like Vic Lee who is retiring after five great decades of work at KGO and the old KRON.

It's real journalists like Lee who make this business work and work did Vic Lee work. It's a bummer we won't see his out in the field anymore because he was so darn tenacious and terrific, a real pleasure to watch and admire.

I'm often ripped for consistently bitching and moaning about some of the people here working in the market. And yes, I'm often critical and pissy. So be it. That's just me.

We need more Vic Lees in the business. There's no one out there now that comes even remotely close.


  1. I worked with Vic for years. THE best. A great reporter and a great human being.

  2. I watch Vic Lee since he was on KRON 4 and later years went to KGO 7 which his air time appearance wasn't the same as KRON 4. You can say, age and the station does not value his work like before but he is still working as a reporter delivering serious news reporter like the Grinch Cat paying him a farewell at the station. It is very hard these days to find a reporter able to work until over age 70 especially working ABC Disney who values cheap labor, new faces compared to Vic, honest and serious reporting. Good choice leaving KRON 4 or else he probably would have retire even sooner.

  3. Nothing wrong with being honest. In this namby-pamby world we live in these days, honesty doesn't work any more. It's a shame.

    Vic Lee did his job. Nothing else. No grandstanding. No showing off. He wasn't in it for the "likes," the social media hits and all of that. As Bill Belichick would say, "Do your job." That's what Vic Lee did.

    These days, your work is judged by your memes and posts. The world shouldn't be that shallow.

  4. True that, except methinks David Louie also falls into this category...

  5. Vic Lee is a throw back to another time; the era of Van Amburg, Dave McElhatton, Evan White, Marcia Brandwynne, Belva Davis, Suzanne Shaw, Lloyd Lacuesta, Doug Murphy, et. al.

    Back during this time, getting the story correct without chyrons and live reports was journalism we will never see again.

    Today's live reports standing in the dark or in front a closed store or interviewing people on the street who are not precepient witnesses to see how they feel about an accident, shooting, fire or robbery is ridiculous and not journalism, IMHO.
