Wednesday, January 1, 2020



Resolutions: try to be as entertaining as possible. Keep it interesting. Keep it passionate. Keep the needle moving. Which is why I do this and which is why 415 Media is your go-to location.

2020? Good casino numbers. Hopefully, a good year too.

What's on your mind today?


  1. Did you notice that the KNBR fill-ins (notably Kurtenbach and Crowley) are much better than the pathetic M&M, Lund and Brooks?
    Sunnyvale Jim

    1. I almost never listen to KNBR anymore, so when I was listening for a few minutes yesterday, I was surprised to hear that Salty had died.

  2. To delete all Christine Craft posts! She is so high on herself! Her book would have you think she won a she discrimination suit. In fact she LOST on appeal!

    1. Sounds like she won a place inside of your head.

    2. 4:33 are you pointing to me? I wrote the comment at 2:06? I did not say whether I liked Christine or not, nor am I going to now, the issue is all voices should be heard, it is free speech. Yes, I know this is Rich's blog and he certainly has the right to remove or not publish comments, as he see fit. I just think the blog is more interesting when diverse opinions are posted. Besides that Christine had fans in this area when she was on the air.

    3. It was a reply to the 12:23 post, 11:48. I agree with you, in regard to free speech and platforms where all voices are heard.

    4. I love Christine.

  3. No not a good idea. Whether you like Christine or not is not the issue, the issue is if Rich wants to keep this blog interesting all voices should be heard, except those in extremely bad taste (crude, sexist and racist, especially the last one).

    1. The so called crude, sexist and racist comments are just what the kids today call "truthbombs".

    2. "All voices must be heard."
      Such drivel.

      You can speak, but I sure don't have to listen.

    3. Of course you don't have to listen, that goes without saying. I don't listen to Rush, Hannity or Mark Levin, I do listen to some other conservatives, who are more balanced, but I have never supported taken the 3 above mentioned host of the air. Perhaps "must" was not the right word, English is my second language, maybe should be head. All I meant and mean is a diversity of opinions are good, each of can then decided who to listen to.

  4. Good numbers for the casino? Hmmm Might need to head over to Rail City down the street! Hopefully the year is better for all of us. But can't say the same about the state of broadcasting.

  5. Change the law Proposition 47 gave California. Any theft under the value of what? $950. is not a felony now. This has led to locust waves of minorities shoplifting from retailers. Bad mistake. Press Delete!

    1. You must be one of those old farts on next door bitching about the good ol’ days before prop 47. The subject could be a missing Labrador then you’ll pipe in like a psycho: if prop 47 were repealed the Labrador would never have gone missing!!

    2. 9:05 are you here legally?

    3. Prop can thank your Democrat politicians.


    4. I agree. We are experiencing a lot of thefts from cars in the East Bay. The Police blame Prop 47. No incentive to stop stealing.

    5. For the first time in 100 years California is losing electoral votes because people are leaving the state.

      The same thing is happening in NY and NJ.

      Yet these same morons leaving due to high costs because they voters for the politicians and policies that caused the mess go to the next state and continue their voting patterns. Here's an idea, quit electing Democrats. Mindless morons.

    6. Hysterics on next door are still freaking out over the young man who valued a laptop more than his life. What’s with these Montclair folks? You over pay for a house and you feel entitled to “safety”? Coffee at Starbucks is a crime in itself!!!

  6. Schools should bring back Home Economics and Welding classes.
    They should also start offering Martial Arts classes by a qualified
    Sensei or Boxing Classes. For Boys, Girls and Others. Let the kids use that energy and learn to control it. Don't snuff it out.

  7. Whats on my mind?? How bad will the Democrats screw up such an easy win and hand an even more embolden Donald Trump and his spineless lackeys in Congress another four years.

  8. Kyla Grogan needs to stop shopping in the Teen Department. Her hair is bigger than her dresses.

  9. Rough night for KGO. The board op was so bored playing a Rothmann repeat that he or she repeated the 7 p.m. hour again at 8. Rothmann was talking to some expert on the impeachment who sounded older than Methuselah, perfect for the KGO demo. At about 8:50, the board op realized he or she was playing the previous hour again, and abruptly switched to Tuesday night’s show with Pat and John reacting to the events in Baghdad. These guys shouldn’t be talking about world affairs because it puts their ignorance on display. Pat suggested that the U.S. just give up its embassy in Baghdad to the Iranians. Of course Baghdad is in Iraq, not Iran. She was serious. Why the board op would choose to replay this embarrassing part of their show is anybody’s guess.

    1. Rothman is a boring guy who takes himself way too seriously

    2. Pat is a moron. Her fans are just mindless Democrats.

    3. Please Pat knows the difference between Iran and lraq, you just want to nitpick every little thing. There is not newscaster or radio host who has not misspoken at some point, no matter who it is, and they will admit

    4. To those who are bashing Pat and John, may I suggest that I could say the same about Rush and Hannity. Both Pat and John have their followers, if they are not your cup of tea that is understandable. We all have our own opinion, I for one am glad they are on the air, and provide some counterbalance to what is mostly right wing talk radio, so if you don't like a host just turn the dial, it is a free country.

  10. I agree wholeheartedly with JB
    Kurtenbach and Crowley are fresh with ideas and uestions. Kurtenbach has
    M-F 10 pm to midnight and Crowley could fill anywhere but he is the Giants beat writer for the Merc

    1. Agree regarding Kurtenbach. He has hot takes. I haven't heard Crowley except with Marty Lurie.

  11. Agree with JN on Kurtenbach and Crowley. They have good commentary and questions with fine interviews . Kurtenbach has the 10PM-Midnight show. Crowley is excellent but is the Giants beat writer for the Merc

  12. Lisa Argent should never allow her legs to be seen on TV. She has weird taste in clothes and the worst pins on the tube.

    1. I thought Lisa Argent was dressed the best when she wore some of her leather outfits. A taste of kink as it were. But I don't think she's donned the leathers on-the-air since she moved from KRON. Might be too edgy for the world of the mouse.

    2. Rich likes her legs. He wants to tap that.

  13. New year's wishes. Paul McCaffrey got a job with the morning zoo in Des Moines, Iowa and I never ever have to listen to another Kars for Kids jingle. I am pessimistic I am not going to get my wishes.

  14. Mark Tomayo- KTVU MO2- needs to drink some water before he begins his weather cast. He chokes and gags all the way through it.

  15. Kyla Grogan needs to get better control top under garments! All my wife can say is "Look at that paunch (bulging stomach, muffin top, etc)". Maybe less form fitting dresses! The only other thing my wife says about her is "Rode hard and hung up wet". She should also go back to her hair stylist and, at least, have the hair roots, and / or highlighted hair, match her eye brows!

    1. I think your wife is playing that game where women rip on other women to make themselves feel better, poor thing. My wife thinks the weather gals on KTVU are great and says she loves their dresses, actually took a screen shot of one of them the other night to see if she could find the dress she was wearing in a store.

    2. Kyla is a twig. And she can wear anything she wants or nothing at all and I'll watch her every damn night. Side note if your wife is talking about other women's undergarments, she may not be that into you. Just a heads up. I dated one like that, Didn't end well for me but she and her new girlfriend are very happy!

    3. This person writes this rode hard put away wet comment on EVERY post about EVERY woman on tv. Let's make this the year that if you have nothing new to say you shut the f#@* up already. SMH

    4. Good God if that pixie of a woman is now considered large then I'm morbidly obese six times over. I think your tv may need some adjusting there buddy. Kyla Grogan is gorgeous. I hope these women never read this sludge. Please forgive him Weather Goddess! It's probably Bill Martin afraid you're gonna take his job. Cause I'd sure as hell rather watch you any day of the week.

  16. that new weather guy on kpix, Mr rogers doin the weather

  17. The pathetic souls who have nothing but nasty things to say about people who do jobs you would never be able to do should all consider GETTING A LIFE.
    Shouting in the dark behind the cloak of anonymity about how this one looks or that one talks, how brave you are. Trust me they all know you'd shit your pants if any of them sat down next to you at a bar. You are all human garbage.
    You literally write the same shit about the same people over and over and over. And yet you clearly keep watching these people you rip on day after day after day. Because you have no life.

    1. That's a truth bomb that just got dropped right there. TRUTH.

    2. 11:59...Tampons can be found on isle #3, I suggest you get the big ones!

    3. 11:46PM I suggest you shove the extra large tampons in your mouth and stop the flow of garbage coming out. Also because your anonymous bitching makes you the biggest PU**Y in California. But... you already know that. Coward.

    4. Now now the basement trolls have to have SOMETHING to do all day since they'll never be on tv LOL. And this is it. Demented and sad but true.
