Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Speaking of New Years--The Chairman of the Board Live from NYC--Happy 2020 from 415 Media

(Francis Albert Sinatra) In memory of my mother, Mrs. Anne Landau (1922-2018)

h/t --Amaurey Pi-Gonzales

Happy New Years --and Thank all of you who support 415 Media.

May 2020 be healthy, hearty, and happy.


  1. Thanks for posting that. One of the greatest entertainers of all time singing about one of the greatest cities.

  2. Cool salute to RL's mom.
    BTW, I love my Athletics. Unfortunately, I am predicting - and was, even before the Astros' ace changed to pinstripes - that at the end of the upcoming 2020 World Series, we will once again hear the Chairman spread the news. Not a fan of 9 straight Series games won by the road team; want to see the Series return to the Coliseum/Mausoleum, but the Series misses Yankee Stadium, and so, one of the greatest singing performances ever Chaired will be heard at least once or twice, probably three times next baseball postseason's World Series.

  3. Nobody wore a black tie better than
    Francis Albert Sinatra.

  4. Fantastic!! your Mom lived a long life. May her Memory be a blessing.

  5. Back when men were men.

    And California wasn't a 3rd world Democrat led cesspool.

    Happy New Year!

  6. What a great set of pipes. Noone else does it better. Thanks for posting Rich.
