Monday, December 16, 2019

Willie Brown Intermediary on Radnich/KGO Romance? It Has Legs

Image result for Willie Brown
Willie Brown with Mayor London Breed

I WALKED INTO THE EMBARCADERO the other day--there was Willie Brown.

I was having a cup of coffee and a bagel. He was alone. Walking. He walks a lot, especially near his home at the Millennium Tower. --nothing of significance took place. But then I took BART home and got a call.

A local industry person who was in the know told me Brown may serve as an intermediary between  Gary Radnich and KGO if the two sides get close to a sit-down and KGO ever officially offers Radnich a deal to go to 900 Front.

If you read me, you know what's happening.

This much is certain: if Brown were to intervene, then we're close. Radnich is close friends with Brown. Brown was a frequent guest on Raddy's solo KNBR show and both have close friends and buddies --Mayor Brown still has plenty of influence in this city and if you don't believe me, read this


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When has Willie Brown ever been correct? He's a master manipulator like Trump only on the Democratic side and much smarter. I'm sure somehow this will put some money in his dirty pockets

    1. Kamalas rise to power comes to mind.

    2. radnich is a maga/trump loyalist, as he said many times the last couple of years

  3. Wow! The Pro-Hairpiece Bentley remains close to His Willieness? What happens if the Rad gets too rad for Brown's buddy Phil Matier?
    Whatever. Glad that Mayor Brown thinks highly of Mayor Breed's fashion, if the photo above is any indication.

    1. Rats stick together. And Matier is supposed to be an "independent" journalist.

  4. Bank rolled any twosome newsome, had a relationship with Kamela that ran out of money and was mismanaged. Now he has his hooks into Breed, How long before it comes out she's his new stable girl.

  5. Seems to me if they were going to get it done, it would be done. Feels more like KGO is using Radnich as leverage in negotiations with another person its roster.
