Thursday, December 12, 2019

Papa's Main Bitch, Lund, AKA: 'John Boy'

Image result for Papa and Lund
John Boy Lund (left) and ruler, Papa

'John-Boy, John-John Boy'--fetch this.'

The two penises on KNBR from 10 -2 PM have a new mojo. Ass-kisser 1, Lund (John) is now referred as 'John Boy' --how do I know?

My spies are everywhere.

Which is one of 727,000 reasons 415 Media is CAUGHT UP WITH IT!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, (you're welcome, KevRacer) that's the daily call at THEE SPORTS BLEEDER

Greg Papa's newest bitch is his teammate --Papa, aka: the gargle voice himself, refers to John Lund as "John Boy" --and routinely has John Boy complimenting him on his obscene call, "Touchdown, Sannnna-Fran-cisco!"

When Gregory wants some grub? He calls John Boy.

Pop needs shoes shined? John Boy.

Poppy wants some Danville tail because wifie is out of town and he's alone? John boy, come over and fetch some for me.

John Boy is a busy man these day


  1. John boy was seen on video at the Bleeder the other day during a Tolbert skit. Man, what a weird looking dude. Very effeminate.

    1. Agree about Lund - he has a strange look. With his shiny complexion, he has always reminded me of one of those wax figures where his features are just a little off.

  2. What an obnoxious picture...two of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.

  3. At least Papa is better than Fitz at calling a game

  4. Not a fan of that touchdown call. (Raider fan here.)

    And..... Papa's married again?
