Thursday, December 12, 2019

415 Media Short Story: Taracliffe and Me

Image result for Sexy professional Black women

I MET TARACLIFFE at a jazz club in Baltimore a few years ago --she was sitting at the bar as the piano player did some AT Walsh and Dave Brubeck. It was a very special moment because I felt both somber and subdued --like I was trying to be uplifting even though I wasn't, dealing with a multitude of issues; personal mainly, and trying to act as if everything was cool (which it was not) and presenting myself as positive and happy. Then to come upon this totally beautiful, smart, sexy, passionate lady who was an office woman, and a sistah too and one that I could tell had the hots for me and liked older men. She was very to the point and didn't have to play drama which is great because she knew just looking at me I wasn't into games either so her timing was fantastic.

We met on a whim at the jazz club. It was dark and it fit the mood. She was in Baltimore visiting her parents and left that evening in down spirits. She'd just broken up with a boyfriend she'd seen while studying at Georgetown where she majored in communications and worked in a DC PR firm; it was an entry-level position but upon graduation, they promised her a very high-paying position and she could stay close to home which she preferred. She had a personality to boot and was the talk of the town which I was fortunately enough to see and hear in person. I'm one lucky son-of -a -bitch to have been able to meet her and likewise, she too of me. That's not in any way bragging, just facts galore. You can be a cool individual and have massive issues in life like I was then and now. Taracliffe seemed to gather that right way. Like I said, she was smart. I had no clue that she was instantly attracted to me but I sensed her prowess as the evening progressed. Her musical acumen was obvious. We talked about jazz a lot. I told her about my late dad playing the clarinet and horns at various Bay Area nightclubs. She asked more questions. I told her I was a Bay Area (Oakland) man with ultimate conflict but unrelenting love for wine, media, photography and food. Again, mind you I wasn't necessarily auditioning but I was struck by her beauty and maturity (she was north of 30) and here I am, alone with her talking and moving. She didn't act like a girl and had the same kind of carrying-herself, you-go-girl appearance so lacking in today's world. I gave her my word and she gave me hers too. The fact she was splitting from her boyfriend was irrelevant to me but at the same time I didn't want to play with fire. She told me I had nothing to worry about and that calmed me. It was OK.

We exchanged cards. She's a believer. I'm smitten. I told her. She's back in DC but coming to the Bay Area for the holidays. I'm open to anything these days but I'm also a realist. I don't need more drama in my life and she being the ultimate professional woman, doesn't need more buffalos too. We're in complete agreement. She loves my resolve that women are the greatest species on the planet. I'm such a poobah! Damn to me but "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey" to her.

*To be continued


  1. Rich, please do a blog on Norah O'Donnell... she is so gorgeous. 👠😊💄

  2. Better not introduce her to Raddy.

  3. Thanks Rich, will wait for Chapter two
