Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I Have Your Back

Image result for 415ONE REASON why this site generates the numbers it has and why many of you come here is that you don't like to be fed the company line. If you were constantly inundated with BS --and you are, then you would go about your business and give up. I know from first-hand experience--which is why you come here, I get it.

I'm working on many stories that will enlighten you. That will royally PISS YOU OFF. That will provide the transparency that should have been there in the first place. Imagine this, THE TRUTH!

You certainly deserve the truth. Even those of you that hate me, even you deserve the truth. You're smart enough to know that it doesn't matter where the truth comes from, if it's real then great. We know then, it's genuine. It may not be warm and fuzzy but if its the truth, then we all win. That's the gospel.

I hope you help me (with a paid subscription) but I understand economic reality. I will fight like hell to get you the story that no one dares to enter in this soft market. Because they don't seek the truth; they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them; they have NO inclination to dig deep and inform you and that's perfectly logical unless you're the people that want transparency --it's not a right but it sure is close.

And that's why I'm here and as long as I am, I will look at it as a missive. I have your back.


  1. It is nothing short of appalling that Gasia on KTVU can sit there without batting an eyelash and report, as she did recently, that "Boomers" tend to be "self-involved." I don't know how people like that live with themselves. It's obviously not true and to report something so ridiculous is bordering on criminal. It is as if someone there has a personal ax to grind and they are turning it into "news," reporting it as if it were fact. And, the anchors just sit there staring into the camera and read it like a robot, never questioning the authenticity of the information they are reading Are they brain dead? Some people will completely compromise any morality they may have had for a buck. Or, maybe they just never had any morality. It calls into question literally everything they report. Just sick.

  2. Thank you for having our backs, Rich! Love that you are receiving more donations than you have before, no matter where you get it from.
    It is ironic that some of these same solid donors, not to mention other 415 Media readers, often prove Jaaack Nicholson right - that they can't handle the truth. Nonetheless, we need your blogs more than ever. Too many media are too afraid to confront each side's obstacles from reckless spending on one side and recklessly high anxiety misconduct on the other that does improve our future at all.

  3. Funny you should harp on transperancy again but you won't publish my comments. I have been a big fan of you and your work. Willingly sent in money. Sent in enough to qualify for in your words, "a lifetime" subscription.

    Why do you run from the truth? Why do you not publish my honest and transparent comments? You are losing credibility very fast.
