Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dateline: Oakland, Santa Clara, Las Vegas

Image result for Ouch!

Bad day for Bay Area sports teams (Vegas too)


  1. Yep. The Raiders closed out the Coliseum with a whimper. 25 years ago the politician sold the taxpayers out to the tune of 350 million dollars. I believe we still owe over 85 million. Thanks for nothing you piss poor version of what used to be a great stories franchise.

    1. Well-said. We can't afford so many things but we can always afford sports franchises for some reason. Must be all those minimum wage seasonal jobs.

    2. The government takes obscene amounts of money, in the form of taxes. Where much of that money goes is a corrupt mystery. The powers that control the purse strings would be able to comfortably afford many vital services, and even some recreational projects designed for public use, with a little more efficiency, overtness, and conscientiousness. And a little less financial malfeasance. Sadly, though, it is likely that this act will never be cleaned up.

    3. Agree with 11:50. Our next president shouldn't be a Republican or a Democrat - it should be an accountant.

  2. I guess the "Commitment to Excellence" will continue in Sin City!!

  3. The first 25 years in Oakland was a love affair. The last 25 years peaked early with the "Tuck Rule" game, but they are largely unsatisfying since. Blame the first move on Pete' Rozelle's hubris and this new move on dysfunctional local government combined with Sheldon Adelson manufacturing a bribe from LV Hotel-Casinos.

    Let Del Courtney's band play them out with the trumpet fanfare of "The Autumn Wind" -- the new team could only be a more Disney-ish version of anything we saw in the past ( ... like back when Clem Daniel's would run an add for his liquor store in the Raider's game program and Wonderfully Wicked Wanda played Delilah to Stabler's Samson)

  4. Off topic. I know Tom Tolbert quite well (I am a former college bball player), and he let me in on a tidbit. He does his show from a bedroom in his house a few times a week. He had it as part of his contract. He was lazy at times before. Now? One of the laziest media people out there. Really mailing it in. I like Tom, a good person and takes for days. But a lazier person you will not find. He has the life alright.

    1. I think he also had KNBR bring in rambling Rod to do all the talking.

    2. T's take on doing his homework!

  5. The third, final game in Oakland!!! And this time, they mean it!!!!

  6. In other words, 10:32 stated the obvious about both defenses. Aye Carumba and D'OH all in one!

  7. You can also include San Francisco sadly as well, with the Warriors loss.

    But yeah, all around bad day for Bay Area sports. Tough way to end an otherwise overall good weekend.

  8. I had a sinking feeling the Raiders would figure out a way to lose their last game in Oakland. I was right.
