Monday, November 25, 2019

Paul Chambers Gives Fox Middle Finger; Latest Reporter Leaving KTVU Siege

Image result for Paul Chambers KTVU
Paul Chambers bolting KTVU
 Paul Chambers is the latest above-average reporter to leave Bay Area TV News --in this case, KTVU and bolt for a PR gig, although Chambers hasn't publicly said where's he's headed but his split from Channel 2 is proof of a sad state of current unrest in talent's ability to maintain a decent lifestyle despite lack of pay and security.

But more ominous for KTVU is its static, erratic, topsy-turvy, newsroom with a staff in siege and  News Director, Amber Eikel who seems more concerned about lunch room cleanliness than news-gathering operation.

KTVU has lost a number of high profile reporters to PR gigs-they are not alone. But KTVU's internal problems are vast and multi-faceted.

In spite of current good ratings and top status in late-evening newscasts KTVU has lots of employee strife. Chief among them, anxiety-ridden staff worried about FOX plans to cut pay and overall keep veterans off guard with cheaper, leaner budget. It's a HUGE issue in Jack London Square, trust me.

Chambers decided, like others, to give the network a middle finger and "see you later!"


  1. With any career, where the person doesn't merely work for fun and not money, a person must consider:
    -pay, and not getting a pay cut
    -work location/commute/where-to-live/buy/rent
    -retirement (can be considered part of benefits)
    -stability, liklihood of getting cut/fired/laid-off
    -general employee contentment/happiness
    -overall cost-of-living
    -future career goals

  2. I'll add one's team/coworkers, too.
