Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen: 2020 Democratic Debate on MSNBC



  1. Loved the zombiesque take on Tulsi Gabbard, who always speaks in a creepy monotone, saying nothing but regurgitated platitudes about "regime change" and how patriotic her military service was. IF they have to tell you what patriots they are, from the left or the right or Tulsi's likely third party candidacy, they aren't patriotic.

  2. Larry David was spot on as Bernie Sanders. Kamala Harris is a first class phony. Nice to see the left leaning SNL writers
    are now aware.

  3. Chrstine Craft...hummm...Everyone on the stage talked about their record and experience. Tulsi is a bad ass. As an American, I'm proud of her service. Sounds like lazy eye's pick for Kamala is going down the drain... you even have a gig on air? Fill in? That's what I thought. Bitter aren't we?

    1. Golly 3:15, your powers of perception are de minimus. I"m an AMY/PETE 2020 fan. I'm also a 74 year old lawyer who just finished and premiered a documentary, "Everyone Counts", about ten nasty deaths in the foothills.See youtube "auburn documentary" for the trailer. I don't do radio at all and haven't for years. I appreciate that you think Ms.Gabbard is a "bad ass". Her ass is not the problem. For the record, "badass" is one word, not two. Ms.Bad Ass has just announced she won't run for another term in Congress. Watch for an independent candidacy , helping only Donnie and the russkies, in 3-2-1. Have you ever heard the "bad ass" saying anything whatsoever about her health care plan??? snicker.

    2. Yeah, Christine. You should write a book on Hypocrisy in America. That worked out real well for your buddy.

    3. Poor, poor Christine Craft. All you can come up with is “bad ass”? (BTW, 1 word or 2 can go either way).
      Now let’s look at all Christine’s spelling errors in her post children...hummm...

      1. I"m an AMY/
      2. foothills.See
      3. Ms.Bad Ass
      4. candidacy , helping

      And you have a college degree?
      You passed the BAR?
      I would be very nervous if you were my attorney. But then again, could it be that darn lazy eye?

      Maybe the book should have been called:
      “Too Old, Too Ugly, and Not Deferential to Men...Not to mention...Can’t Spell” HA!

      Oh...Tulsi’s healthcare plan? I could care less. I have great insurance.

      Can’t wait for your reply.

      Maybe you’ll plug another documentary or book that no one will ever see or read. Talk about a pathetic attempt to get people to see your trailer. Unless it’s titled “Tulsi isn’t a Patriot, Because She’s a BAD ASS and has a SWEET ASS and I be jealous of Her” by Christine Crafty Craft (kind of like Adam “Shifty” Schiff)...unless that's the name of your next book or one will care. HA!
