Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving (OSTFU) Ask Rich Lieberman (Sort of) Short Holiday Version (Because I Care)

Image result for Thanksgiving table sexy


Happy Thanksgiving (as opposed to having a sad Thanksgiving, how moronic)

Anyway, so ask away but it's freezing outside and I've just awoken to a cold front in my head and a high pressure system --where's Dr. Edell?

OK, make it short and sweet and quit staring at Naomi on the left.

Media questions? Of course and I'll ask you to name your town/city --and your name too. I'll be here for a few hours or so before I have to go and experience people that I don't particularly like and vice versa (hey, it's a Jewish Thanksgiving!) But I'm here for you because I care. (Yeah, right)


  1. Hi Rich,
    Is Anny Hong still on KRON? I haven't seen her in a while.


    1. Last I heard she left KRON to take care of a new baby --may have had cover with the baby b/c, well you about KRON I assume. Better to help a newborn.

  2. I'm thankful for Christine's rack and Heather's face and legs.

    Dick in Oakland

  3. Is Alexis Smith ever coming back to KGO?

    1. Never say never, like politician talk, but I seriously doubt it.

  4. As a along-time SF resident & a local TV news aficionado I normally channel surf to watch Channel 2 4 5 or 7. But now I've been also watching NBC 3 as their Bay Area news coverage is equal too & frequently better than the other SF/OAK based stations. I really like anchors Raj Mathai & Terry McSweeney along with solid GA reporters such as Your Favorite the Beautiful Cheryl Hurd, Christie Smith, Jodi Hernandez & Garvin Thomas. In addition their Investigative Unit Reports have been eye-opening especially the most recent one on BART titled "Derailed." With the exception of little or no Sports coverage KNTV NBC 3 seems like a well run Bay Area TV news station. What's your opinion Rich? I absolutely love your Blog. Cary SF

    1. NBC Bay Area (KNTV) has all the tools to become a powerful O and O in this market--NBC has a highlight reel of shows and San Jose has Silicon Valley as its cash cow (and network too) so yes, they are well-run --they need to get SF in their lifeblood but not dwell on SJ too much, thanks for the kind words, Cary.

  5. Rich.....The excellent John Rothmann is back at KGO and his show seems to attract an abundance of calls, yet KGO remains flat in the ratings. Other hosts, like Pat Thurston, are emblematic of the type of thoughtful hosts KGO had in its 25-year ratings heyday. Do you think KGO's trajectory is upwards, or is John Rothmann not providing the building block necessary to return to at least a fraction of the station's former glory?

    1. It takes time to re-adjust. This is an election year (2020) and KGO is making money. Newstalk is a staple. They have good people --they must be patient and I think they will be.

    2. With a 1.7 in the Ratings...Up from a 1.5. I can assure you they are NOT making money...They my have a lot of spots, but they are NOT expensive ones. KGO is sold in combo with KNBR and KGO is usually thrown in so the clients think they are getting something. The trades recently reported there are only 12 sales people left at CUM-ules SF. Rothmann is a 2nd string player at best, he and Pat just hung on long enough to get full time jobs...There is NO ONE new on KGO, just the same Re-tread Hacks.

    3. Doesn't matter if a host is new or not. It only matters that they can entertain and engage the listener's. Is Hannity, Rush or Mark Levin new? You might not like Pat or JohnJohn, but plenty of listener's do. Pat has done a great job on PG&E and John on politics, both have their fans and they get plenty of calls.

  6. Will you pull for the Raiders, when they start playing in Vegas? And are you indignant that the Warriors left Oakland, for the billion dollar plus arena in highly congested SF (while still wearing "OakTown" jerseys at Chase Center)?

    1. Raiders in Vegas, will I pull for them? NO, the NFL went for a cash grab and allowed one of its marque franchise to leave the Bay Area and Top 10 markets, just like allowing the Chargers to leave San Diego for LA, a complete display of greed --for what? Vegas will have a honeymoon then for Warriors in SF? Is that karma or what? I rest my case.

    2. The NFL didn't go for a cash grab. Blame Libby Shaft (spelled correctly, by the way) who didn't support building a new facility for the Raiders. For the first time in franchise history, the Raiders will be the primary tenant in their stadium. They won't be someone's afterthought like they have been in Oakland and Los Angeles. Of course, it pains me to see the Raiders leave Oaktown, but blame Libby, who's also one of "your people," Richie baby.

    3. Are you kidding me?!?!?
      A) The last few stadiums built in California were PRIVATELY financed. The Raiders do NOT have the cash for that. (Not a Libby fan. Just stating facts)
      B) Even in Las Vegas it is not "their" stadium. Someone else paid for it. They will be .......
      C) .....Tenants! They only play 10 games a year there. The other 355 days? Concerts, sporting events, etc. The financiers need to make their money back!

    4. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree. The goofy greedy son is no better than his freak show two-timing daddy. Those two are the ones who have given the local Raiders' fans the shaft.

  7. Rich

    But Mark Davis is. "Your People."

  8. Anon @ 12:10, when Alexis Smith left, she said that it was because her husband had accepted a job in Seattle (which is where she came from, I think) and to stay at home with their 2 babies. I liked her too.


  9. *Black women are infinitely better than all white women combined." Rich Lieberman, Wednesday, November 27, 2019.

    You won't post this, but with comments like this one do you really expect white women to give you another dime?

    1. 7:10 PM Ma'am, if Rich made that statement, I think he was just pulling your leg. That, or just stirring the pot to provoke a response. Don't take it literally. Writers like to press buttons. I'm not seeing that remark.

    2. Rich has been living in Oakland too long. Once you see the other parts of the world you forget about Oakland.

    3. Of course they will, and probably give him more. They need to absolve themselves of white privilege. What better way? Keep it coming Rich.

    4. White women need not "absolve themselves of white privilege," or anything else for that matter.

    5. @Unknown November 29, 2019 at 7:38 AM

      Oh right, Oakland! The city Schaff says has more gays than San Francisco. Guess the celibate life eventually gets to the straight people there, you know, being on the outside looking in.

  10. Rich,

    Who is the hottest nympho here in the News station?

    Initials only. I will gladly cough up up a few Benjamin's.

    Confirm my thoughts.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving ya deplorable racist.

  12. Rich, whatever happened to Ryan Scott? KGO yanked his terrible show and I haven't seen his preening face dropping names on Today or Rachael Ray lately. Also, have you seen the execrable 100 Destinatios, Drinks awfulness on PBS with Ryan-buddy Leslie Sbrocco?

  13. Is Cheryl Jennings still working for KGO 7? I saw her on Thanksgiving Day last year (maybe) with Kristen Sze and this year it was Dion Lim.
