Friday, November 29, 2019

At KTVU/Fox To High Top Femme: 'Dress Sexy'

Image result for sexy woman silhouette

AT KTVU: 'Dress sexy!' --this one takes the cake. Am I shocked? No

A longtime KTVU News source tells me that a big exec --from Fox, said she was told:

 "dress more sexy, show a little."

It was not a formal directive or e-mail--they're not that stupid, but it was mentioned more than once. So, someone in the chain of command had to know about it and give its OK.

In essence, it was suggested and pushed that the ladies "show their mojo." First I thought, what gall.

Then I was not so shocked. It's Fox. How am I supposed to be revolted. More than just suggest women show their stuff, why are they so secretive? Are they ashamed? They can't be serious.
They are. If they just acknowledged their missive and come clean it would be at least not so ridiculous. But they are FOX you know and it's this time of the year. -should be quite the topic at the holiday party.

Yeah, Fox, KTV U, show it BABY! Show YO THING!


  1. Haener is wearing tight push-up bras and Orosco's dresses are now above knee line with shoulders exposed. H.H. just has to show up. Morning debacle...another story.

    1. HH has always been sexy! Rosemary definitely could show more, she has what it takes. Check out Maria Quiban (almost 50, but awesome legs and short skirts). Haener never turned me on much.

    2. @Unknown November 30, 2019 at 6:28 PM

      "Haener never turned me on much." The operative word here being "much."

  2. > First I thought, what gall.

    Really, Rich? You?

  3. Okay/The red doesn't work on a mature women. Subtle tones, black, burgundy, lavender. Kyla is a beautiful and curvaceous female. The darkened eye brows don't match the scenario.

    I.E. The carpet doesn't match the drapes as we all know. Cut your hair and make it softer around your face, Keep the length.

    Stand with one leg back and deliver at a 45 degree angle star into the camera and lean back as you deliver your sermon.

  4. Have they finally figured it out...The Women Are The News. Why do you think I continually post those words, because it is true, they are!

    Have you noticed the 50 year old "half people format" is being eliminated slowly but surely by the stations. How do you greatly improve the visual presentation of the news, the best improvement I have seen in years, free the women, get them out from behind the boxes they have been hiding behind. The women and the "whole people" format are the "new beginning" I have posted about more than once. 2020 is almost here, it's time for a change.

    There are the Laws of Gravity and the Laws of Sexual Attraction, both are unstoppable, one has the power!

    As always...The Women Are The News.

    1. Anonymous November 29, 2019 at 7:25 PM

      "The Women Are The News," in your head.

  5. Seems like Kyla could just paint on her skimpy, low-cut dresses and achieve the same result. Must be the thoroughly slutty, gutter trash look KTVU values. Does absolutely nothing to elevate the level of trust in or quality of their reporting.

    1. I love Kyla's dresses. I've never noticed anything on her low cut at all. I mean im all for it but so far haven't seen it. Im guessing you're just that guy who likes to call all women sluts or an old bitter Betty who gets angry that everyone else is hotter than you. Times Up friend. KTVU is the top station in town so clearly the quality of their reporting is working just fine for the viewers.

    2. Funniest part about this is that this person complaining clearly watches KTVU religiously because Kyla isn't even on that often. I wish she were if any suits are listening! I think Kyla and Rosemary rock whatever they wear. All day every day.

    3. @Anonymous November 30, 2019 at 4:45 PM

      I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there anything else about me that you find threatening?

    4. Rosemary is beautifully and appropriately dressed. Kyla's dresses look a size too small.

  6. Well, in all fairness, in Europe newscasters frequently wear some pretty risque (by American standards) outfits: leather micromini dresses, see-through tops, leather pants and over-the-knee boots. Heather Holmes should be delighted at the new KTVY dictum. Julie Haener better be worried, unless the Fox suits think "weird" is sexy.

  7. What about poor Gasia? She is about as sexy as Granny Shanany.

    1. Some women use their sexuality to manipulate those around them, and some don't. You might find the latter more intelligent, trustworthy and reliable.

  8. This is beyond disgusting. Anyone with a brain and an education who meekly accepts this crap, deserves a workplace filled with discrimination and dysfunction.For the record, this is supposed to be a news station which reports serious news, in an articulate, spoken fashion, right? Someone tell them that the command needs a grammar check. One cannot "dress sexy". "Dress" in this usage as a verb, requires an adverb to modify, not an adjective. "Dress sexily" would be correct and hopefully still lead to a slam-dunk Title 7 case.

    1. LOL.... read the above post about European broadcasters. They do dress sexy.

    2. I'm there to see the news, not the weather person's boobs.

  9. Great! Hopefully, the more eyeballs they get, the more it will influence the other networks to convince their femmes to do the same -- like today's all-femme lineup of Griego, Mackovec, Franco & Lee. As Pete Franklin espoused while at Knibber many moons ago, "It's the numbers, baby." Just like an empty room makes no money for a hotel and an empty seat makes no money for an airline, no eyeballs on their broadcasts, no buying of products from the sponsors.
