Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Black Wednesday

Image result for wednesday before thanksgiving

YOU DON'T NEED TO BE TOLD what day it is because the local yokels will tell you by way of word, vision, headlines and weather. I shall just make observations which is why you come here so lets not waste time...

*If you haven't already been bombarded with Black Friday this, Black Friday that, then consider yourself lucky because it's everywhere, even in locations where you think you're safe. I've been sick of it and we haven't even reached Thanksgiving yet. I'll call this Black Wednesday just to piss everyone off.

*Radnich gets a lot of traction and response which is why there's a place for him at the dinner table even if he's not interested in dessert. He's even said when no one is watching or listening you're toast. Which means Gary will be somewhere in the coming new year. Besides, he has bills to pay.

*Aubrey Huff is a fool and attention whore which is why there is a Twitter. I should know. I do.

*Of course KNBR had a chance to expose Huff and his crazy thoughts but KNBR is a mishmash of mediocrity and banality at its worst. Paulie Mac the leader of the pack. And Bonnie Jill with her mouth wide open looking for her next gig.

*Among many reasons, the 49ers--Baltimore main event Sunday is not a nighttime prime time; you can't be a two-weeks in a row participant on NBC Football in America. That said, it's stupid this game starts at 10 AM.

*Repeat: Christine Craft is an excellent radio talk-show host even if her personality is a sort of fucked-up bullshit kind of edge but she does move the needle.

*Again, FUCK the millennials --are you tired of all this media fuss over these obnoxious assholes? Who gives a shit about these fucking bores, they offer NOTHING --the backpack brigade with their cashless wallets and buck ninety-five debit card purchases at 7-11. I DESPISE them and their takeover of modern society, let them go pound salt and disappear, those fucking morons.

*The usual drill on Wednesday: live shots from SFO, the Walnut Creek fountain and fucked-up yuppies sipping pumpkin tea and answering stupid questions from Amber Lee, oh shit!

*You wanna fuck with your ex? Ask them to pick up some lettuce at Costco today around 4.

*Brian Hackney thinks he's the smartest in the room which is pathetic because he's not even the smartest in the anything.

*Black women are infinitely better than all white women combined.

*KNBR: Irish mafia.

*KCBS: stock down.

*Cumulus: cash-strapped.

*IHeart: barely.

*Ronn Owens Report: therapy recommended if you listen.

*John Lund: why abortion should be universal legal.

*FM radio: teetering on obscure.

*In a few weeks they'll tell us we have too much water and floods invade Marin.

*Foodie Chap is a supreme asshole.

*Gasia MIKAelian is such a total tool.

*Ray Ratto: more kale, less frittos.

*Jan Black: at worst, you have half the house and about 500Grand.

*Greg Papa: look up the word, "disingenuous"

*Deidra Lieberman (no relation) really now?

*Ann Killion: I heard about you and that sales guy at KNBR: whoa Nellie!

*Scott Ostler in the 49ers locker room after Seattle game: you really act like that, Scotty?

*ALL assignment editors: if you send reporters to SFO for live shot tell them to stick their tongues out just so I know I'm right. (I am)

*Robert De Niro in SF tonight at Tadich in the back room at 7ish with a sister that's utter hot.


  1. "Black women are infinitely better than all white women combined"

    You just lost all credibility.

    And I'm sure your mother and sister would disagree.

  2. Rich Lieberman, The Hebrew Hammer!!!

  3. You need to seek help!!!

  4. Same Huff who wore a superstition-influenced "thong" during the Giants' first By-The-Bay title run in 2010. We shall spare all of us the graphic interviews from that time. Yeesh!

    1. Graphic interviews, and other vulgar displays in front of large crowds of people.

  5. "Black women are infinitely better than all white women combined"

    Thank you kindly for the typical brain dead identity politics so common here. Forget unity and assimilation.

  6. The same Huff who had a panic attack, missed some games, because he was asked to play 2B once. Pussy.

    1. The same Huff who informed reporters that he has never used soap while bathing.

  7. Maybe a funny holiday movie might bring a fucking smile on your fucking face Rich! How about Trains, Planes and Automobiles?

    “You can start by wiping that fucking dumb-ass smile off your rosey, fucking, cheeks! Then you can give me a fucking automobile... a fucking Datsun, a fucking Toyota, a fucking Mustang, a fucking Buick! Four fucking wheels and a seat! And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of fucking nowhere with fucking keys to a fucking car that isn't fucking there. And I really didn't care to fucking walk down a fucking highway and across a fucking runway to get back here to have you smile at my fucking face. I want a fucking car RIGHT FUCKING NOW!”

  8. Bonnie Jill is such a waste of space . . . maybe she swallows.

    Speaking of wastes of space, what's up with the airhead bimbette on the Sharks' broadcasts?

    1. She's not an airhead bimbette. She's a highly accomplished Olympian hockey player.

    2. She's new, and a little nervous. She knows the game, and has made some good points. In time, we will see if her comfort/security level and timing improves.

  9. I like Papa's play-by-play calling.

    1. Ted Robinson is equal to Papa in play-by-play and has twice the character and class of Papa as well

  10. I'm not sure what a "fucked-up bullshit kind of edge personality" is exactly, but I've always been a rugged individualist. See youtube… "Rebellious Surfers, ``1960's" It was shot by WGBH for a documentary entitled, "The Young Americans". I was one of seven. It was shot at Malibu on a flat day.

    1. You looked fine. I've seen much flatter.

    2. Women and girls who surf(much like runners and cyclists) do not want big binacas. The lower the center of gravity is on a surfer, the better their balance is.Women have an advantage in having broader hips, and lower centers of gravity than men. Big Binacas would upset that balance and restrict flexibility. I can't think of any women I competed against over several years ever had big binacas.It may be a plus for sitting on the beach and posing, but not for surfing.

    3. Interesting.

      The things I've discovered on this site! Including the fact that, with my middle-aged man boobs, I can forget about taking up surfing. I'll stick to posing and web surfing on the beach, with my big breasted brothers and sisters.

  11. Your comment on millennial's is right on brother, right on

  12. Rich
    Tom Tolbert hates you.
    John Rothman hates you.
    Rothman's wife also hates you.
    Bay Area Sports Guy once called you a liar.
    Have a nice day.

  13. Seriously, WTF is wrong with you these days? This used to be light-hearted gossip with lots of sarcasm mixed in but now it is downright mean, sexist, racist, and very puzzling. Hope you're ok.

  14. Rich - Don't drink and post. Bad bad look.

  15. Re: Millennials,

    Actually feel sorry for them. A lot are clueless about the real world due to being self-centered, self-absorbed & pretentious. They typically don't save for the future & spend all their earnings on $5 cups of coffee, buying the latest iPhone, purchasing the newest Tesla model or eat out 4-5x/week. They gamble on their health as well. Instead of carrying medical insurance, they often choose no coverage & elect paying out-of-pocket for medical care as needed at the local urgent care center (hope they have a rich uncle). And they wonder why they can't even come close to making a down payment on a house.
