Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday Midday Chip and Nikki Sound Miles Better on KGO Radio

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I LISTEN ALOT NOW TO CHIP FRANKLIN on KGO; you may still be a hater; hey, I was once there with you.

And more.

Franklin mixes it up better. The back and forth with sidekick, Nikki Medoro  is mucho better. Why? Because the debate is authentic --it sounds better and sounds more genuine too which helps the show. Before it was always raw and out of control. Now it's more organized and sincere.

Image result for nikki medoro kgo
Chip Franklin (left) and Nicki Medoro
Believe me (where have you heard that before) when I say I can hear a fake miles away. Chip and Nikki are more listener-friendly. Gone is the dead-second, manufactured debate. It's more real and keeping it real always works.

There's a lot of topics in there I know you all who mstill despise the format but it's a lot more healthier and listenable.

If they suddenly switch and go more gonzo then I'll be the first one to rip again.


  1. Chip is so desperate to appear "woke" (in areas of race and women's rights, most often) that he just comes across as absurd. He starts every other sentence with "Again,", as if he's repeating or reiterating a point. But he never is. He can barely complete a thought out loud to develop a point. And poor Nikki...she starts every other sentence with "Well, I just feel that...". Oh my god. Painful, one-trick-pony duo. Ridiculous radio for intelligent people to avoid.

  2. Agree. Franklin NEVER completes a comment or thought.

  3. Nah not me, once a dufuss always a chucklehead. 810 has done nothing to draw me back as a listener. After all these years I don't even care anymore, I've found entertainment elsewhere....

  4. As an on-and-off KGO listener of ~30 years, Chip Franklin is the single worst host they have ever had. Absolute garbage...I can't think of a single good thing to say about him.

    1. I'm guessing you never heard Chef Ryan Scott?

  5. I could listen to Nikki's voice all day!! MMMMM!

    1. Oh god. Get some help. Please. I'll even pitch in for it.

    2. @806am...I like her voice too... Another sexy voice was Shann Nix, who was on KGO mid 1990S.

  6. So that's the Nikki Medoro that tells us how we all should live and think? Somehow I'm not surprised.

  7. This blowhard who thinks he'll be perceived as being hip and cool by giving the middle finger in PR photos? Who wastes their lives listening to such?

  8. What is Red from That 70's Show doing with that chismosa?

  9. Chippie is an arrogant, obnoxious, know it all loudmouth with a voice like fingernails on chalk board. Pass.

  10. Nikki insults me on a personal level at least once per show. Rich won't let through my comment that she has a face for radio. I am not saying anything that isn't true.

