Wednesday, October 16, 2019

415 Media Exclusive: NBC Bay Area's Laura Garcia Buys Former SJ Sharks Pavelski Home For $3.6M

Image result for Laura Garcia Cannon NBC
Laura Garcia Cannon
YOU HEARD San Jose Sharks (now Dallas Star) Joe Pavelski was selling his plush San Jose house; what you will hear from me, EXCLUSIVELY, the buyer is known now:

None other than NBC Bay Area's morning program celebrity personality, the always lovely Laura Garcia.

It's a big house too; 4400 square feet in San Jose's tony Willow Glen neighborhood. The asking price of $3.6 million by Pavelski seems stiff but was the negotiated sale price.

Image result for Joe Pavelski
Joe Pavelski sells San Jose home
I like LGC; she's a nice lady with a bit of troubled history in her personal life, something we all have probably encountered.


  1. When I look at her all I can think of is a rusty trombone.

  2. Looks more like a privileged life, Rich.

    The 1%, gotta love them.

  3. How is she affording that on the pittance she earns? Must have taken Cannon for a truckload of money in the divorce settlement. Nothing special in the looks department.

  4. She's newly engaged too. #playinghouse

  5. Since I have moved to Southern Cal recently, I have really enjoyed watching the very beautiful Carolyn Johnson on NBC down here. Tonight, she was wearing a persimmon satin blouse that looked very good on her. (I know the younger females wear even sexier stuff, but Carolyn looked very good on air.)

  6. Poor Brett got into a wicked woman trap beating her up and ending up she became a luxury millionaire and Brett is probably living in a single room losing all his $$$ to this wicked anchor. Even Frank and Dan Ashley house isn't worth this price, adding on Ama, Kristen and Patel.

  7. Has Kyla Grogan replaced ol' man Martin or is he just on an extended vacay?

  8. If she waited for the Trump Slump she could have picked up that house for 2 mil.

  9. How does she afford that? Even Frank Somervilles lavish home in the oakland hills is slightly worth more than what she paid. Big divorce settlement? Or as Ratsnitch would say: “family money!?”

  10. Obviously she's careful with her money, likely returns those containers with a recycle charge (you know 2 - 10 cents each) for cash. A little bit here, a little bit there, hey over time it really can add up.

  11. Nobody has mentioned her Winnebagos which were upgraded in the last year or two. Nobody watching?

  12. Laura Garcia has always looked evil.
