Monday, September 23, 2019

Is This Travesty at KTVU an Embarrassment or What? Monday Open

Image result for gasia mikaelian new haircut
Disgusting Gasia Mikaelian (left) Alex Savidge and Allie Rasmus of KTVU


KTVU: Is this your picture of what news anchors should symbolize? What an abomination. What a travesty. What a COMPLETE moronic scene. The EPITOME of Asininity.

This picture of local disgrace never made air but it shows the level of incompetence of morning TV news people attempting a stab at humor, (their morbid version) and they look like utter fools and miscreants.

Alex Savidge has hair. We're supposed to believe he's trying to blow dry his hair and the women are fighting him off. What a disgrace! Is this supposed to be funny? I liken it to a French tragedy only the suspects did their dirty deeds in Jack London Square. A COMPLETE and UTTER DISGRACE!

If Fred Zehnder were still around and saw this? HEADS would ROLL.

Call the authorities.

My Monday if off to a bad start.


  1. It's all about show, not substance. The bullshit these days is much more irritating than happy talk was in the 1970s.

    1. Now it's not happy talk, it's sad talk, at least at KTVU: Story ends — Frank: Oh that is just so sad. I really feel for those people who lost everything. Julie: Yes, they'll be in my thoughts as I'm driving home tonight in my Range Rover.

    2. Ever since Kyla Grogan slipped on cat crap, it hasn’t been the same.

  2. Even worse are today's weeknight network sitcoms, dance and dating shows. Practically torture to watch.

  3. Gasia Mikabigboobs isn't a serious journalist?

  4. That pic of Allie Rasmus is exactly how she looks when giving the traffic report. She looks everywhere else except into the camera...She picked up that bad habit from ol' Sal Casteneda.

    1. That is not only a bad habit but it is a VERY calculated move. Its done so it 'appears' they are getting the 'most up-to-date' information for the viewer. The problem is it makes them look unprepared and unskilled. It also re-emphasizes that all they're doing is reading the CHP report.

  5. Image over information is getting worse and worse every year, especially under The Firm.

  6. They should just shut down KTVU.

  7. Gasia was on with Frank on Sunday Night exposing her tight booby, not her hair. Thank you Victoria Secret

  8. For the love of God!!! Can't anyone have a little fun at work????? Jeez US!!!

  9. I knew Gasia in her Las Positas College days. Average, nice gal. Nothing to stand out. Even the boobs seemed just normal. A nice Armenian gal. She must have done some pumping up. She got prettier with age. She's pretty short, so they look more pronounced.

  10. Didn't Carolyn Johnson leave the happy-happy Trixified workplace of KGO for a SoCal spokesperson job or something? Seems she's back on the air.

  11. Gasia is built like a Goal Line Defense - STACKED.

  12. I could give a crap what Gasia does as long as those sweet knockers are on full display.

  13. Gasia is a godess. At least she's doing something you can't seem to do - making money!

  14. Frankly, on KTVU, I prefer the Heather Holmes leg shows! 👠👡💄

  15. Gasia looks like the Joker. Yikes!!
