Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Few Sunday Observations; Sunday Chronicle Litter; Soliel Ho No Match To Bauer Restaurant Reviews; Joe Starkey Painful PBP CAL Football Broadcasts on KGO Radio; Papa The Bore

Image result for Sunday morning coffee


ONE OF MY FEW SUNDAY PLEASURES was to go outside and fetch the Chronicle from the driveway and back inside I could sip my coffee and read the paper (I'm one of the known 22 people on planet Earth that still loves to read the PRINTED paper, especially Sunday) first the sports page, then Ostler (Scott) then Mick LaSalle and then the restaurant review in the food section but no more.

There is no more Michael Bauer (retired) who for years made reading the restaurant review worth your while but now the Chronicle has hired some pathetic millennial who isn't 1/10th what Bauer is; some chicko name Soleil Ho, who would BORE a Berkeley yoga class on Telegraph.  Madame Ho has all the excitement of a Walnut Creek pottery barn. Good lord, where do they find these hopeless souls.

Image result for soleil ho sf chronicle food
Soleil Ho
One thing, Ho can't write. Her reviews are more suited for vacuous recipe books. Where Bauer made reading reviews, (especially the bad places) exciting and fun to read, Ho exhibits rank amateuritus with cheery verbal fondue that has no interesting jolt, not even for a moment. Thus, the food section is primed Sunday for fish wrap only the fish should not be so tortured.

*Seriously now, those 800-GOT-JUNK radio ads are becoming so irritating I immediately run for the mute button--especially when that annoying bitch, Sarah, runs her mouth.

*Are morning local TV News shows so bad that for inmates punishment, the authorities make them watch these catastrophes? Locally, the KGO disaster in the AM causes severe diarrhea and that's before you eat the bean burrito.

Image result for joe starkey cal
Joe Starkey
*Joe Starkey is a good man. I've known Joe for years and thus it is PAINFUL to say that Joe's broadcasts of Cal Football have become PAINFUL. Starkey has most of the functions down but his PBP (play-by-play) is now riddled with incomprehensible descriptions and accounts of the game. I've put off writing this but I cherish honesty and honestly, Joe's broadcasts are embarrassing. Often times, there are plays that happen and you have NO IDEA who caught the ball; who made the tackle for the opposing team; it's a joke. And again, I like Joe a lot. But I can't take the broadcast anymore and that's too bad.

*Yes, my distinct dislike and hatred toward Greg Papa deals with personal experiences over the years. I don't like disingenuous people. I ABHOR phonies. I DETEST FAKES. I'm also no fool when it comes to personal business and responsibility. Papa has become s certifiable bore ,a boar too. And truly fake and disgusting; as long as I'm here, he will be made accountable.

*KCBS morning noon and night: ENDLESS commercials and babble, too bad.


  1. Speaking of severe diahrrea, Rich, you should check out the bathroom walls at Chipotle in Rohnert Park when Jan Wahl stops by. Goddam!! Who shit on the ceiling?!?

  2. I like Soleil Ho's reviews. Bauer was good at times, but he was way off at other times.

  3. Rich, why do you let this guy ruin your blog? He's not even funny.

    1. Mr/Miss Mystery Guest, Rich is a great man who writes a great blog. Reveal who you are and let’s have an open chat!!

      Hiroshima, Bitch!! Let’s Goe!!

  4. Don't trust anyone who has a crab tattooed to her chest.

    Joe Starkey lived off Kevin Moen for years. He's not that good. But he's way better than that self-serving Greg Poophead.

  5. I like the new food writer, I think she is imaginative and it was a gutsy move to nix the ratings and have people actually read the article in total rather than just look at what it received. She is good wordsmith and Michael Bauer's reviews had a sameness to them that was uninspired.

    Not sure which of her reviews you take issue with, perhaps these universal knocks are just more fun for you to craft without having to point out specifics that you disagree with. "She's not Bauer!" seems to be the main complaint.

    Give her a chance to get established...then you can still hate her because she's young and has the job you secretly know you could do much better! New and different does not mean bad.

  6. Starkey's probably good enough. The audience is basically old-timey Bears who are probably only half-listening. As long as Joe mixes a little school spirit into the broadcast they should be happy.

    1. "a little school spirit"
      That is precisely the problem with KGO's Cal broadcast.
      Too much rah-rah-rah.
      Are we listening to a high school pep rally or are we listening to a sports broadcast ?

  7. Rich-you're spot on regarding Joe Starkey. Both Starkey (78 years old) & Raider PBP Announcer Greg Musberger (80 years old) need to retire. I'm not being age-phobic ( I turned 64 years old this past spring) but both of these geezers need to finally step aside for their own good. I absolutely love your blog Rich!

  8. Speaking of Greg Papa, I noticed during the game when they played back his TD call over the PA at Levi's, on the telecast in the background, it sounded like some fans were booing. LOL.

    Not sure if they were booing that, or if Steeler fans at the game were booing the TD, but some Niner fans might not like Greg Papa's new TD call. haha

  9. You hit the nail on the head concerning Papa.

  10. Actually the Sunday Chronicle is one of the better Sunday papers around, although it seems to be shrinking. The Pink section ain't what it used to be, and I haven't seen a Travel section in a couple of weeks.

    Carl Nolte on the City is always good. Although I'm not an outdoors person, check out Tom Stienstra. I don't think any other paper has a column like that.

    Phil Matier and Willie Brown usually provide interesting political insight.

    Have to disagree with you on Soleil Ho. Good reviews.

  11. Most college pxp announcers aren't that good - they hang on because of a link to a glory year or two.

  12. Joe Starkey always sounds like he's ready to rip your head off. Rodents? Yikes!!

  13. I completely agree with you about Soleil Ho. As usual, this week's "review" was a joke, lots of words, little substance about the actual food and environment. Who cares about her demons? The reviews that actually had anything interesting this week were written by Chronical Staff.

  14. -I like Ho's reviews. I suggest you read them without looking for something to criticize.
    -Starkey has been bad for 15-20 years, you just noticed?
    -I get the Sunday Chron delivered as well. And wow has it shrunk (like another poster mentioned). After removing the ad inserts and comics it's about the same size as the daily once was. Unfortunately I get the rural Sonoma County edition that must be printed sometime Saturday as the lack of game coverage after Friday night is disappointing.

  15. - Think the EIC has something to do with the new food critic who should never review restaurants in the seediest areas of the city where her name will be subject to even worse ridicule than RL could ever dream of?
    - Best way to find out if Starkey's aging voice is a turnoff is to ask all Cal fans from alumni young and old to college football fanatics who may or may not be afraid of change.

  16. Many of the comments directed at Joe Starkey are universal to the rest of the Bay Area sports media.
    There is no objectivity.
    Glenn Dickey anyone ?
    There is a good reason why the Bay Area media is labeled as "Homers"
    It is a label that has been richly earned.

  17. Spot on about Joe Starky - if PBP paints pictures, he is a Picasso.
