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Michael Savage/NY Times photo |
Savage, in the words of the NY Times, is skeptical about Donald Trump, the President of the Unites States.
Conservative Radio Host Has Doubts About Trump. His Audience Doesn’t Want to Hear It.Read the article. It's about as well-crafted and to-the-point as they come but more importantly, it gives credence to what I've been preaching for years: Savage is not your typical, retail conservative pundit radio host. He is fiercely and ferociously independent of the conservative right-wing radio echo machine --an amen corner anchored by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and the Fox News staple of vacuous Trump loyalists who never rock the boat, it seems; who no matter what, defend the president even as his own internal polls indicate trouble for the Donald.
Savage, as the Times piece indicates, will still vote for Trump in 2020 because he says Trump is the only qualified candidate but clearly, he's become increasingly critical and dismissive of Trump and has said as much on the air. It's reached the White House and Savage's access to Mr. Trump has been altered, something the Times alluded to and highlights, particularly Savage's audience on radio who seem to infer he's disloyal. Clearly, if you listen intently to Savage as I do, that's the furthest from the truth.
In fact, and as I've alluded to in this space, Savage's more recent criticism of Trump and his (Savage)independence from right-wing central media; TV and particularly talk radio, is consistent with his historic tone; he bought into Trump's campaign homage that a wall would be built to stop illegals from making it into the US; a promise that thus far has been absent and seems as unlikely as ever. And Savage has called him out on that and other subjects. Dare he take on the president's hallmark campaign gusto and be critical? Yes, but abandon Trump ideals in general? Of course not and again, the Times highlights that.
It's a good read well worthy of discussion.
That's his way of trying to come off as objective. Face it, anyone who thinks NOW that 45* is the most qualified, after 2.5 years of mismanagement is a liar or an idiot.
ReplyDelete"Savage, ... will still vote for Trump in 2020 because he says Trump is the only qualified candidate."
ReplyDeleteAnd then you wonder why everyone thinks he's a right wing lunatic???
Shhh 5:58 that's the only insult they know, don't ruin it for them! They aren't exactly the deepest thinkers and they don't have much, be kind ok?
DeleteAnd I love when they gloss over everything in the Clinton era but blame the recession on that mean ole George Bush. Oh to be so naive.
His stance on climate change is astounding.
DeleteOnce again, the liberals offer up third-string players, so we can count on another four years for Trump. And, mismanagement? He's doing a hell of a lot better than the dithering Obama and pulling the country out of the depths of what could easily be one of the worst period in our history. The country heaved a sigh of relief when his victory was announced. It is reassuring to have a competant, decisive man in charge, again.
DeleteMuch of the country heaved, but I don't think it was a sigh of relief.
DeleteOh 1:22 you are delusional. It's obvious from your argument that you get all of your information from Hannity and his daily talking points. You clearly don't remember that George Bush drove this country into a deep recession that drove the unemployment rate up to 9.3%. Obama turned that around and when he left office the rate was 4.8%. Almost 12 million jobs were created. Median household incomes rose 5.3% and corporate profits were up 57%. Trump has only lowered the unemployment rate by 0.8%. Yep sounds like Trump really pulled us out of a hell hole. Quite listening to Hannity and believing that the unemployment numbers under Obama were fake but the second Trump got in they were because of him and 100% correct. Hannity lives by the credo that if you repeat something enough times everyone will start to believe it. That's the reason he says the same stuff night after night after night for years
DeleteSurprise! I don't have cable. I don't watch Hannity. I don't watch Savage. I don't watch Fox News. I form my own opinions about things and clearly Obama made Jimmy Carter look brilliant. Obama was the poorest excuse for a President this country has ever seen and we were never so fortunate as to not get stuck with Hillary. Trump is the best thing that has ever happened to this country and he came just in the nick of time. Watch closely while the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot, again, giving us four more years. #MAGA
Delete> Much of the country heaved, but I don't think it was a
Delete> sigh of relief.
Damn! Took the words right outta my keyboard.
Excuse me! Make that Keep America Great #KAG
DeleteYou can have your AOC socialist types. That's the future of the DNC and the future looks bleak. People are starting to wake up to their nonsense...and it is grand!
DeleteExactly. "By any means necesary" socialists, and we're supposed to be happy paying for it. The Democratic "party" is so over. The chips were stale, the drinks were watered down, and the transgender stripper didn't go over real big with the dudes.
DeleteI listen to him often. He did talk about this interview a few weeks ago. I liked what I read. He as you know did not like it. I will most most of the show today but will try and catch it on his pod cast.
ReplyDeleteI believe Savage is butt hurt fr: not being offered a cabinet position. In his own words, he is mainly responsible for getting Trump elected. Savage us jealous of Limbaugh and Hannity, and puts th em down daily. He also has a need to tell his listening audience several times a week about his education Ti on and best seller books. I do agree with a lot of his views, but as tu rn him off when he becomes a mean little man.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Savage wanted a cabinet position he is smart enough to know that he is not diplomatic enough, but then neither is Trump. He does taut his education and books. I'm not a Savage fan, but am trying to be fair. He might be jealous of Rush and Hannity, but he certainly have a point, I can't listen to either of them, they talk about the same all the time, have not, or at least does not voice it, an independent taught. Like I said not a Savage fan, but don't doubt his intellect, Hannity is just a lightweight, not sure about Rush, neither Hannity or Rush are dumb, but their show is boring and predictable, cannot say anything bad about Trump or good about Democrats, and as I wrote in an earlier blog at 3:34 both are hypocrites, because if Obama had said or done what Trump says and do, we would never hear the end of it. Actually I don't agree with many of Savage views, other than his defend of animals, and like that he can be critical of Trump and Republicans.
DeleteThis is not easy for me to write, I have been a sharp critic of Savage since I first came upon his show about 20 years ago. Having said that, I never doubted that Savage is very intelligent, I also never doubted that he is willing to rock the boat. Savage when he spew his hatred of liberals and immigrants is unlistenable, unless you agree with him. However, when he covers subjects you agree with him on he is very good. His love of animals and critic of Trump administration stand on big game hunting is excellent listen. Same with his critic of Bolton, and his weariness of getting into another Middle East war. He is very critical of Hannity and Rush, and I love listening to his take on those two, who are the height of hypocrisy, they defend even praise Trump on issues, that if Obama had done that we would never hear the end of it. Case in point, Hannity was critical of vacations Obama took, when he went to Martha's Vineyard, or played golf. Trump has already played more golf than Obama did in 8 years, and his trips and his family (he took most of his family to London with him on the taxpayers dime)has already cost more than Obamas vacations, not a peep from Hannity as far as I can tell, although I don't listen much to Hannity, he is a broken record these days (Hillary, fusion GPS).
ReplyDeleteLast week when I listened to Savage for awhile driving to work, he warned conservatives about Trump weakness, his narcissism, self absorption, he was quite good. His point was the base will stay with him, but a lot of independents is or will soon be tired of Trump and is not likely to vote for him in 2020. I like that Savage is independent, also perhaps he is softening in his twilight years. I had Rush on for about 10 minutes the other day, and a caller said the only 2 people I trust with the truth these days is you and Hannity. God help us. What happened to the independent American, a trait I always admired about Americans (although I have lived her for many years, I was born in Denmark and lived there to age 22) even if I disagreed.
> What happened to the independent American..?
DeleteI don't know, I've been wondering that since 1972, when it was revealed the majority of college students actually voted for Nixon.
Of course, no one would admit to it two short years later.
At 3:34, In other words, when you agree with him he's good and when you don't he's very very bad.
DeleteWell, yeah do you want me to agree with him even when I don't. We are talking about opinions, many people have good and bad opinions. I don't know the man personally, so don't know if he is good or bad, nor do l care. I suspect he, like most of us is a mixture of good and bad.
DeleteSo wait, you want Trump to build the wall? Just what is the take here? You're parading a right wing critic of Trump who's criticizing Trump for not being racist enough? No wonder the right wields so much power in this country even when they're the minority in Washington. As the saying goes, "with friends like these who needs enemies?"
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing racist about protecting our borders from an invasion. We can't even take care of our own citizens never mind the whole world. The extensive resources being used to provide services to illegal aliens could end the homeless problem plaguing big cities. People who ARE citizens, I might add, and who likely have paid their fair share of taxes at some point in their lives. A rearrangement of priorities is in order and Trump is the one to do it. Democrats certainly aren't doing much except trashing the President every chance they get. It seems to be the only thing on their "To Do List" anymore.
DeleteYou are misunderstanding my point. I don't want Trump to build a wall, I don't agree with Trump on pretty much any issue, nor do I agree with Savage. All I'm saying Savage is independent enough to be critical of Trump, yes he is upset about the wall, of which I said I don't agree. I do agree with Savage assessment of Bolton as a hawk and warmonger, I also agree with Savage in his defense of big game, and his disgust with the Trump sons practicing big game hunting. I agree with Savage perhaps 10% of the time, if that much. I was merely pointing out that at least Savage has the independence to disagree with Trump on certain issues, unlike Hannity and Rush who are just repeating right wing talking points. The point of my comments was not to praise or agree with Savage, it was merely pointing out his independence, whether I agree or not.
ReplyDeleteIgnore the noise. Look at the results.
ReplyDeleteI may have disagreed with Reagan & the Bushes, but I still respected them as they clearly believed in free speech and free country. I may have disagreed with Clinton & Obama, but I still respected them as they clearly believed in a democracy. Their bases were cool.
ReplyDeleteWhen I learned about Nixon, I was appalled, but he still knew the law and believed in a free republic, even when his later tapes seem to indicate otherwise. Earth Day, Title IX, Peace with China & Russia, Roe v Wade, respect toward NASA; I could still respect him posthumously. Ford pulled out of Vietnam but his pardoning of Nixon and having to hold off Reagan hurt him greatly; still, he was gracious with people and respected the Constitution. Easy to respect him. And Carter may have botched inflation, a hostage rescue, and Russia (should never have boycotted the Olympics); but his post-presidency work makes it clear he shall always be respected for his service & morals, even when disagreeing with him on policy. Each of their bases had good intentions and they and their 5 successors' bases showed true patriotism and an interest in respecting Rule of Law.
Trump and his base? They want to trample our Constitution and Rule of Law, and want to turn our democracy/republic into a theocracy or autocracy or even dictatorship. All because one, they want to use fetuses as pawns in their political games and discard young mothers as trash; and two, they refuse to face the real world that immigrants are going to continue to enter our country, even if we build Empire State/CN Tower-sized walls. These Hairpiece Cult followers are a threat to the well-being of millions of high anxiety-ridden stability-needy hard-working people who just want to cut red tape, solve problems, and work together without any provocation, aggravation, and whites-only hateful rhetoric. Most of our country is fed up with uncertainty and unfilled positions in the Cabinet that are a detriment to our efforts to turn public government into a strong public sector business. When is our country going to stand up to the do-nothing-all-image-no-work faces in the Administration, Senate, and Extremist Commentators, Pastors, Donors, and Moguls and demand accountability in words, deeds, and all actions? Stop the Jekyll-Hyde acts, and begin healing our country! Talk to people who care about our future; you won't get that from terrestrial radio, the internet, or TV.
Agree with a lot of what you are saying. Same here didn't often agree with past Republican President's, but respected them. Liked how Bush 41 had a sense of humor and invited Dana Carvey to the White House, even though 41 was the subject of his impressions. Can't imagine Trump doing that, he is so thin skinned. Like how Bush 43 has formed a friendship with Michelle Obama. Not only do I not agree with Trump on most of his positions, but I have a huge problem with his personality, and if he was liberal it would be the same. He is doing nothing to bring the country together, but is instead dividing it further, he insults people who disagree with him, can't laugh at himself, is narcissistic to the 9th degree, I could go on. He was very critical of Obama playing golf and promised he would not have time to play golf, but instead work on getting the country back on track, he has played more golf in his first term than Obama did in 8 years. Enough said the man is a disaster.
Delete@9:31 Get help. You are catastrophizing, drawing dooms day scenarios where they don't exist, and demonizing people who don't deserve your very focused hatred.
DeleteI like Mike!!!
ReplyDeleteThe road Trump travelled on to the White House was built by Mike Savage starting in 1994.
ReplyDeleteSavage has accomplished something no other man or woman has ever done. Who would have ever thought one person could develop enough power to control who would be elected the POTUS...Savage did it!!
He redirected the pulse of America. Presidential Medal of Freedom, maybe, but then again he's not a golfer, probably doesn't own a golf ball.
The Savage Nation has the power...watch him do it again!!
Trump's so-called base is actually a cult...
ReplyDeleteBlah blah blah. Republicans bad, Democrats good.
ReplyDeleteWe get it, you're a registered Democrat. You love the freebies at the expense of the future of the country.
Maybe apply to write for HuffPo and join the echo chamber over there?
As far as I can tell the Republicans and Trump has done nothing to rein in the spending. Your sentences Republicans bad, Democrats good, is nonsense, too simplistic. I have a feeling you think Republicans good Democrats bad, and nothing in between.
DeletePeople forget that Trump won key swing states (Penn, Florida,Michigan) by the barest of margins 0.5%. And he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million.
ReplyDeleteThe Independent vote put him over. This time around, he is not likely to get the Independent vote... He is fucked.
Trump is enjoying tremendous support from Independents. Especially from the undivided masses of pro-life, pro-gun, pro-God, pro-sovereignty, pro-capitalism, anti-immigration, anti-LGBT, anti-Mainstream Media, anti-poor, anti-environment ultra-righties.
DeleteThe democrats/liberals, on the other hand, are in an extremely fractious state. And their current number of candidates is an unfathomable mess; an absolute joke! The AOC/Bernie/Warren crowd despises the more moderate faction in the party; we're talking extreme contempt and division. Unfortunately, for them, they are clueless when it comes to the concept of unity.
If the election were held tomorrow, the democrats would suffer a Bible belting of landslide proportions.
A) the dems couldn't and still can't offer a reasonable candidate, and B) Savage has every right to be frustrated with the poor performance from the man he supported.