I see a Bay Area media that is pretty much stagnant. The TV outlets especially.
KGO, KNTV, KTVU, KPIX? There's a repetition there. Nobody is making a move. No one stands out. Drip, drip, drip.
Radio is dead. KGO has tried but so far there's a lot of bread pudding. Vanilla ice cream --no assortment flavors. FM has died too. Call the ghost of Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
Newspapers, like the rest in this country, are dying too. The Chronicle? Quit chuckling. SF Gate? If you love pizza recipes and pictures of mansions, then it's a great site. News? Fugeeet about it.
Wake me when there's a new beginning.
KFO so sad. at least some of the hosts actually take calls instead of just yelling out 808-0810 every 2 seconds. But Pat Thurston cannot stay. All she does is fiibuster & read with her screechie voice & mute any caller who does get in and disagrees with her. She is so horrid, boring and uninformed. Many times she has no idea that those who disagree with her are more informed and just want to let her know what the real deal is. So she just talks on & on for the 3 hours many times getting louder & screechier along the way. By 2:00 p.m. she is usually mad as a viper and twice as shrill. In a way it is entertaining just to hear her go on.
ReplyDeleteAmen Karen, amen on Thurston.
DeleteComing up on Pat Thurston:
Random WGAS topic
Tune in tomorrow for more of the same...
I like her. She is informed and smart. She's passionate about the issues, conscientious, and sincere. Pat is wonderful.
DeleteSo there are the 3 Trumpsters, you're so better since he's been in. Pat is brilliant.
DeleteIf you think she is informed, then YOU are not informed. She is a train wreck And hysterical, screeching in her responses. I have to lower the volume when she's off on her tangents.
DeleteI like her on her normal topics but politics? Lose her!
All the haters here can go to KSFO and get all the propaganda you can eat. Pat and John are the best KGO have. A&G are bush league, don't take callers and just laugh at their lame jokes. Put on news for 4 hours instead. The guy from LA should stay in LA,bad pick up for KGO. Chip's not bad.Late night is horrid with John Batchelor. Put on Mike Malloy.
DeleteAnd I see 2 jackasses. You know, just like the DNC party mascot...
Delete8:22 can I have some of what you're smoking?
DeleteYou sound like you never miss a show!
DeleteThink KGO was the call letter station name -- just another example of people spitting out s*** without doing their homework. KFSO is another local one, as well...
DeleteSan Jose Merc still decent. Nobody watches local news. Those days are over. Most in to Fox, CNN, MSNBC.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say it but I think the old time TV and radio news and talk are long gone. The BS that is put in front of are face and ears is horrid. KGO 7 News "Building A Better Bay Area" SUCKS. How about some real F%$#ing news. Is there anywhere in the country that still has a regular news cast?
ReplyDeleteour not are sorry
DeleteThank-G-d for Sirius radio.
ReplyDeleteSfgate.com loves to feature stories about wealthly white liberals who work in Silicon Valley.
ReplyDeleteThat is their target audience.
Need an example? see the Twitter CEO.
He doesn't work or live in the Silicon Valley. Idiot.
DeleteWhite and Chinese.
Deletesfgate "news" is so biased they make no attempt to disguish anything not sf yuppie cool. And, what's with the videos that autoplay against your stated wishes. I can't spend any time reading their "news" because they drain my battery and cause my phone to overheat I have a couple of things I rely on there, but I have to get in and get out quickly before they turn my phone into a hand warmer.
DeleteRight on 2:42. Sirius radio is about it for now.The Chronicle Green for sports is still OK also.
ReplyDeleteNobody watches TV news anymore, Rich, except you. They could put up the test pattern every night instead of the news for a month and no one would notice. That's why I can't understand why local reporters have such big egos. NOBODY cares what they do and hasn't since the 1990s.
ReplyDeleteI don't know 75% of the people on TV or Radio. I don't care about local news and get national news online along with Sports. I just listen to the Game morning and afternoon drive, talent is far from great but it is good enough to listen too, as KNBR is unlistenable.
ReplyDeleteBring back Karel, he was an entertaining train wreck. Interesting point his wiki page is much larger than Mike Shumann's
ReplyDeleteThe state of Bay Area media is not good at all. Both all-sports stations lack content. One of them doesn't lack for commercials and garbage programming. If you want to hear people talk about sports in a constructive and meaningful manner, get SiriusXM. There's a channel for everyone's tastes. The Comical is a joke, but maybe they did something right -- where's Bennie Fong's occasional shrill ass-kissing, self-indulgent column called "Radio Waves"? Hasn't been around. Thank goodness. TV news lacks too. It all sucks locally.
ReplyDeleteDilbert bosses running all major local TV stations? I guess we shouldn't be too surprised at the local inaction that 3 of the 4 network HQs cannot do a thing about. Of course, there is one network HQ that encourages doing nothing like the bluegrass turtle.
ReplyDeleteI have three kids....ages 24, 21, and 17. They were/are straight-A students, having graduated/currently enrolled at great colleges; the 17-year old is an honors student in High School.
ReplyDeleteNONE of them watches local TV news. My 17-year old has never, ever watched--the two older kids sparingly watched while growing up (by sparingly, I mean maybe one or twice a month...just to watch weather).
Neither my wife nor I watch, either (I got out of local news 12-years ago...as a former writer/producer. My wife is an attorney). The last time I remember watching was about ten years ago.
Based on conversations/observations with friends, family members, and co-workers, I think my family is representative of most educated, middle-class (and those above us) families when it comes to not watching local TV news.
If NO ONE is watching, how do they stay on the air????
ReplyDelete17-24 year olds have never watched TV news. That’s why Geritol always sponsored Walter Cronkite back in the day. Humans have to get married, buy a house or otherwise get some skin in the game before watching to find out what is happening locally. (It becomes more important to see how daily happenings or community decisions might affect their property values or commute times as examples). I agree there are more ways to receive local news with streaming and with alerts on our phones, but you still need the local crews to gather it.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up in some areas, Baby Booners were required to watch the evening news to be informed of current events which were then topics of discussion in class the following day. Frequently, there were assignments as homework related to the evening news for which the student was graded. It set a habit for certain of that generation which doesn't appear to be observed today. We were trained young to be informed about local and national current events by watching the news.
ReplyDeleteI miss real radio and real TV. Now they all look like they were turned out of a cookie cutter and sound like it too. All the ladies have the same hairstyle and god forbid anyone would actually have an independant view of how to report anything! I tune in so I can get a story on what is happening and I can make up my own mind on what I think about that. These days everyone feeds you the same line and sorry to say, most people believe it is gospel. Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite where are you? or Gene Burns, Jim Eason, Pete Wilson, Frank Dill, so many more that provided a platform so we could actually hear discussion and sometimes debate of issues of the day. No wonder the millenials are buried in their phones with video games. They are more stimulating and woe by unto us for a future of any kind.