Mr. Radnich and Cumulus: Double Indignity, let's call it for what it is. It could be worse but I'm trying to be diplomatic.
They all met last week before the retirement. (Ha!) He was pushed out the door, not literally but figuratively. He was all giddy and bubbly and doing his usual Don Rickles act when suddenly, after Thursday's show, he was told to meet the suits on Friday and that they would suddenly talk about his (Raddy) future on the show.
At that point, Radnich knew something was up; Greg Papa was coming to KNBR and having two well-compensated hosts on air in the morning was a waste of money; money that Cumulus didn't have budgeted out and money for someone entering his 70th birthday next February; they were ready to do the dirty deed.
Radnich was "planning on retiring" anyway but that's not the deal. He felt young at heart and thought decent ratings were his ticket to at least a few more years. He was wrong. There was never ever any indication he was considering retiring --he has considerable money but he also has considerable overhead: a daughter in an expensive college in NY; two kids from his current wife at home; an expensive house with a mortgage and still reeling a bit from his first wife's divorce. He's not starving but the bills on his desk aren't disappearing. Damn right he wanted to work more (if you call hosting a radio show,work) so he could pay his bills and get the next service on his
By now, I should (you too) not be surprised how much they botch up shit like this but boy they botch. It's not just the act of throwing someone to the street (and Radnich was essentially told to go with some dog biscuits and a petite filet) it's the manner in which to execute it, which is rotten to the core. It also goes a long way to demonstrate to their audience here.They have NO regard for you, Joe, Jane, John, John Jr, Sr, --they just go about their dirty work and to hell with good will. Cumulus has an excuse as they are hemorrhaging money and conducting business (for the most part in the red) Their little cash cows, (like KNBR) are delving into into financial quagmire but that's pretty much inevitable because the Giants have been the shits for three years now and the Clouds' SF entities aren't very fiscally sound. That's why at night you hear 7 straight PSAs after a Giants game. I'm guessing they got newbie, Mark Willard, on a wholesale deal because retail isn't exactly kicking.
Radnich will conduct his show-and-tell finale and wander off into the wilderness; he'll spew forth Monday that he was "retiring" all along and that good old Cumulus was so "kind and generous" that he took their offer to speed up the process. Yeah, right, and I'm George Clooney.
Gary and Cumulus: no shame. No self-respect. No sound business even when business is as fucked up as it is at Cumulus, that's their specialty. Even when they hire the executioner, they get the equipment at the dollar store. They just don't have a fucking clue. They never have.
I can't wait for the carnival show on Monday. And I hope you take it all with a grain of salt. And PLEASE, don't believe the Chronicle bullshit and their press release journalism --furthermore, if you buy this trash too, save it and send it to me so I can purchase some Jack-In-The-Box tacos, I just love 'em.
Jack-in-the-Box Tacos are the best!
ReplyDeleteI was never a big fan of Uncle Gary but he really warmed on me the last few years, I guess for nostalgia's sake (he and Tony Bruno were great together), or maybe because, by comparison, he is better than the tripe being offered as local sports talk radio these days. But I feel bad that this is his send off. And that he even agreed to come back for a "retirement party" episode. It seems beneath the man. Have a little dignity, Gary. Don't let them send you out like this. Go out with gun's a'blazing, double middle fingers to the man, and let it hang loose. Ralph Barbieri, at least, had a little fight in him when he was forced out. Don't sugar coat it. Speak your mind tomorrow.
As far as Papa, I've lost a ton of respect for him over the last few years. He projects himself as a morally principled, politically sensitive man of the people. But really, he's all about the money and the prestige. And I would be OK with that -- as long as he was honest about who he really is.
Fitz -- what a surprise. I thought the man was literally indestructible, like a cockroach he could survive any war, coup, or bloody insurrection. I'm shocked. Pretty sure he will re-emerge somewhere else, mostly unscathed, and reinvigorated. Sorry to all the Fitz haters who were looking forward to his comeuppance and destruction. Not likely to happen
I believe RL in regards to the Bentley. But I can also say that I am connected on Facebook to numerous ex-newspaper sportswriters who will always be grateful that Radnich gave them an opportunity to recognized for their work when KRON Sports had their glory years in the 1990s.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could say the truth lies in the middle, but with GR, there was never any middle ground as we all know. Proof was in his last few years when he expressed his non-sports views. Time is up. Wish the Dickeys could get their comeuppance. Maybe next year.
Gary Radnich is a pudgy bloated asshole. Bay Area Media is much better off without his fat ass!
ReplyDeleteKarma's a bitch. I feel bad for you.
DeleteShe married way way way up when she met Gary. She wouldn't have anywhere near the life she has now if not for Gare. Such a good man.
DeleteI'll never forget Fitz the first few years on TV. Suits right off the rack Sears. He's pulled in some nice bucks since, but he remains, a "wannabe". I don't think he's respected by Warrior players or the media in general. The calculus equals = loser.
ReplyDeleteAgree 9:35AM -- Fitz is a job thief. He stole Papa's gig with the Warriors. What respect he did have up until that point vanished. The only reason it didn't get more play in the media is that Papa is as big a jerk as Fitz. I woud love to have Ted Robinson on the Warrior telecasts. He also went to Notre Dame, but doesn't remind us on a consistent basis as the low self esteem Fitz must.
DeleteHas Gary Radnich considered working at Sports 1140 KHTK in Sacramento?
ReplyDeleteHe would be a good addition to their lineup.
Maybe working with Carmichael Dave.
Radio is a cold business in that many people don't get to leave on their own terms, i.e. a goodbye show. In most businesses when a person is let go fore reasons other than violating company rules i.e. fired they are allowed to have a goodbye party to say farewell to co workers. Not in radio. At KRON they gave Gary a big sendoff with the last day broadcast with clips of past shows etc. Many people in radio have found out they have done their last show after the program director calls the on air person into the office and says decisions have been made and a new person is going to be in your slot next Monday. Radio is a cold business.
ReplyDeleteI have to give Larry Krueger credit today. He did a great job today mentioning the good memories of Gary Radnich and taking calls and getting everyone else's favorite memories and moments of Gary. I'm sure it wasn't easy for him, but if Gary listened to this, I'm sure he would've been proud.
ReplyDeleteEven though I felt Gary should've retired a little while ago, at the same time, I respect what Gary has been able to do in his career and for how long he did it. It's rare when guys in sports media last that long.
Say what one will about Gary Radnich, I didn't know the guy, but I will miss him as the kind of sportscaster nearly extinct today, who didn't treat local teams' winning and losing as life and death.
ReplyDeletegone and forgotten, he had his 15